Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1167

Chapter 1167

Xiao Yan is a fool.

When the man in front of me asked this sentence, it was as if he was deliberately hanging her.

What? Do you kiss me or not? If you don't, you won't have a chance next time. Oh, really? I'll kiss someone else.

I don't know what's going on. This dialogue appears in Xiaoyan's mind. After thinking about it, how can Han Qing be such a person? She shook her head, looked at the handsome face close at hand, and suddenly took the initiative to approach the past.


Her strength is a little big, when hit, Han Qing is not ready, the tall body was bumped back by her, Han Qing steady body for a second, take the girl's waist, helplessly in the heart laugh.

It was a surprise.

What Xiao Yan thinks in his heart is that whether he is a dream or a reality, since he has asked so, it is a bastard if there is a bargain!

What's more, she was kissed by someone for a long time in the afternoon. Now it's hard to get a chance to turn to the host. Why don't she?

Three or five minutes passed by

Han Qing's lips were beaten with blood and her head was hit several times. However, the little girl still hugged his neck in disorder. In desperation, Han Qing pinched her arm and pulled her away.

"Will you kiss?"

Xiao Yan's face and ears were red. When he heard the other party asking himself, he nodded in embarrassment: "when, of course it will."

Then she saw Han Qing's broken lips, which made her more embarrassed, "or, forget it I'll practice when I get back. "

"Back to practice?" Han Qing suddenly narrowed his eyes, and there was a sharp look in his eyes: "who are you looking for?"

Xiaoyan: "it's No, I didn't look for anyone, but I went to look for strategies. You can rest assured that I will take a serious look and practice seriously. "

In this case

Han Qing's throat knot rolled and his voice was dark: "it's really necessary to practice more, but now is the opportunity. Come here."


What does he mean, he's letting himself go and practice together?

"I haven't been in love. We can practice together and discuss it."

Han Qing pulls a little girl who is forced to come over. Xiaoyan doesn't respond to what's going on. In front of her, she is kiss again.


In this way, they practiced in the car for a long time.

When parting, Xiao Yan coughed awkwardly, lying on his shoulder, not daring to look at his eyes.

"Do you feel more real now?"

Real? How could that be possible? Xiaoyan felt that she was light on her head and feet, and the whole person was light and fluttering. It seemed that she was going to fly to become an immortal, which was more untrue.

However, she did not say, but Han Qing probably guessed her idea and pinched her arm with a big hand, "hmm?"

"If it's still not true, why don't you come back with me tonight?"

Xiaoyan was shocked, "no! may not! Too soon

Only in the afternoon, go back with him for the night? How can this be possible?? Although she seems to be looking forward to it, but But absolutely not!

She must be reserved!

As soon as her forehead hurt, Xiaoyan was gently flicked by Han Qing's fingertips. She came back to her and saw Han Qingmu staring at her with a smile: "what are you thinking? Before I go there, I'll stay with you when I'm free and sleep separately. "

Xiaoyan:.... "

"Or do you want to..."

Xiao Yan shook her head, "no, I don't want to!"

She quickly went back to Han Qing's shoulder without looking at his eyes.

After holding it quietly for a while, Xiaoyan realized that it was getting late. She had to go back. Moreover, the car had been parked downstairs for such a long time, and no one came out. She was sure to be talked about by then. She may not care, but she has to take care of her parents' thoughts.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan slowly got up: "that, I have to go back."

"Well." Han Qing gently answered, and slowly arranged her messy clothes and long hair. Her movements were gentle to the extreme. Finally, she wiped her thumb on her lips for several times before releasing her: "go."

Xiao Yan got out of the car with a red face and moved forward like a tortoise. She suddenly thought of something. She turned around and ran back, lying on the window and looking at Han Qing brightly.



"Can I send you a message when I get back?"

Han Qing Leng for a moment, and then a faint smile appeared on his lips: "of course."

"You agreed? What about the phone? " Xiaoyan is a little eager to push forward. She also wants to know how far Han Qing will tolerate herself.

Who knows Han Qing pinched her cheek, gently, itchy, said a word.

"You're my girlfriend. Of course you can do whatever you want."

His tone is very light, but hit her heavily.



Xiao Yan's heart beat began to jump uncontrollably. After looking at Han Qing for a whole few seconds, she turned around and ran home.

Looking at the little girl's back, Han Qing's smile deepened. Until the little girl's figure disappeared, the smile on his face and eyes faded. Then he recovered his indifference and drove away.


as soon as Xiao Yan got home, he looked at the two men.

Although Han Qing had done it for her before she came back, Xiao Yan's appearance is still unusual. Her lips are swollen and her eyes are still a little flattering.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Zhou's father coughed heavily and then got up: "I'll go to the bathroom, and your mother and daughter will talk."

Soon Zhou's father hid in the toilet.

Xiao Yan saw this and said, "it's so hot today. I'll take a bath."

"Stop for me."

However, Xiaoyan did not take a few steps, she was called to stop by Luo Huimei.

Xiaoyan stood in the same place and didn't dare to move. After a moment, she turned to look at Luo Huimei and laughed: "Mom, why haven't you slept so late? Is the store very busy today? I went to Muzi today. She is very big now. She is expected to have a baby next month. "

When she heard her daughter talking about her own affairs, Luo Huimei couldn't help stopping: "don't talk about others, talk about yourself first."

Xiaoyan counselled: "I, what do I have to say?"

"In love?"


Xiao Yan was surprised to stare at big eyes, "how do you know?"

It's only in the afternoon that the relationship is confirmed. How can Luo Huimei

"Well, you think I'm blind? I just came down to throw the garbage when I saw you

Xiaoyan:.... "

My mind is numb. Did you see her when I went downstairs to throw rubbish? That is See her in the car with Han Qing

"Mom, you, how are you..."

"Why? Now you know how shy you are? There are so many people coming and going downstairs that you are not ashamed of you Luo Huimei disliked her a few words, but actually she was happy for her. Her daughter was happy, so she didn't care what others thought. josei

Xiaoyan didn't know what to say to explain, blushing to bleed, after all, two people were intimate, parents saw this kind of thing the most embarrassing, although they are the past, but still can not stop embarrassed.

Author: is it sweet or not???

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