Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201

God knows, his words are just a reminder, because she helped himself, so he spoke in good faith to remind her to pay attention to safety, not to move everyone home.

But he didn't explain the cause and effect, so Jiang Xiaobai's heart was very uncomfortable when she heard these words. Originally, she still had a smile on her face, but now her smile is cold, staring at Xiao su.

"Mr. Xiao, do you mean that I am meddling in my business?"

Xiao Su was stunned and heard her say again.

"You're not happy because I took you home because I've been meddling in my business, and now you have to owe me a favor?" Jiang Xiaobai looks at Xiao Su angrily.

Sure enough, a man is a pig's hoof.

Especially the lovelorn man!

Jiang Xiaobai should not have brought him back if he had known that he would be this reaction.

Xiao Su: "it's I don't mean that. "

Jiang Xiaobai said: "you don't mean that. What do you mean? Didn't you just say that I'd better leave it alone in the future?"

"Yes." Xiao Su nodded, his expression and tone were quite helpless: "I said this sentence, but I mean, apart from today's incident, you'd better leave it alone if you come across such a thing in the future

"Why!" Jiang Xiaobai is still angry, her brain has not figured out at this time.

Xiao Su:

How can this girl have such a dull head? Because she owed her a favor, she was at her home now, so even though she felt a headache, Xiao Su patiently explained: "what if it was a bad person next time? You live alone as a girl, and it's dangerous to take a man home. "

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai finally understood Xiao Su's meaning.

"Do you mean that all men except you are dangerous?"

Xiao Su: "I mean Strange men are very dangerous, including me, they are also dangerous, so you'd better be vigilant about such things in the future

Hearing that he didn't return himself to the good side, and that he was worried about her injury, Jiang Xiaobai's anger instantly ran away and snorted haughtily.

"I care about me, but you still have a little conscience. It's not in vain for me to try my best to move you back from the bar. I'm exhausted." After that, Jiang Xiaobai thought of something, and then said: "you can rest assured that I Jiang Xiaobai is not a fool. I must have measured it by myself. I know you are not a bad man, so I chose to help you." josei

Xiao Su also wanted to say something, but he coughed a few times. Jiang Xiaobai quickly got up and said, "I'll pour you a glass of water."

As a result, when I got up, I had a lot of pain, and then I sat back.

Xiao Su sees form, frown: "how?"

Jiang Xiaobai looked down at his legs, then looked up at Xiao Su, flattened his mouth and said, "legs It's numb. "

So bent legs a night, all maintain the same posture did not move, can not numb? Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to reach out and gently knead her leg to ease it. Unfortunately, she felt leg pain and numbness when she moved, so she did not dare to have other big movements.

Xiao Su nearby saw her move. She was numb because of herself. He should go up to help, but her leg Thinking about it, Xiao Su directly got up and went to her side, "I'll help you."

Jiang Xiaobai almost thought that he wanted to massage his legs for himself, and immediately refused him: "no, no! You... "

As a result, she was held up by Xiao Su before she finished speaking. Jiang Xiaobai looked at him with some astonishment. Her subordinates grasped his clothes and widened their eyes.

"What do you do?"

Xiao Su looked at her faintly. She didn't say anything. She just went to put Jiang Xiaobai on the sofa and said in a soft voice: "you are a posture that has been kept for too long, and the blood is not unobstructed. You can feel leg numbness and tingling. Put your leg down slowly."

Originally, Jiang Xiaobai still wanted to scold him, but Xiao Su's voice was a little dull after drinking and just waking up, but it gave people an incomparable power of peace of mind. So Jiang Xiaobai did as he said.

After a long time, Jiang Xiaobai felt that her legs were not so numb and painful. She glanced at Xiao Su beside her.

"You just hugged me without my permission."


Xiao Su: "sorry Not on purpose. "

"If you take advantage of me, you have to promise me another condition!"

Xiao Su: "it's Yes

Although Jiang Xiaobai doesn't know what Xiao Su can do, Jiang Xiaobai's indomitable disposition should be let him owe it first. Maybe it will be useful in the future? Hee hee.

Unfortunately, Xiao Su didn't know that she would miss her. And he probably didn't know, because of these two people, he would have a lot of entanglement with the cunning little girl in front of him, so that in the end

Of course, those are afterwords.

*Time goes by very quickly, a year is divided into 365 days, a day is 24 hours, an hour is 60 minutes.

It looks like a lot on the surface, but the passage of time is totally waiting for no one.

Xiaodouya will soon be full moon. Ye Moshen has completely evolved from a novice father to a super father. Because he is worried about his wife Han Muzi being affected, he is basically taking the children.

Changing diapers, flushing milk powder to coax children, is all night Mo Shen doing.

Han Muzi doesn't have to do anything or talk.

She wants to do it, but it's not allowed at night. She takes good care of her and bean sprouts in the month. All the dirty and tired work is carried on her shoulder. Han Muzi naturally sleeps, eats and eats every day.

In addition, there are all kinds of supplements and supplements in the month, so Han Muzi only lost her edema and her weight did not fall down. After seeing herself in the mirror, she was fatter than before. Han Muzi fiercely shaved an eye knife toward Mo Shen at night.

"It's all your fault. If I take more children and work hard, I won't lose weight."

Night Mo deep smell speech, reached out and rubbed her head: "giving birth to children has been very hard, why do you want to take children? You don't have a husband. What's wrong with me doing these things? "

It's nothing bad, but Han Muzi thinks that she should take more belt, so that when xiaodouya gets close to her father, she is estranged from her mother.

In fact, although Han Muzi's weight is heavier than before, she was very thin because she was worried about a lot of things. At this moment, although she has a lot of meat, she looks just right.

However, Han Muzi still decided to wait a few days to go to the gym to sign up for a class, and then put the figure into practice.

Han Muzi wants to take more children. Xiaoyan knows these things, but she is envious and jealous.

"I don't know if I'm lucky. Muzi, do you know how many men don't help to take care of children! This is also one of the reasons why many puerpera will have postpartum depression! "

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