Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 1356

Chapter 1356

The mother's voice is very penetrating.

So even if it was music, Xiaoyan still heard her sarcasm clearly.

She was a little cold in her eyes, and she didn't expect to meet such a person by train.

She was lazy to connect, closed her eyes and leaned back, turning the volume up a little, as if she hadn't heard it.

As long as I get off the train, Xiaoyan thought.

In the night, Xiao Yan was not sleepy at first, and then she fell asleep slowly. The trains at this time point were all in a hurry for the night, so most of them started to make noise, but later she began to quiet down.

In such an environment, Xiaoyan had a little sleep, closed her eyes and rested a little.

She tightened her coat and went on sleeping.

Who knows not long, the next child began to make noise, making a noise to her headphone line.

Someone else could not listen to it, and said Mom.

"Can you care about your children, and everyone is sleeping now. Can you stop fighting?"

The mother answered with no hesitation: "would you like to teach me? What can I do if children don't listen? If you are noisy, you can just pack a whole train and go back alone? "

The man was so noisy that he couldn't help saying a word.

Who knows will be cut to scold, so can only face to face not to speak.

But the mother is probably upset in her heart, scolding those two sentences is not enough, continue to be there to mock.

"Some of them, I don't know how much I weigh, so many hard seats are required. You think you are emperor. You can't afford to buy a soft sleeper in a car? Look at your advice, and you can't even answer a word. "

The man was said to have a thick red neck and a airway: "who said I couldn't afford a soft sleeper? If I hadn't bought all the soft bedrooms, I would not have bought a hard seat! "

"Is it? I said that, but you can't afford a car. What kind of person? Is it normal for children to make noise? No education and love. "

"Yes, mom, you're right. I'll not tell you."

"But I'll start playing, what?"

Said, the mother suddenly grabbed a melon seed from her pocket and threw it to the child in her arms: "knock your melon seeds, cry what cry? Did you hear someone scolding you just now? Cry and throw you off the train. "

The child was so fierce, if it was really quiet a little bit, it might be to see that melon seeds, so after taking over, began to kowtow the seeds.

The surrounding slowly quieted down, Xiaoyan finally relieved, ready to continue to sleep, but also cross changes.

Because the child began to throw melon shells at her.

At first, the little face was wearing thick, so without notice, gradually felt the wrong force.

So she looked down and found that she had thrown several melon shells on her clothes. When she looked at the child, the child only had no other pride in her eyes.

It was like intentional, because he wanted her earphone just now, but she didn't give it out to play, he was revenge on himself.

Think about it, Xiaoyan pulled her lips and took off the headset.


Mother is also kowtowing melon seeds, listen to words turn head to see a small Yan.

"When your child ate the seeds, he threw all the melon shells on my clothes."

She pointed to the shell on her clothes, thought she would apologize. Who knew she just glanced at it and then sneered: "don't you just have a few shells? A child doesn't know. What do you think about with him? Can't you just pat it off with your hand? "

Originally, the mood is not very good little face, after hearing this, the fire directly came up.

She wanted to be angry and funny. She looked at her mother for a while and said, "don't you think there is a problem with education like children? You don't throw trash can even, throw it on others, still think I am with children to care about? "

"Isn't it? He is a little older. I said you look very beautiful. Why is that so bad? What do you want to tell a kid so big? They told you that he didn't know anything. Would you just shoot it yourself? "

People around hear the sound, they don't sleep, and then start to watch the play.

Xiaoyan sneered and went straight.

"There is a child's saliva on the shell of the melon. How can I know if the child is healthy and I touch it casually, what if I am infected?"

This is also a kind of angry speech, not to curse each other.

But she was really angry at this time. If the mother apologized to her, and then quickly patted the melon shell for her, and then educated the child, she might have even.

But the other side not only did not apologize, but also took such a natural and barbaric attitude, which made her feel really intolerable.

Bear, no matter how to teach!

Who knows the mother heard it, and it was also hot. "Oh my God, how do you little girl think so vicious? Curse my child to get sick! "As if she heard something terrible, she began to scream in the car. josei

"Please help me to judge. This little girl looks like a model. My child just accidentally threw the melon seed shell on her clothes. The child, the skin is normal, and she cursed my child to get sick! How can there be such a person? Heaven, help me to judge. "

The aunt began to cry, but no one spoke for her.

Because it was her children's quarrel before, and now it's her turn to quarrel. So everyone was very tired of her and didn't want to speak for her at all.

The aunt cried for a long time. Seeing no one to judge for her, she began to scold Xiaoyan.

"You say you are a little girl, how can you be so vicious? You're not married, aren't you? I tell you, just like you, you have no fart in the future. I'll tell you. "

Xiaoyan happened to be pregnant. Hearing the other party's curse, she immediately became angry and said with a sneer: "if the child you give birth to doesn't care about teaching and allows him to make trouble everywhere, it's better not to be born and make trouble everywhere. You should be glad that you have met a little girl like me today, rather than a hot tempered rough man. Otherwise, your child would have been carried away and left on fire It's a car. What's the name of accidentally throwing melon seed shells? Obviously is intentionally throws over, you as the elder actually does not care, lets the child disorderly like this? Depending on your age, are you his grandmother? Do your son and daughter-in-law know that you have made your grandson a waste of etiquette? "

Xiao Yan was just too lazy to talk to her, but it doesn't mean she won't speak.

At this time, it was witty to pick up the aunt, and she was stunned.

Next to a few unhappy aunts, people, began to appreciate Xiaoyan.

After Xiao Yan finished, she glanced at each other and was ready to put on the earphone again. However, her mother suddenly pinched her thin arm: "you dare to speak to me like this, and apologize to me, otherwise today will not be over!"

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