Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

I'm sorry to see him take the initiative to make room for his gift.

When Xiao Su was called by Xiao Yan, he came back to his mind in a trance.

He came today to give presents.

Although Xiao's heart is full of little news before, but his heart is full of small news.

He found that he preferred a little baby fat face.

Now she is too thin.

"Congratulations on the opening of the new store. I only learned about the news today. The gifts were selected in a hurry. I hope you can enjoy them."

Xiao Su presented his present to him.

, and Han Muzi, who is up stairs, has heard Xiao Su's words. She has twitched her lips slightly and can not make complaints about it. Silently, she has tucked up her husband's voice in the heart.

This kind of words sounds very official, as if the two people are very strange relationship.

Han Muzi looked back at Xiao Su, but was held by the night Mo deep waist, cold voice: "concentrate on, don't fall."

Hearing this, Han Muzi came back to her senses. She glanced at Mo Shen at night and complained in a low voice.

"Before, I wanted to tell my brother about Xiaoyan. You asked me not to interfere in other people's affairs, saying that there was too little time left for us. What's going on now? If you don't let me interfere, you help Xiao Su, double label? "

After stepping over the last stair sill, they formally went to the second floor. The night Mo Shen's hands around her waist loosened a little, and it seemed that they didn't have so much concern.

But at this moment, he raised his eyes and quietly looked at her, and whispered, "who said I brought Xiao Su?"

"Why didn't you bring it?"

"If he asked you, would you refuse?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

Downstairs, the atmosphere is embarrassing.

Xiaoyan listened to the other party's official language, can only accept the gift, the official smile: "thank you, will like, have a heart."

The conversation between the two did not make Zhou and his wife suspicious. Moreover, Zhou's father knew Xiao Su and knew that he was yeshao's right-hand man, and he was almost everywhere he went.

Therefore, he did not come to his daughter's shop tonight, and Xiao Su, as an assistant, followed him. Since others had come, it was reasonable to buy some gifts, so Zhou's father didn't think so much about it.

After the gift was sent, Zhou's father immediately called Xiao Su to sit down.

Facing Xiaoyan's parents, Xiao Su is very unnatural, some can't let go, sitting in front of them is very restrained.

"Assistant Xiao, Xiao Ye always works here, and ye won't get angry?"

Xiao Su just sat down, Zhou's father lowered his voice and asked carefully.

No way, he really can't figure out the temper of the General Manager Ye. He can't guess. We don't dare to ask, but assistant Xiao is different. He's more talkative.

Sure enough, after listening to his inquiry, Xiao Su began to explain to him seriously and seriously.

"Manager Zhou, you don't have to worry. Xiaomi Dou has been with Xiaoyan for many years, and the relationship has been very good. Night little won't get angry."

How dare you be angry at night? My grandmother is here.

Don't be angry. He just said one more sentence, which was restrained by the young grandmother, and then explained for the first time.

This is the first time Xiao Su has seen it.

After hearing this, Zhou's father nodded at ease, and then said with a smile, "that's good, that's good. I'm afraid of offending the general manager of the night."

"You talk. I'll go inside first."

Xiao Yan sees that Xiao Su and her father are chatting well, so she doesn't stand at the same place and goes directly into it. Luo Huimei also gets up.

"Yan Yan, mom will help you."

Xiao Su looked at Xiao Yan's figure and was in a daze for a moment.

At least in the future, he should not stay away from her After hearing her name, Xiao Su still did not control himself, and then bought a gift to send over.

He doesn't know what he's doing, he doesn't know if it's right

But Xiao Su knew that he should do something, otherwise There is really no hope.

When Zhou's father looked up, he found Xiao Su staring at something. He looked back and found that it was the direction of his daughter's disappearance. As a person who came here, he blinked and felt as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

"Sister Xiaoyan."

After Xiaoyan went in, the two helpers she asked said hello to her. ,

"well, you keep busy."

Finish saying that she also began to start busy, Luo Huimei this time gather together to her side, whispered: "your friend, happiness ah."

"Ah?"This sudden sentence made Xiao Yan puzzling. She didn't understand what her mother was saying.

"Mom? What do you mean

"Just your friend Mu Zi."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing, mom just sighed. She married the right person." Luo Huimei stood by Xiaoyan's side and said seriously: "usually listen to what your father said, that night is not always a person to be provoked. Moreover, I think that man is very beautiful, rich and beautiful, but is eaten by your friends. Do you think she is happy or not?"

Small Yan Leng next, originally is to say Mu purple.

Muzi now looks very happy, but she has also experienced a lot of things before, she and the night little things Xiaoyan almost know, the previous experience is also very bitter.

But these little Yan did not intend to tell Luo Huimei, just nodded in agreement. ,

"well, I'm really happy."

"In a woman's life, marriage is very important. Marriage is a woman's second life, if married to a bad one, it is equivalent to jumping into a fire pit. So Xiaoyan My mother thinks that if you want to look for someone like Ye Zong, who knows how to hurt his wife and is willing to protect you. "

These words Xiaoyan did not take seriously, the truth is that we all understand.

But not everyone is so lucky.

She is not Han Muzi. She can't meet the night that belongs to her. josei

She was just a little girl, and then she fell in love with an impossible person.

"Did you hear what mom told you?"


"What do you think?"

"What can I think? Mom, can you see what kind of virtue your daughter has? If you want money, if you want beauty, if you want beauty, I have nothing... "

Speaking of this, Xiaoyan seems to have touched something sad, and her eyes are red.

Luo Huimei was stunned at her red eyes, and Xiaoyan realized that she was too impolite. She forced herself to smile: "well, mom, don't worry about my life. I'll do it myself."

If one day, she can give up Han Qing completely, she will try to like others.

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