Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1075

Chapter 1075

In fact, this is also very good.

In the future, I'll hide all my feelings of liking him to the deepest part of my heart, and I will never let it come out to see the sun.

The mobile phone rang again, Xiaoyan found that it was a short message sent by Xiao su.

"Where are you out of the hospital?"

His face changed slightly. Just now, because he was too nervous, he forgot all the things he wanted to explain to him.

Xiao Yan quickly returns the message to Xiao su.

"I'm on my way to the hospital. You don't have to come to pick me up. Thank you."

When Xiao Su received this message, she felt bitter on the tip of her tongue.

Don't even give him a chance to show off? josei

But even so, Xiao Su was still a little worried about her personal safety, so she replied.

"Give me the license plate number. Be careful."

License plate number?

Xiao Yan twisted her eyebrows. Xiao Su thought that she was taking a private car or a taxi to let her go? Xiao Yan simply returned: "no, I am in the car of general manager Han, he has something to go back to the hospital to look for Muzi."

Seeing this message, Xiao Su looked at it several times, as if he was confirming something.

A moment later, he looked at the mobile phone and burst into laughter.

I see.

When she got to the hospital, Xiao Yan just got off the bus and saw a familiar figure standing not far away. At first she thought she was wrong. Dingqing took a look and found it was Xiao su.

Is it him?

Xiao Yan remembered that he had been out of the hospital when he called him. He thought he should have gone up now, but he was still downstairs.

Seeing Xiao Yan, Xiao Su showed a gentle smile. Under the soft light, the terrible scar on his face softened a little bit, "coming?"

Such Xiao Su, Xiao Yan doesn't know what mood he is, feeling a little complicated.

She nodded. "Why don't you go up there?"

"What are you doing up there? Aren't you coming? I'll wait for you here by the way. "

Someone can pick her up by the way. Why can't he wait for her here by the way?


Xiaoyan was blushed by Xiao Su's straightforward words, and her ears were scalded. If she remembered correctly, she remembered that she had said to Xiao Su before. Her mood had not been sorted out, so that he would not disturb him.

Now he is

Did he think he was in a good mood?

In fact, a while ago, Xiaoyan's mood was calm.

But after seeing Han Qing, her brain began to mess up again.

"President Han."

Is thinking, Xiao Su toward the direction behind her called a smile on his face, "young grandmother is waiting for you upstairs."

Han Qing glanced over his face without a trace, and then went upstairs with a light hum.

After he left, Xiao Yan's eyes moved subconsciously along his figure, but Xiao Su suddenly blocked her in front of her and blocked Han Qing's figure.

"Cold or not? Hungry or not? Since they have something to say, I'll take you to eat? " Although she is asking, she feels like she is making a decision.

Of course, if Xiaoyan refuses, he can't force her to go with him.

But Xiaoyan is not so uninteresting. When her brother and sister talk, what's the fun for her?

So she nodded.

"Well, I'm just a little hungry."

In addition to the residents nearby, most of the downstairs of the hospital are large pharmacies, one by one, and occasionally several clothes sellers. Because there are a lot of people accompanying the hospital, there are also many businesses nearby who open shops to eat.

They found a shop nearby and went in.

In fact, for Xiaoyan, she has no appetite at all, but she doesn't want to go upstairs for the time being.

Each ordered a bowl of pasta and sat down face to face.

Xiao Su was probably really hungry. After sitting down, he first took a sip of soup, and then began to eat noodles attentively.

The other party's serious attitude made Xiaoyan embarrassed not to eat, so he took the spoon to drink a few mouthfuls of soup, and then ate noodles along with the fate.

The boss is a kind man.

It's probably too late now, and there are fewer people coming to eat, so they add a lot of meat to their bowls.

If this bowl is finished, can she still sleep tonight?

Xiao Yan drank the soup in silence.

"Don't like it?" Xiao Su looked at her bowl full of food and asked.

After hearing this, Xiao Yan regained his mind and shook his head: "no, no, I just suddenly remembered that if I eat too much now, I will not be able to sleep at night. I'll just drink a few mouthfuls of soup."

Xiao Su didn't know what to say. She just gave her a smile and stopped talking.In fact, he wanted to say a few more words, but he didn't know what to say. He was afraid that too much would arouse the other party's antipathy.

When the food was almost finished, Xiaoyan put down the spoon, and Xiao Su got up and went to the counter to check out.

Xiao Yan catches up.

"I'll do it."

Who knows Xiao Su already blink of an eye to settle the account, and then call her out of the shop, Xiaoyan Leng for a moment, and then catch up with the way: "we AA? I'll give you the money for the noodles. "

Hearing this, Xiao Su stopped and looked back at her helplessly.

"It's just a bowl of noodles. You don't have to bear the psychological burden."

Xiaoyan, who was stabbed in her mind:.... "

"Although I like you, you don't think I'm inviting you to eat noodles on purpose? I'm just hungry and I don't want to eat alone, so I'll call you along

Is that right? Xiao Yan blinked her eyes gently.

"So there is no pressure. I still remember what you said. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Xiaoyan didn't know what was going on. She just felt relieved.

Of course she knew that Xiao Su liked herself, and for a long time.

Because she likes a person, knows this kind of feeling sad, she does not have the heart to hurt each other, but she can't give him anything, so it is very tangled.

Two people went to the hospital building, together into the elevator, the elevator is quiet, only each other's breathing sound.

"Xiao su."

Xiao Yan suddenly called out to him.

"Xiao Su side head," eh

"You - don't waste your time on me. It's not worth it." Xiaoyan raised her head, and their eyes were on the air. She chose a more euphemistic way to refuse him. "You know I have other people in my heart. You only waste time here. I have known you for so many years. You are really good and excellent. You can find it..."

After the words have not finished, but was interrupted by Xiao su.

"Xiaoyan, do you think I'm a very good person. Since I think I'm excellent, why don't you try with me? "

Xiao Yan breathes heavily.

She just wanted to turn him down a little, but she didn't know he came here.

Xiao Su walked forward a few steps, approached Xiaoyan, and his aura became strong: "maybe, we can really try, maybe we are a match made by nature."

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