Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1174

Chapter 1174

Lin Xuzheng knew that Xiao Yan and Han Qing were together, or he learned from Mr. Chen.

The two sides met when they were drinking tea. Originally, they were just nodding acquaintance. At most, they talked about one or two words. However, when Mr. Chen saw Lin Xuzheng, he remembered the little girl beside Han Qing before. He knew the relationship between Lin Xuzheng and Han Qing, so he wanted to gossip.

Man, when he is middle-aged, he has nothing to pursue. After all, he has a happy family and both children. Besides the fat to be reduced, he is only interested in gossip.

So when he saw Lin Xuzheng, Mr. Chen couldn't help saying something to him. Seeing that Lin Xuzheng didn't quite understand the situation, Mr. Chen was happy to touch his palms and was not happy. He quickly opened his mouth.

"Mr. Lin, although you and Mr. Han have the best feelings, now it seems that there are things you don't know, ha ha ha."

Lin Xu's face was really muddled. He didn't understand what Lao Chen was happy about. However, he was not worried. He looked at Mr. Chen with a smile and a quiet wait for him to reveal the truth.

Sure enough, seeing Lin Xu Zheng not asking himself, Lao Chen soon couldn't help himself and showed off to him in a hurry.

"Didn't my husband ask me to run every day? I want me to go out for a run every morning. But when I came back, I met Mr. Han. Guess what I saw? "

Lin Xuzheng remained calm. josei

In the heart is quite curious, can see what, let him so surprised? Is Han Qing's side more than a woman?

"Han Qing's side is actually followed by a little girl."

Listen, Lin Xu Zhengwei picked eyebrows, "little girl?"

He guessed it. It's about women.

I don't know why. When he said the three words of little girl, a familiar figure appeared in front of Lin Xuzheng. He had something to do with Han Qing and could make him care. And that's what Lin Xuzheng knew.

"Yes, even the little girl is a little older than my daughter. You said Mr. Han used to be like that. I wonder if he is going to stay alone in his whole life? Who knows he's so shameless that he's attacking the little girl. " With that, Mr. Chen still kept shaking his head and making a sound.

Hearing this, Lin Xu couldn't help laughing, "Lao Chen, are you saying that in front of him?"

Mr. Chen's face was startled.

"How could that be possible? I think it's too long to talk to him in front of him? I don't dare to give me ten courage. I just didn't expect that he would find a little girl. Do you think this young girl is more attractive? Otherwise, how can the old fellow tree that does not bloom for thousands of years suddenly become enlightened? It's amazing. "

"Fate." Lin Xu took up his tea cup and sipped it leisurely. He said in a low voice, "who can say it clearly, whether it's a little girl or a mature woman, as long as it's the fate of Han Qing, he can't be wrong."

"Well, that's what you say, but how can you be more calm than I thought? Shouldn't old fellow be surprised? "

Hearing this, Lin Xu is a faint smile, put down the teacup in his hand, "perhaps because I had expected that they would be together?"

Old Chen suddenly cried out discontentedly and accused Lin Xuzheng of being ungrateful. He had known about this matter for a long time, but he didn't mention it at all. He thought that he had grasped some important clues, so he was talking about it.

"Isn't it because Mr. Chen is really interested? I'm sorry to interrupt. I'll make you excited again

Mr. Chen:

I feel that I can't make friends well. It's not unreasonable for Han Qing and Lin Xuzheng to have a good relationship. They are not good people! Hum!

After drinking tea, Lin Xuzheng went to the Ramen restaurant in the afternoon

after a period of time, the business of the Ramen restaurant became more and more prosperous. When Lin Xu was entering, the group of people in the company who wanted to look for Xiao Yan's trouble happened to be in it. Seeing Lin Xuzheng, several people's faces changed slightly, and then they bent down to bite each other's earphones.

"Isn't that Mr. Lin's Mr. Lin? Why is he here? Does this delivery girl really have something to do with President Han? "

"Mr. Lin has a good relationship with Mr. Han, which is known to all. I didn't expect that the woman was so quick. Did she want to hook two at a time, or did she have other purposes?"

The front desk was sitting in the corner with a timid expression: "I think It should be just a relationship of friends, right? After all, Mr. Lin is famous for his dedication. "

As we all know, Lin Xu Zheng did not remarry after his wife died, and he refused to get close to all the women.

Otherwise, with his status, how could he still be a single person, and there are many people and women in succession, but there is only a dead wife in his heart. Who can compare with a dead man?

Therefore, our goal has not been set on Lin Xuzheng.

The front desk thought for a moment and then said in a loud voice, "why don't we just have a bowl of noodles today? It's like going out to eat something. Mr. Lin is here. If we do something, we don't know if he will recognize usOther people's faces are not good-looking, after all, who did not expect Lin Xuzheng to come ah, and to this half day did not see Xiaoyan, also do not know where her waves to go.

At this time, Xiaomi Dou came out and handed them the menu.

"Hello, sisters. This is the Ramen menu in our shop. What would you like to eat

A tearful voice suddenly sounded, attracting the attention of several girls on the table in the past.

Just a look, there is a can't help lying trough a sound.

"What a lovely boy, my special..."

Several people still want to express their opinions, but Xiaomi Dou has already handed over the menu, which is not easy for children, especially those who are so beautiful that they can't resist.

After ordering, Xiaomi Dou takes back the menu with a smile.

"Well, sisters, just a moment."

After they had left, someone said something.

"Who is the child? It's so beautiful, isn't it the illegitimate child of the takeaway girl? "

Some people couldn't help but stare at her: "you lift her too high, can you give birth to such a good-looking child just because she can't recognize her face in the crowd? It's very flattering of her

"So it is."

The front desk stares at Xiaomi Dou's back, thinks about it, and says quietly, "do you think The child looks like a man

Others: "who

The front desk touched his nose, "Ye Shi Group's night manager."

"The night is not deep?"

Someone exclaimed.

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