Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

Shen Qiao goes into the bathroom, and she dislikes the stench she gives off.

But before that, she was really angry.

Those people worked under the Yeshi group, mocking her and yemoshen.

As long as the thought that he was secretly ridiculed by his employees for being disabled, Shen Qiao felt very angry.

Why can these people laugh at others so wantonly? What's good for them?

The flower sprinkles from the top of the head, wet Shen Qiao's whole body.

She took off her smelly clothes and opened the bathroom exhaust.

The shoulder was scalded by boiling water when it was very painful, Shen Qiao subconsciously went to the side of two steps.

"Kowtow --" outside came the voice of the cold night, Shen Qiao reflexively hugged himself.

"Brother and sister, there is a shower gel in it. You can use it yourself. I'll go out first. My assistant will come to see you later."

"Oh, OK."

SHEN Qiao nodded. She is too dirty now and must take a bath.

So there's not so much to worry about.

About twenty minutes later, someone in the lounge seemed to have pushed in and knocked on her door.

"Who?" It was quiet for a long time, so Shen Qiao asked with some vigilance.

she just washed away the filth, and now she was foaming at it.

There was no answer outside. Shen Qiao was stunned for a moment. He went to the door and asked again, "who is it?"

After a long silence outside, there was a cold man's voice.

"It's me."

Shen Qiaoqi was stunned for a moment, and then reacted suddenly. The voice was not Is it a night?

At the thought of Mo Shen at this time, Shen Qiao's uneasy mood is even more uneasy now. Only then suddenly reaction comes over, now she stays in other people's bathroom to take a bath, the night Mo Shen certainly will be angry with her.

For a moment, Shen Qiao was too flustered to know what to do.

"Open the door."

The night is not deep.

Shen Qiao's face changed and whispered, "no, no way."

The night outside the bathroom, Mo frowned deeply. He looked down at the bag in his hand and said in a cold voice, "I say the last time, open the door."

Shen Qiao:

Again! Every time before he got angry, he spoke in that tone.

Shen Qiao was still afraid of him in the bottom of his heart. Finally, after a few hesitations, he opened the door slowly. The whole person hid behind the door panel, only half of his head came out to see the night.

The night Mo Shen's eyes are cold and secluded, and the body is like a wild animal, emitting a cold breath, which makes people not cold and tremble.

When Shen Qiao looks at the past, he is just looking forward to it. Shen Qiao is startled and wants to close the door.

A bag was handed over.

Shen Qiao a Leng, "what, what thing?"

"Want to come out naked?" The night is not deep, the voice is cold, can be said to be squeezed out of the teeth: "you can try if you are not afraid of death."

Where could Shen Qiao go out naked? She quickly picked up the bag in Mo Shen's hand for the night and found that it was indeed a new suit of clothes.

"Thank you." She said thanks.

Night Mo deep move eyes, deeply took a breath: "give you ten minutes time, quickly pack up to come out."

"Oh." Shen Chen closed the door and hung the bag on the hook beside him. Then he reopened the foam and washed the foam off his body.

Shen Qiao had a good grasp of the ten minutes he had agreed to. After about nine minutes, he cleaned up and opened the bathroom door and came out.

The rest is quiet, only the night is deep, a person sitting in a wheelchair.

Compared with the normal temperature in the rest room when she came in before, the rest room at this time is like an icehouse for storing frozen meat food. After taking a bath, Shen Qiaogang still has some water droplets on her body. As soon as she goes out, she feels cold and shivers in a reflex. josei

Night Mo deep back to her, the whole person exudes a cold breath.

Shen Qiao stood on the spot and hesitated for a while, then called him in a low voice: "that It's the night. I'm ready. "

Mo gave a deep pause and looked back at her.

The anger in her eyes made her step back.

"Go out with me."

He said coldly.

Shen Qiao had to nod and push him out.

Like a dream, it was yelinhan who sent her in before, but now there is no one left, and his assistant is missing. Isn't it said that his assistant will send clothes to himself?

How can the people who appear here have a deep night?

Shen Qiao couldn't think of it.

"Disappointed?" Mo Shen asked in a cold voice.

Hearing the sound, Shen Qiao regained consciousness: "what?"

"It's me that I met after I came out, which disappoints you, isn't it?"Shen Qiao: No, I'm just wondering where they went... "

"Do you think I'll let other men see me when a woman has just taken a bath?"

Hearing this, Shen Qiao's heart missed half a beat.

"What I told you yesterday was ignored?"

This words chilly, Shen Qiao can't help but shrink the neck, "No."

"Why are you with ye Lenghan? Do I keep you away from him? "

Shen Qiao pushed him out and explained, "it was an accident."

"Well, explain it to me."

Shen Qiao:

No, when did ye Moshen become so naive? And he was interested in her explanation?

Shen qiaoleng for a moment, avoid heavy and light to say something happened in the canteen.

It's just that she had a quarrel with a few girls, and then the other party moved his hand first, and she couldn't help but fight back

At the end of the day, Shen Qiao's voice gradually weakened, as if she had done something wrong.

Night Mo deep did not speak, just the breath on the body more heavy, Shen Qiao also did not speak again, pushed him back to his office.

"If it's OK, I'll go first." Shen Qiao thought that he would be finished by sending him to the office, so he prepared to leave.

Who knows just turned around, night Mo deep magnetic voice then rang up.

"What are you afraid of?"

What? Shen Qiao's footstep stops in place, does not understand ground to turn head.

Night Mo Shen turned the roller slowly, and her cold eyes fell on her face, "if it's someone else's fault, why don't you have any confidence?"

Shen Qiao thought he didn't believe himself, so he apologized to ye Moshen: "I'm sorry, I know such a thing is very bad, I'll It's not going to happen again. "

"Not so much? Don't fight back? Or do you want to fight with them the next time you come across something like this? "

Shen Qiao has been aggrieved enough in her heart. As a result, ye Moshen still said this kind of words. She only felt that all the bitterness was gathered in her chest, which made her feel uncomfortable. Her hands hanging on both sides could not help tightening.

"I listen to yeshao. What yeshao says is what he says."

The night Mo deep see her to endure the appearance, finally can't help but firm ground frown.

"Are you a fool?"

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