Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 30

Chapter 30

"Well, it's more emotional to be on the stage, but I don't think I can understand it."

The words fall, Lu ordinary's eyes fall on the night Mo Shen's leg.

Xiao Su eyebrows pick pick, just want to get angry.

Night Mo deep face as usual, cold voice reply: "really can't understand, after all second-hand, can't eat."

Hiding behind the leaves, Shen Qiao said

Nima, does he know she's here? So you mean to say these things to slander her?

On the contrary, Lu Shen didn't have the ability to laugh at the ordinary night? Second hand or not

Xiao Su clenched his teeth: "do you want to try it?"

Lu Yiping: "what's wrong

"I thought you wanted to try it yourself. Otherwise, how could you ask us less questions?"

Nani? Lu ordinary looks muddled. He just wants to make a mockery of Ye Moshen's disability and incompetence. When do you want to show that he wants to be what? This assistant, really annoying!

Shen Qiao is speechless, did not expect Xiao Su's thought to be so rotten!

"Assistant Ye Shao's words are really thought-provoking ~" after a moment's silence, Lu ordinary returns to his senses and begins to fight back.

A master's move is fatal.

Now it's Xiao Su's turn to choke.

Lu ordinary has already moved his eyes to night Mo Shen's face, "if I had known that night Shao would come to the party, I should have visited you first."

Night Mo deep eyes calm and indifferent: "visit is not necessary."

Shen Qiao listens from afar. It's dark. She's wearing a skirt tonight. She's attracted a lot of mosquitoes after standing here for a while. Now her legs are tickled by mosquitoes. After a while, she can't help but reach out to grab it.

But if you grasp it, you have to bend down. If you bend down, you will make a sound.

Make a sound and you'll be found.

After this deliberation, Shen Qiao didn't dare to bend down at all and could only bear with it.

But later the itch was too much to bear. She could only bend down to scratch it. She just touched the leaves and made a sound.

Lu ordinary lips smile to hide, toward her direction walked two steps: "who is there?"

Shen Qiao was too scared to move.

Mo Shen night, old cold eyes: "the wind is just blowing, there is no need for Lu to make such a fuss?"

Hearing this, Lu ordinary's steps stopped: "is it the wind blowing, or are there few people who want to protect at night?"

The night Mo deep does not speak, but that pair of eyes son is quiet, the body more a stream of anger.

"I'm really interested in people who can protect each other at night."

After a while, Lu ordinary raised his lips: "I've heard that night is not simple, but now I've seen something extraordinary. I'd like to ask a little beauty for a date, so I don't want to accompany him."

"Help yourself."

After Lu ordinary leaves, Shen Qiao maintains the original position, which is about to explode. Lu ordinary leaves, and then he waits for night Moshen to leave.

However, Shen Qiao waited for a long time, and there was no tendency to leave at night.

After waiting for a while, Shen Qiao couldn't hold on to it, and finally heard Mo Shen's way.

"Are you going to put ostriches there?"

Hearing this, Shen Qiao was shocked and fell to the ground.

"Who is it?" Xiao Su stare big eyes, rushed to see Shen Qiao, "how can you be here?"

Shen Qiao's action has been too stiff. She simply sits against the tree with the cup in her hand on the leaves. She gently rubs her legs that are bitten by mosquitoes and gives Xiao Su a helpless look.

Xiao Su suddenly realized: "it turns out that Lu Pingxiang was talking about you just now?"

Night Mo deep push wheelchair to come over, stare at her sitting on the ground, "get up."

Shen Qiao was so miserable that she stood up despite her unwillingness.

"I asked you to find Mr. Lu. Did you come to see this?"

What? Shen Qiao's eyes widened, and his white cheek turned red. He knew that, didn't it mean that he had been watching for a long time?

Thinking of this, Shen Qiao subconsciously said, "you Did you watch it too? "

Night Mo deep squint eyes: "so this is recognition?"

After hearing this, Shen Qiao regained consciousness and quickly waved his hand: "no, no, I didn't mean to peek, but when I found him, it was just I was afraid that he would find out, so I hid behind the big tree for a while. I didn't expect that they would... "

Be bold!

It's just outside the party hall where people come and go.

"Did you not expect it or did it on purpose that you would not know his situation and conduct in advance? Or... " Night Mo Shen's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his voice was cold and stern: "think Lu is the next target you aim at?"

After hearing this, Shen Qiao finally understood what night Mo Shen meant.Isn't that to say that she is fickle and wants to seduce men when she sees them? Lu ordinary is good in both human and family background, so ye Moshen thinks that he has been targeted by Shen Qiao.

At that moment, Shen Qiao's face turned from red to white, and his lips suddenly became bloodless.

"I know you look down on me, but don't be so insulting? I am also dignified josei

"Is it? How much is your dignity worth? "

Night Mo Shen mercilessly stepped on her dignity under the feet.

Shen Qiao's eyes widened.

It's hard to believe that the man was so bad that he made a mockery of her in front of her, but he was able to protect her from the wind and rain in front of others and give her enough face.

What kind of person is he?

Think of the things before, Shen Qiao decided to endure, bite the lower lip did not speak.

"Xiao Su, let's go." Night Mo deep cold voice orders, Xiao Su nods to push night Mo deep to leave.

Seeing that they were going to leave, Shen Qiao also stepped forward to follow them.

"Don't follow me."

In a word, success let Shen Qiao stop, can only watch the night Mo Shen leave in front of him.

A moment later, Shen Qiao just caught up with him and saw the car go away.

Well, she was left behind again.

Shen Qiao wanted to cry, but she wanted to laugh.

What I want to cry is that she may have to walk back again, because she has no purse and no extra money in her mobile phone.

Is it really a failure to get to her point alone?

Thinking of this, Shen Qiao bit his lower lip, stubbornly raised his head and looked at the shining stars. His eyes were wet, as if something was about to flow out!

"Shen Qiao, don't cry. It's just a small matter. You have to face it later More! "


Suddenly, a blue Bentley stopped in front of her.

The window rolled down, revealing Lu's handsome eyebrows.

"Get in the car? I'll give you a ride? "

Seeing Lu ordinary, Shen Qiao thought of the scene she had seen outside the banquet hall. Her eyes were a little dodgy, "no, it's not necessary."

Lu ordinary's eyes, however, have a funny smile.

"Really not?"

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