Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1121

Chapter 1121

After that, the host of the banquet also called a waiter to let him follow Zhou Xiaoyan's side and listen to her summons at any time.

Xiaoyan thought it was too exaggerated, and quickly put a small hand to refuse.

"No, no, really. I can do it myself."

Finding someone to follow her will make her uncomfortable, and more people will see her at that time.

Han Qing suddenly made a noise.

"Let him follow you first."

"Ah, why?"

Xiaoyan some unknown, so, why let people follow her? Would she be uncomfortable? Xiao Yan was embarrassed to say so. She could only stare at Han Qing and stare at her eyes. She tried to understand her meaning.

However, Han Qing did not understand, just said: "let him follow you, I will leave for a while when I have something to do."

Xiao Yan finally understood his meaning, but he could only nod. josei

"All right."

After that, the waiter followed Xiaoyan, and Han Qing was really invited to leave by the host of the banquet. After Han Qing left, her eyes did not become less, but more and more.

Xiao Yan looked around, then went to the corner where there were few people, and then stayed here. She felt that she might not be able to breathe.

At the thought of this, her steps quickened a few minutes, her steps faltered and almost fell.

Fortunately, the waiter who followed her helped her in time. Xiao Yan made a false alarm, but a little cold sweat.

"Thank you..."

It would be a shame if I fell down just now. Fortunately, it didn't.

"It doesn't matter. Miss Zhou is fine. Please walk slowly."


Zhou Xiaoyan found a corner and sat down. She didn't eat when she came today, because she was afraid that she would show her belly if she ate too much. Then the dress would not look very good. Now seeing the delicious food on the front of the table, her stomach is even a little hungry.

However, there are still many people watching her, so Xiaoyan dare not eat at all.


It's hard to feel hungry, tired and unable to eat.

Xiao Yan sighed in his heart, but the waiter brought a delicious food at this time.

"Miss Zhou can try this."

Zhou Xiaoyan's eyes brightened, and the waiter gave her a very beautiful cake, with several pieces of fruit that had been cut very well. Because the cream is more greasy, so add a lot of fruit to neutralize.

She swallowed her mouth and felt something.

"Miss Zhou can eat without worry. No one will disturb you."

"Really?" Zhou Xiaoyan was still worried. After all, she was embarrassed when so many people watched her eat. She thought about it and asked, "do you know if there is a quiet place where there are not so many people?"

The waiter thought about it and nodded, "I know there is a place where Miss Zhou can take you if she wants to go."

"May I go? I'll wait a moment... "

In fact, she wanted to ask Han Qing what to do if she couldn't be found when she came back?

But the waiter was very considerate and said, "I'll take Miss Zhou first, and then ask my friend to report this matter to President Han. Then Han will come directly to you."

"Thank you."

Because she wanted to go to a place where there was no one, Zhou Xiaoyan got up and took several things that were in the eye, then put them all on the waiter's tray and went out with him.

The waiter took her to the small courtyard of the host's house.

Compared with the noise in the banquet, it is very quiet here. There is a big tree planted in the yard, and there are many flowers and plants. There is a big swing under the tree, and there are small stone tables and chairs beside it. It is a very quiet small yard.

Xiao Yan fell in love with the swing at a glance, and had to say that the waiter was very sharp eyed. After two seconds of her photo, she said, "Miss Zhou, if you like, can sit on that swing for dinner."

"Really? Is it inconvenient? "

"No, Miss Zhou, the host has already told you that you are the VIP of this evening. You should treat you well. You can eat in our master's room even if you want to have dinner."


This is too exaggerated, she would not eat in their master's room. What kind of personality can do it?

However, his words, or let Xiaoyan sit on the swing, and then take a small cake to sit on it.

This kind of experience is simple and straightforward. Xiaoyan thinks happily in her heart.

Originally thought that this kind of calm can last until Han Qing came to find her, Xiao Yan decided to stay here and hide until the end of the party. Who knows there are still some people who are not interested in getting together.

That's su Yao Yao who said he wanted to test the situation.

Su Yao Yao came alone, because she was female, so she did not attract special attention. The waiter's eyes saw her and then quickly ignored her.Su Yao and Yao came to this side.

"Sorry." Su Yao Yao smiles at Xiao Yan and the waiter: "I come out to the bathroom and get lost. It's too big here."

Listen to words, small Yan a Leng: "lost?"

After thinking about it, he nodded: "it's really big."

Just now she followed the waiter for a long time before she got here. If the waiter didn't take it with her and let her go back to the banquet hall, she estimated that I can't find the way.

"Yes, what are you doing? How do you sit on the swing Su Yao Yao looked at Miss Zhou gently and approached slowly.

The waiter looked at her and wanted to stop her, but she didn't mean any harm and was a guest who didn't want to go wrong. So he resisted the idea.

Speaking of this, Xiaoyan is a little embarrassed.

"Inside There were so many people that I felt a little uncomfortable, so I came out to breathe. Seeing that the swing was very beautiful, I couldn't help coming up. "

Listen to words, Su Yao Yao looked at the thousand autumn stand she sat on and nodded approvingly.

"It's very beautiful indeed. Your master is really interested in making such a swing in the yard. Is there a child in the family?"

The waiter nodded.

"Yes, this is what our lady asked for."

Ah? Xiaoyan's face changed slightly. It turned out that it was a swing played by other children. How old she is, she still plays this one. Should it look childish?

"Miss Zhou, please sit down. It doesn't matter. Our miss is not at home recently, and you like this swing so much, she shouldn't mind."

Su Yao Yao was moved. Staring at the swing, he suddenly said, "this swing looks very big. Would you mind sitting one more person?"

"Er..." Xiaoyan is not clear, can only ask to look at the waiter.

Su Yao Yao laughs with embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, this request seems to be too much, but I don't want to go back to the party. I lost my way and saw such an interesting scene. I wanted to share it with you. There was no other meaning."

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