Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1207

Chapter 1207

Originally, a honeymoon trip belongs to Han Muzi and Yemo Shen, so Xiao Yan and Han Qing are gone.

In fact, ye Moshen did consider this idea before, but his idea was to take a wedding trip directly during the wedding ceremony. However, Han Muzi didn't want to wear a wedding dress with a big belly at that time, so the supplementary wedding ceremony was put on hold.

Now this idea comes out again, the result is also given by Han Muzi on the spot No.

Because she felt that she was not in good shape at this time and didn't want to wear a wedding dress.

And just after giving birth to a baby, she still has fat on her stomach. Who wants to wear a wedding dress? After all, it's only once in her life.

But the night Mo deep eyes but stare at her unfathomably, buckle her wrist, see Han Muzi some guilty.

"What's the matter?"

"It's not a direct cause at all. You're just afraid of wearing wedding dresses, are you?"

“……” This sentence lets Han Muzi's heart tremble slightly, did not expect his idea unexpectedly so quickly by night Mo deep to guess.

However, she still took a deep breath to cover up her heart. She said in a slightly annoyed way: "I must be afraid. I haven't recovered my figure. What should I do when the guests come to make fun of me?"

Night Mo Shen, a pair of black eyes tightly grasp her.

"What about a wedding without guests? Only the wedding of you and me

He was stubborn and wanted to put on her wedding dress by himself.

On his firm eyes, Han Muzi was more flustered. In fact, those words in the night were really right. She thought of the next two weddings.

The first time he sat in a wheelchair, he did not look at her at all. After Li Cheng, she was directly sent to the new house.

The second time he had an accident, even did not appear in the wedding ceremony, she was surrounded by reporters alone.

It seems that Her wedding is not like God's favor.

Therefore, Han Muzi thinks that as long as she can live like this, even if there is no wedding, she doesn't mind.

For her, it was nothing.

So Han Muzi or gently shook his head: "no, as long as I can be with you, I don't care about the wedding."

She didn't want to part again, which would make her really crazy.

Now, as long as she thinks of the picture of the night falling into the sea, her heart seems to be tightly grasped by a big hand, making it difficult for her to breathe.

Night Mo deep felt her sudden changes, between the eyebrows and eyes dyed with a touch of helplessness, a long arm will stretch her into the arms.

"Well, it's up to you."

He wants to hold a wedding, is to supply her with a big wedding, put on the wedding dress and ring for her. josei

But if she doesn't care, he doesn't have to be persistent.


on the other side, Xiaoyan is ready to go.

She packed up her things. Two minutes ago, Han Qing called her and said that she would come to pick her up. Then Xiaoyan got nervous and took the suitcase and was ready to go out.

As a result, Luo Huimei stopped her.

"This talent just called you, how to say it will take 20 minutes to get to the door. What's your hurry?"

As a result, Xiao Yan was so nervous that she couldn't speak easily and explained for a long time that she didn't say why.

Luo Huimei can't help poking her white forehead with her finger when she sees her daughter's disheartened appearance.

"A little promising, will you?"

Xiaoyan touched his forehead which was stabbed painful, and bit his lower lip heartily. He was dissatisfied with the way: "where am I not promising?"

"Are you promising? You are so nervous when you go out for a trip. How can you stand up in front of others when you get married

Liwei? Xiao Yan is surprised to stare big eyes, mother actually let her marry after Li Wei, how is this possible?

"What's the matter? Don't tell me you never thought about it? "

Xiao Yan shook her head subconsciously.

"You are! How can I say hello? I didn't even think about it. If you don't have the prestige, what will he do if he goes out and does something wrong? " Luo Huimei is absolutely dignified in front of Zhou's father, so she also wants her daughter to follow her own way.

Who knows Xiaoyan eyes a stare, directly refutes her.

"Han Qing is not such a person!"

She said angrily, "Mom, don't talk nonsense. It's my own private affair. I'll watch myself deal with it."

"Silly girl, you see to deal with it by yourself. How do you deal with it? You are such a coward. You will be the master who will be pinched when you get married in the future." Luo Huimei only hopes that the character of Han Qing after marriage is the same as that of Han Qing now. After all, there are too many boys in the world who are good at camouflage themselves before marriage, and then live together after marriage, all their shortcomings are exposed.

But looking at Han Qing's appearance, he should not be like that.

"Pinch it, pinch it..." Xiao Yan doesn't know whether he will marry him or not. Who knows what the future will be like."Well, you silly boy Forget it, everyone has his own fortune. Maybe you're a fool, but you don't have to. "

After all, even she didn't know that her daughter could be with such a person as Han Qing. Although she didn't have a family view, it was really important for her to be a family. However, she also inquired that Han Qing had no parents, so Xiaoyan would not be constrained even if she married in the past.

Soon, Han Qing's car came. Xiaoyan rushed downstairs with her suitcase. She was probably afraid that Luo Huimei would come down to talk to Han Qing. As soon as she got on the car, Xiaoyan quickly urged uncle nan to drive.

South uncle is also confused, but since it is Mr. Han's girlfriend, so he did as well.

Why did Han sit on her forehead so anxiously

Hearing this, Xiaoyan remembered what Luo Huimei had said to her just now, and she laughed awkwardly: "nothing."

After that, don't look back.

If Han Qing knew that they had been discussing the issue of marriage in private, I wonder if she would think that she was so

When they arrived at the airport, they were received by staff with the theme of travel. When they saw Han Qing's extraordinary bearing and looked at the little girl beside her, they felt that they were very well matched, so they praised them directly: "Mr. Han and Mrs. Han are really talented women. They make a perfect match."

Generally, newly married couples like these compliments, so as a staff member, she naturally said nice things.

Who knows that Xiao Yan, who nests beside Han Qing, immediately turns red when she hears it. She looks at the staff and asks with some uncertainty: "Han, Mrs. Han?"

The staff were puzzled, but they still said, "yes, Mrs. Han, this time you are engaged in a honeymoon themed trip. Do you have any questions?"

Xiaoyan:.... "

She looked at Han Qing awkwardly and asked in a low voice, "do you want to explain?"

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