Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1219

Chapter 1219

Seeing her bite, Lin qin'er nodded with a smile.

"Yes, you, go back and change your clothes first. When you change, your toothbrush and facial cleanser will be delivered to you."

Xiao Yan seemed very happy after hearing this, and immediately nodded: "well, thank sister Lin first. Then you will send it over later. I will go back first."

See small Yan left, Lin Qin Er finally spit out a turbid gas, finally sent people away, she is really afraid of small Yan regardless of the ground to rush into it.

As expected, she is a little girl who doesn't know anything. She is good to pass.

But how did this girl lose her mind? Even toothbrush and facial cleanser will fall down when I clean up my things. Do I have to send them to her? Lin qin'er's heart rises a rage, but in order to maintain the illusion that he created, or turn in to look for a toothbrush for Xiaoyan.

But Lin Qin Er turned over the bathroom and didn't find what Xiao Yan said.

Not only toothbrush, not even facial cleanser.

Lin qin'er put his hands on the washing table and looked at himself in the mirror seriously.

No, if something is really left behind, it is impossible to find both of them. What does it mean?

That means she was fooled by that stinky girl!

She's lying to herself!!

Lin qin'er, who discovered this fact, couldn't help shaking his fist. Damn it! She could be played by a girl so many years younger than herself!

But soon Lin qin'er realized that the reason why the little girl played such a trick on herself!

Did she find out?

But how did she find out? She didn't let her in

Thinking of this, Lin qin'er decided to go out and have a look.

After confirming her idea, Xiaoyan walked back to the room. As soon as she went in, Han Qing asked her to drink milk. But Xiaoyan just got up and ran to look for Lin qin'er. She didn't do anything. How dare she drink milk if she didn't brush her teeth?

So Xiaoyan waved her hand and ran to brush her teeth.

In the middle of the brush, Xiao Yan heard someone knocking at the door. She thought that Lin qin'er should have found her. So she quickly spit out her saliva and washed her face.

When he went out, Han Qing blocked the door, "eat first."

"But..." Xiao Yan pointed to his back: "someone knocked on the door, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Han Qing came directly to her, grabbed her white wrist, took her inside, and sat down on the stool.

"It's important to eat, nothing else."

Finish saying first toward small Yan's hand put a cup of milk and charge: "want to drink up."

Xiaoyan blinked her eyes. Han Qing's expression didn't seem to be joking. She suddenly remembered that she heard someone knocking at the door when she was sleepy in the morning. Then she asked Han Qing. Han Qing said that she heard something wrong and asked her to continue sleeping.

, as like as two peas, Han Qing's expression is exactly the same as it is now.

Do you mean

Think of here, Xiaoyan big eyes: "she came in the morning, right?"

Han Qing glanced at her like a smile and nodded slightly.

See him admit, Xiaoyan some chagrin, before she thought she was sleepy, did not expect that she really knocked on the door.

Xiao Yan stares at him suspiciously.

"What did she come here for in the morning?"

Han Qing slowly drank the juice in the glass slowly, "who knows?"

Anyway, he didn't ask her what she was going to do. He just warned her not to knock on the door again, so as not to disturb his little girl's sleep.

Therefore, in the face of this question, Han Qing could not answer it at all.

"I don't know?" Xiaoyan looked at him suspiciously: "you didn't go to open the door? She didn't tell you? "

Han Qing helplessly stares at her: "eat a meal, how to say so much?"

Have been detested

Xiaoyan can only drink milk with depressed head down.

Because she was pulled back by Han Qing just now, the knock on the door stopped for a while, but now it rang again.

The knock on the door is just beside her ear, but Han Qing's performance is particularly leisurely. If Xiaoyan didn't hear the sound and was in the same space with him, Xiaoyan would really think that someone knocking outside was actually her own illusion.

Compared with Han Qing, Xiaoyan is more guilty. She can't drink milk and eat food with peace of mind, but she is afraid that when she doesn't eat, she will be called back by Han Qing, so she can only gobble it up.

Finally finished the food, Xiaoyan took the tissue and wiped it hard, and stood up.

"I'm full. I'll go and have a look first."

With that, he threw the tissue into the dustbin next to him and quickly turned around and ran away.

Han Qing shook her head, thinking that the little girl's temperament really needs to be precipitated and precipitated. She is also so anxious in the face of an unimportant person. If she encounters this kind of thing again in the future, she will be so anxious every time. Isn't she going to wear herself out?So Han Qing made up his mind in his mind, and after this incident was solved, he wanted to practice her temperament.

When Xiaoyan came to the door, she heard the knocking outside more and more urgent. Later, she even directly connected to the doorbell and pressed it several times. The voice was short and long, and she was very angry.

If it's normal, Xiaoyan certainly won't let Lin qin'er wait outside, but after she deliberately made those false appearances in the morning, Xiaoyan has a kind of conjecture in her heart, so now she has no guilt except guilty.

She took a deep breath, was ready for the fight, and went straight forward to open the door.

Lin qin'er knocked on the door and was so angry that he could not help smashing the door if he did not expose his personality problems.

Just like now, Lin qiner finally saw Xiaoyan open the door. When there was a delicate white face behind the door, Lin qin'er really wanted to scold him.

But after thinking about it, if you want to get close to Han Qing, you have to rely on her. After all, before she successfully hooked up with Han Qing, the man still valued the little girl in front of her.

When she pushes her out, I'll see how she can clean up the stinky girl.

After comforting herself for a while, Lin qin'er's anger is not so strong at last. She stares at Xiao Yan coldly, but she still can't help but take a trace of blame in her voice.

"What are you doing, sister Xiaoyan? I knocked so long at the door that you didn't come out. "

Xiaoyan noticed that her face was very ugly, and her eyes seemed to eat her. Is this the way to treat a person who has the grace to save her?

Don't expect to be rewarded with kindness. Xiao Yan has always understood this truth, so when saving her, Xiaoyan didn't want to ask her to repay herself.

As long as she can help others, she will be very happy. What's more, she's not the kind of person who can help everything. It's just that things happen right in front of her, and she can't see it anymore, so she just helps. josei

But now? Lin qin'er stares at himself with this kind of cannibalism, which makes Xiaoyan unhappy.

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