Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1103

Chapter 1103

Ah! Why didn't he give her back?

If she remembers correctly, the pocket he put the medicine in later should be the same as the mobile phone. How can the medicine be returned to her, but the mobile phone doesn't remember?

Think of here, Xiaoyan is very depressed, but there is no way, after all, people have left, can only use the home phone to call Luo Huimei.

When Luo Huimei heard that she had returned home early, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"What's the matter? Why did you go home early? Is there something wrong, Xiao Yan? "

"Without mom, I'm just tired of hanging out and the store is too noisy, so I want to go home and sleep in secretly. Do you have any problem?"

When talking, Xiaoyan also vomited toward the phone and made a face.

As a result, her expression was tragic, because she pulled the wound, which made her take a breath of cold air.

"Yan Yan, what's the matter?" Luo Huimei heard her breath carefully.

Xiaoyan quickly clarified.

"It's OK, it's OK. I accidentally kick it on the table and it hurts me..."

"You are such a big girl. You don't know how to pay attention to it. You also kick the table. It's not a child's job." Luo Huimei began to fragmentary read about her daughter at the end of the phone.

"Oh, mother, I was not careful? Don't talk about me any more. My ears are going to cocoon. Well, I'm really tired. I want to go to bed and I won't talk to you any more

"OK, you know how to be lazy when you open a shop. Your father and I are young enough to stand up to setbacks. If we were older, we would have to stop cooking."

"Hee hee, mom and dad are the best. I love you all. Well, I really don't want to say goodbye, mojo."

With that, Xiao Yan quickly hung up the phone, and then with a sigh of relief, limped back to his room.

She changed her clothes and lay down to rest.

After lying down, I close my eyes, but my mind is full of pictures in the club box.

The man with the cigarette grabbed her hair across his face, dragged her into the box and slapped her in the face.

Damn, how can there be such a violent person? It's like a nightmare.

Thinking about it, Xiaoyan fell asleep.

Finally, the dream was full of pictures of her being abused and beaten. In the dream, no one came to rescue her. She was torn by someone's hair, clothes, all kinds of injuries on her body. Xiao Yan's voice was hoarse, and no one came to rescue her.

"No, no Don't do this to me. Don't come here... "

"Yan Yan, it's mom. Wake up quickly." Luo Huimei sat by the bed, looking at her daughter in a nightmare, gently holding her shoulder and shaking, trying to wake her up.

However, Xiao Yan is like a nightmare. No matter what Luo Huimei calls her, she doesn't wake up. Instead, the situation worsens. She cries for help while crying.

"Yan Yan, it's all fake. Wake up quickly."

Xiao Yan screamed and finally opened her eyes.

As soon as I opened my eyes, all the horrible visions in the dream disappeared. Instead, there was a warm and bright bedroom. There were no disgusting faces and voices around. There was only a gentle, anxious and worried face.


Xiao Yan's first reaction is to sit up and hold Luo Huimei tightly. Then she can't help crying.

Luo Huimei was stunned.

Since Xiaoyan's adulthood, she seldom cried in front of her. Although the daughter has a bit of willful and stubborn temper, she never puts her grief and sadness in front of her parents.

Because of her appearance, Luo Huimei knows Xiaoyan too well.

Just in the phone, she noticed something was wrong, so after hanging up, she discussed with Zhou's father and went home to have a look.

After returning home, Luo Huimei was relieved to see that Xiaoyan's shoes were indeed there.

So she found Xiaoyan in the room. She thought she was thinking too much when she was sleeping. When she came closer, she found that her face was swollen.

Luo Huimei see the injury, immediately angry can not, just want to rush out to call old Zhou, but heard Xiao Yan's call.

It turned out that Xiao Yan had a nightmare.

Combined with all her reactions before and after, Luo Huimei can almost be sure that her daughter was bullied.

Xiaoyan cried for a long time. Halfway through the tears, her mood suddenly stopped. She wiped away her tears and looked at Luo Huimei with red eyes.

"Mom, why did you come back all of a sudden?"

After hearing this, Luo Huimei said heartily, "my daughter is crying like this. Why don't I come back? Why, I don't come back, you still want to hide from me? Dead girl, I am your mother. How can you not tell me when you are hurt because you are so big

Xiao Yan was trained and couldn't help sniffing, "I don't want you to worry.""Oh, do you want to worry about yourself when you are hurt? Do you know that we will be heartbroken if we know it? If you don't want us to worry about it, the right way is to tell us immediately. Your parents will help you out and take you to the hospital. "

Xiaoyan didn't speak. Although her own starting point may be good, it's really wrong to hide from her parents. After all, they are really worried about her.

"Well, look what you're crying like, what's going on? Can you tell mom now josei

After thinking about it, Xiaoyan still told Luo Huimei what happened in the club. At first, Luo Huimei could keep calm. After hearing that, her eyes almost got angry, and then she jumped out of bed and rushed out.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Xiao Yan resisted the pain on her feet and stopped her.

"Don't stop me. I'm going to chop those ten million bastards and bully my daughter. Do you really think I'm a vegetarian? Son of a bitch, if I don't chop their heads off, I won't be named Luo! "

Her daughter suffered a loss, Luo Huimei can be said to be furious, the heart of killing people have.

"Mom, they are all in the police station. The police will deal with it. Don't make trouble."

"What happened to the police station? I'm a mother. Can't I speak for my daughter? "

"They will be punished and punished according to law. Don't do it again. My leg hurts and I can't hold you back..."

Luo Huimei was stunned for a moment and looked down at her daughter's leg.

"You hurt your leg, too?"

Xiaoyan nodded: "hit green, but took a film, the doctor said the bone is no problem, cultivation a few days will be OK."

Although she was angry again, Luo Huimei found that her daughter's leg was also injured, so she didn't cry to hit people any more. She could only help her daughter to sit down on the bed and then look at the wound for her.

"Are you sure there's no bone fracture? Do you want to take a film in another hospital? It's always good to be careful. "

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