Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1036

Chapter 1036

Mention Mu purple, Xiaoyan naturally thought of that person.

The light in her eyes suddenly darkened a lot, then she faintly laughed: "she is pregnant now, the fetus is a little unstable, I don't trust her to run around. So I'd better wait until she's finished. I'll introduce her to my parents. "


So it was settled.

Xiaoyan originally thought that her parents would object to her opening a shop. Before she came, she thought of many things to say. If her parents didn't agree, she would give some examples.

I didn't expect it to go so well.

There are so many things to prepare because of the opening of the shop. After discussing with her parents, Xiaoyan began to look at the location nearby. It took a day or two, but didn't see the right store.

Finally, Luo Huimei told her.

"When I went to the park in the morning, I met a few friends. When talking about this, they happened to have some news. They told me that there is a store at the South Road entrance, which is very suitable for us, so we can go and have a look at it when we are free."

"South Road entrance?" Xiao Yan subconsciously wrinkled her nose. She actually wanted to buy the place directly, so that she would not have to worry about paying the rent every year. Moreover, she could live on the second floor of the shop.

According to the money she has, she should be able to buy a medium-sized lot. If it is too bad, she can't afford it any more.

At this moment, hearing the South Road entrance, Xiaoyan suddenly hesitated.

Because she knew that nanlukou is the commercial street with the largest number of people. There are already many restaurants just for eating. Generally, the shops in this commercial area will not be sold directly. They will only rent or sublet, which can be regarded as a long-term income.

The rent is high, the store is small, and the competition pressure is still great.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing that she was sitting still, Luo Huimei asked in a voice: "I asked, although the South Road entrance is competitive, you have to think that the business in the competitive place is good. Besides, you are so good at cooking, and you are afraid of others?"

"But ma..."

"As the saying goes, real gold is not afraid of fire. Does Yan Yan in our family have no confidence in his cooking?"

Xiaoyan is speechless. How could she have no confidence in her cooking skills? She just thinks that the high rent and high competitiveness of the commercial street will make her busy in order to do business. Moreover, if you want to compete with others, you may have to add ingredients and adjust the price.

In a word, Xiaoyan felt that he did more work and made less money.

And if it's in a cold area, it's less work and less money.

Xiaoyanxin has a measure. The location of the commercial street is not what she wants. She just wants to open a small shop to support herself and her parents.

She didn't want to be rich or anything.

However, Luo Huimei did not know what she was thinking. Seeing that she had been standing there in a daze, she simply took her arm: "while it is not yet noon, let's hurry over and see, if the location is good, your father and I will support you in money matters."

Xiaoyan did not have time to say anything, she was pulled away by Luo Huimei.


as time flies by, things in Han Muzi company have finally stabilized, and ye Mo is afraid of her hard work. Therefore, Xiao Su is specially asked to find someone to manage the company for her, so that she can go to the company in the future and rest at home if she doesn't want to go.

Han Muzi also has no objection. After all, she knows that her baby is unstable, because there are too many things happened during her pregnancy and she has been hit by many.

Therefore, after listening to the doctor's words, Han Muzi also felt that if she could take care of her fetus, she would definitely choose to take care of it.

Except sometimes, she had to do it herself.

As for the night Mo Shen over there, Han Muzi doesn't know what he is in the end, although she wants to take Xiaomi Dou to her side as soon as possible.

But this selfish idea, Han Muzi has not put forward.

After all, after all, after all, after returning home, the two companies have been very busy and exhausted. In addition, ye Moshen also handled the company's affairs for her.

These are not to say, only by night Mo deep memory touched things, his body and spirit will be greatly damaged.

So at this time, Han Muzi did not dare to mention Xiaomi Dou and old man weichi. josei

Just at home, and Xiaomi Dou video.

"Mommy, Mommy, when will Bad Daddy pick up my great grandfather and go back home?"

Like this day, when the mother and son wechat video, Xiaomi Dou asked Han Muzi with great expectation at the end of the video.

In the face of his son's expectant eyes, Han Muzi couldn't bear it. He could only say in a soft voice: "wait a minute, ha Xiaomi Dou, when all the domestic affairs are handled, I'll pick you up and Zeng's grandfather, OK?"

Xiaomi Dou originally wanted to ask, but suddenly she saw Han Muzi's sad face between her eyes and eyebrows. When she got to her mouth, she immediately swallowed it back and changed it into: "OK, anyway, Xiaomi Dou is not in a hurry to go back. It's very interesting abroad. Every day, grandfather Zeng takes me to many places. If mum wants to pick up Xiaomi Dou, she should tell Xiaomi Dou in advance, Xiaomi Beans need more places to play. "He said very excited, even when the eyebrows and eyes were stained with the color of expectation, as if he was really happy.

Han Muzi can't tell whether Xiaomi Dou is really happy or not.

Later she thought, children should not have so much thought.

Maybe he really likes to stay abroad?

"Xiaomi Dou, if you feel aggrieved, tell mommy, and Mommy will find a way for you, Mommy Hope you are a dependent on my baby, do not need you how strong, do you know? "

When saying these words, Han Muzi's fingers gently stroked Xiaomi Dou's cheek across the screen.

But these, millet beans can not feel.

"Mommy, Xiaomi Dou is not aggrieved. Great grandfather and Daddy are the same, and Xiaomi Dou will be with mommy soon."

After Han Muzi said those words, Xiaomi Dou felt a little sour in his nose and seemed to have something in his eyes.

Just at this time, someone called him outside, and Xiaomi Dou said: "Mommy, it must be grandfather Zeng who will take Xiaomi Dou out to play again. Xiaomi Dou left first, and came back to send photos to Mummy at night."

"Well, be careful."

After that, the video hangs up.

In such a big room, a little man sat on the sofa. He was staring at his mobile phone and didn't say a word.

A moment later, the little body curled up into a ball, Xiaomi Dou buried his head in his knee for the first time.

After mum's words just now, Xiaomi Dou felt very sour and wanted to cry

But I can't. mummy has been very hard, taking him by herself.

But she never said anything, and she would not lose her temper to Xiaomi Dou because of her bitterness.

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