Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1256

Chapter 1256

This girl

Han Qing put his big hand on her head and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Now you know you're afraid?"

Xiao Yan bit her lower lip in a reasonable way. She didn't think about this more serious problem when she was in high spirits last night. At that time, she only thought about sleeping God. How could she know that there would be so many things in the future? Wuwu

I had known that

No, even if she had known that, she would have done the same thing last night.

She likes Han Qing so much. If she can conceive his child, it will only be a blessing for her, not a pain, so she is struggling with something.

It's just that she is afraid of Han Qing's pressure. After all, he endured so hard last night and asked her whether she would regret it at the critical moment, so Xiaoyan didn't want to add pressure to him.

Thinking of this, Xiaoyan raised her hands to guarantee: "let's go out of the island now. After I leave the island, I will buy emergency contraceptives immediately to ensure that I won't get pregnant. If I'm really pregnant, I won't give you any pressure, I'll Well. "

Before she finished her words, Han Qing frowned and flicked her forehead.

"What are you thinking? What does it mean not to put pressure on me? You are still thinking about me all the time? "

Xiao Yan looked at him blankly.

Han Qing took her in his arms, rubbed her thumb gently against her ears and said in a soft voice, "don't be afraid. Let it be. I'm here."

He couldn't understand, but he couldn't understand what he meant Are we still out of the island? "

"Here we are. When we've had enough play, we'll go out, eh?" He pinched her ear gently. "Or do you want to go out?"

Xiao Yan swallowed a mouthful of saliva heavily and shook her head gently after a few seconds.

She didn't want to go out.

She likes Han Qing. She wants to give birth to him.

If he wants to

"No, stay."


This matter was shelved like this. Xiaoyan felt that her heart was so sweet that she felt that the food was particularly delicious when she ate.

Two days later, she left the island, and Xiaoyan knew that Han Qing left to deal with Lin qin'er's business. That day, Lin qiner was directly sent out of the island, and what she had done the previous night had been told to the police. After being taken to the police station, she knew that Lin qin'er was not a new offender, she was a habitual criminal.

Because she was not satisfied with her husband, but she did not dare to divorce her husband, so she could only collude with a married husband, hoping that a man could save her like a sage stepping on colorful auspicious clouds to save Zixia.

But it hasn't been found.

After all, who will fight for a married woman? What's more, what kind of good man can a body exchange be? It's just a bag man.

Originally, her husband only occasionally beat and scolded, and she did not dare to divorce, so she colluded with each other.

After her husband found out about it, her husband regarded her as a junk commodity. He slapped and scolded her at will. If he didn't like it, he would slap her in the face.

At the beginning, Xiaoyan had seen the wound on her body with her own eyes, which was really shocking.


Xiaoyan sighed: "in fact, she went wrong at the beginning. In the face of such violent men, she should ask the police lawyer for help and fight for herself through legal means, rather than pinning her hopes on those men who only want to be beautiful. Imagine a man entangled with a married woman. What kind of good man can he be? What else can she expect? "

Therefore, it is true that there must be something hateful about the poor.

Misfortune and fortune depend on each other.

Even if it is a forced divorce, she will be forced to divorce.

There are a lot of people who are afraid of death in this world, but if it is so painful to live, it is better to fight with each other to get a chance of life.

It's not like this, getting deeper and deeper, and finally putting myself in, and the man And no punishment.

However, this matter still draws a full stop in this way, how she will choose later, Xiaoyan also doesn't know.

For her, Lin qin'er is a passer-by who meets by chance.

Although she did a lot of annoying things later, she also indirectly contributed to the good things between Han Qing and Xiaoyan, so Xiaoyan actually I don't blame her at all.

If it wasn't for Lin qin'er, maybe she and Han Qing could not have progressed so fast.

On the way back, Xiaoyan is still thinking, Muzi said that she had something to say to herself. As a result, she held back for so many days. She was stunned and didn't say anything. She just said one sentence and waited for her to go back.

Make Xiaoyan whole heart itching, curiosity is completely hooked up. josei

I don't know what it is. Is it so important? You have to wait until she gets back?

= =

at this time, in China, Jiang Xiaobai's mobile phone was almost destroyed by his mother.She was lying at her computer desk with her eyes closed as if she couldn't hear her cell phone ring.

Ever since she said she had a boyfriend and took Xiao Su home, her mother called her every day to ask her how she and her boyfriend were feeling and when to go home again.

At first, Jiang Xiaobai had patience to deal with it. Later, with more and more times, she gradually became bored. Now when she heard the phone ring, she just wanted to pretend to be dead.

She finally knew what it was to lift a stone and hit her feet.

What she thought at first was to solve the dilemma in front of her, and then talk about it later.

She thought that her mother should stop for at least a month after she knew she had a boyfriend. Even if she didn't have a month, she had to have one week anyway???

Who knows She would call and bomb herself every day?

Jiang out of order is really going to go mad. When she was bombed by her mother, she could not write her manuscript. All the chapters were all in a mess. Readers make complaints about what she was doing in the comments area. She even asked her to vote directly. She asked cordially whether the baby was not feeling well recently, and the gift tickets were brushed up, hoping that she could be happy and recover the fighting spirit.

Jiang Xiaobai is crazy. Who could have thought that she was forced by her mother??


She came out of the kitchen with a piece of bread in her mouth and made fun of her.

"Xiaobai, the amulet is coming again. Answer the phone quickly."

Jiang Xiaobai doesn't speak.

Fang Tangtang sat beside her with a smile and patted her on the shoulder like an old mother: "escape is not the way to solve the problem."

"Who wants to pick it up? I don't pick it up. I just want to be clean Fang Tangtang, do you think my mother won't force me to become a monk

"Well?" Fangtangtang was surprised: "become a monk? You're going to be a nun, aren't you?? How can you become a monk when you are still in love? You are willing to give up your group of hungry readers, and so much food and scenery in the world?? And the money you make... "

"Alas." Jiang Xiaobai knocked his head on the table and bit his teeth: "so I think I can bear it again."

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