Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1164

Chapter 1164

Han Qing is waiting for her in the living room.

When the little girl came out, she came up to him with her head down, her voice stuttering: "you, you look for me What's the matter? "

So nervous?

Han Qing pursed her thin lips. After a moment, he said, "I'm going to the company now. There's a meeting at two o'clock. It's about to end at 3:30."

The small Yan that hangs a head to listen to this words, some inexplicable, why does he say this to oneself suddenly? What does a meeting have to do with yourself?

"After the meeting, I have no other itinerary."

At this time, he said again, Xiaoyan was more inexplicable. She could not help looking up and looking at him suspiciously.

Her simple and ignorant expression makes Han Qing tired of dim sum. However, he has a faint smile in his eyes.

"Come with me to the company?"

Xiaoyan:.... "

He You invited yourself to go to the company with him?

"To the company with you?" She asked again, uncertain.

"Well." Han Qing nodded, as if unsure, and asked, "are you going?"

"Go!" Xiao Yan nodded hard and said heavily. After that, she felt that she was acting as if she was too strong. She quickly stopped and explained, "I mean, I'm OK anyway, so go."

After explaining, she began to regret. Why did she speak more? If you don't explain, it's just embarrassing. After explaining, it seems that you want to cover the chapter. Xiaoyan wants to bite his tongue.

She followed Han Qing into the car, fastened her seat belt and left together.

After they left, there was a big and a small figure by the French window on the second floor of the villa.

Xiaomi Dou looked up at Han Muzi and said, "Mommy, Auntie Xiaoyan is going to be upgraded to aunt?"

Hearing the name of aunt, Han Muzi actually felt very comfortable. She lifted up the corner of her lips and kneaded Xiaomi Dou's head.

"Yes, it should be soon."

"Oh." Xiaomi Dou nodded, "then I can go to my aunt's house to rub, eat and drink."

Han Muzi: "it's just

What son does she raise who wants to eat and drink?


the company

when Han Qing and Xiao Yan entered the company together, the front desk immediately recognized that the figure who followed Mr. Han was the one who had come to deliver the takeaway. At first, she thought she was wrong, but Xiao Yan's eyes met her.

Just a glance, the front desk will look back with guilty heart.

She didn't forget the things before. She and that group of people had made trouble for her. If the delivery man had to make trouble with her, she would have been the first one to do the operation.

Thinking of this, the front desk is very sorry that it should have controlled its mouth before.

But Xiaoyan only looked at her, quickly followed the pace of Han Qing, did not pay attention to her.

At the same time, the front desk immediately opened the wechat chat group,

I originally wanted to tell those colleagues the news, because they had decided to go to her store to do something this weekend. If she reminded her now, she should have time.

So the front desk told the news in the group.

The others jumped up immediately.

"What the hell? Did the delivery man come to the company with Mr. Han? What do you mean? Did you really get involved? "

"Lying trough, what kind of way is this woman? How long has it been? You don't take it so fast for fishing, do you? "

"Shit! It's not nice to think that we've lost to a takeaway guy, from the tip of your hair to your toes

"Upstairs + 1, let's go over and fix her this week? Ask her if it's better to make noodles or serve men better

Seeing these words, the front desk thought of Su Jiu's warning last time and said a word.

"Don't make trouble. Don't go this week. Don't offend people. There's no good fruit to eat. Secretary Su told me that we won't find anything."

Others, however, were not impressed.

"Why are you so timid? Let Secretary Su say a few words. Are you afraid of this? Don't forget that Secretary Su used to like Mr. Han, OK? If the takeaway is really with Mr. Han, the most angry person in this matter should be Secretary su. Secretary Su is the one who wants to kill the delivery girl more than us. "

"That's to say, it's a warning to you not to do things, but it's a hint that you're going to work hard?"

Seeing this, the front desk is a little confused. How can this be possible? What I said clearly is not to have another time? And at that time, Secretary Su's expression looked very serious, not a joke at all.

"I don't think so She has a serious look on her face

"That must be serious. What's secretary Su's background? After graduating from a famous university, the figure and appearance are top-notch. How long does it take to catch up with President Han? We all know the business ability, but lose to a take away girl who has nothing. If it is you, you are not serious? "It seems reasonable to say so. The front desk is hesitant.

"But, she is with Mr. Han now, in case she blows the pillow wind."

"You can rest assured, this kind of woman without any connotation, Han always likes her? At the most, it's just fun. She'll cry in a few days

The front desk is holding a mobile phone and she wants to cry without tears. She wants to say that she hasn't seen president Han play with a woman for so many years? Don't talk about playing with women. You don't even have a girlfriend


the top floor office josei

Han Qing opened the door and asked Xiaoyan to enter first. Xiaoyan walked in carefully, and Han Qing closed the door of the office.

They got stuck tight when they came, so as soon as their front feet entered the office, Su Jiu knocked on the door and came in.

See the office more than a touch of beautiful shadow, Su nine first is Leng for a moment, and then understand to show a smile.

"Mr. Han, can I help you to postpone the meeting?"

"No Han Qing looked at Su Jiu faintly and said in a cold voice, "you go to prepare first, and I will come later."

"No problem ~" Su Jiu asked. Before leaving, she took a meaningful look at Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan was embarrassed and quickly moved her eyes.

After waiting for someone to leave, there are two people left in the office. The cold meaning in Han Qing's tone dissipates a lot.

"I'll come back from the meeting and wait for me here?"

Han Qing stares at her and asks directly.

Xiao Yan nodded subconsciously: "OK, OK."

After Han Qing went out, when she was alone in the office, Xiaoyan blinked, and then looked around, always feeling very unreal.

Why did he bring himself to the company? Before, because he was by his side, Xiaoyan couldn't think well. Now Han Qing went to the meeting, and Xiaoyan could calm down and use her mind.

According to what Han Qing told her before, there was no schedule after the meeting, and then she was asked to wait for him here. It was Do you have anything to say to her?

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