Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 595

Chapter 595

Night Mo deep but keep silent, did not receive her words.

Han Muzi is not worried, just staring at him quietly, he suddenly leaned over to kiss her lips.

This sudden action makes Han Muzi stunned.

The kiss didn't last long, just like a dragonfly skimming the water. The next second, his lips fell on the corner of her mouth and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm not OK?"

Han Muzi:

What exactly does this person mean?

"I've done so much for you. Don't you understand my mind?"

Of course she knows his mind, but

Night Mo Shen suddenly bit her with anger, and Han Muzi frowned with pain.

"What are you doing?"

"Does it hurt?" He took her hand and put it over his heart: "it's more painful here than you are now."

Han Muzi stopped breathing, "you..."

He quickly reached out and hugged her: "don't associate with him. He's not a good man."

Hearing this, Han Mu's purple pupil widened and could not speak.

He did.

No wonder, no wonder when he came back, the look in his eyes and the breath on his body were totally wrong. It turned out that he really knew that he had met with night Lenghan.

But isn't he sleeping?

How did he know that?

Han Muzi couldn't help but ask: "you follow me?"

Night Mo Shen did not answer, holding her tight again.

"Does that mean default?" Han Muzi closed her eyes powerlessly and felt that her heart was sinking gradually.

For a long time.

"Do you have to spy on me like that? Do I not even have the most basic freedom? Don't you know what personal freedom is? I'm not your wife now. You just No right to control me. Even if I were your wife, you can't bind me like this

His breath cooled.

"Bondage? And what about you? What did you tell me yesterday? " He clasped her wrist, his strength gradually increased: "you won't go out? Let me have a good rest? And run out and have a private meeting with a man? "

"Private meeting?" The word angered Han Muzi.

She went to see the cold at night, clearly just to talk about the work above, but he said himself so unbearable. Looking at his eyes at the moment, Han Muzi always felt as if he had been slapped hard, and suddenly pushed the night deep.

"What do you mean by that? Who do you think I am? Private meeting "

After pushing him away, Han Muzi sat up and found that she was not wearing an inch thread. She took a breath, pulled the sheet over her body, and then got out of bed to pick up her clothes and put them on, with her back to the night.

"As if I were going to a private meeting? So what? You can't control me now Han Muzi put on her clothes and went into the bathroom. When she went in, she left the door very loud. The room seemed to be trembling with the sound.

Night Mo deep staring at the door, thin lips tightly into a straight line.


What's the amount of cheating he received?

Night cold, want to rob him?

There are no windows.


Han Muzi cleaned up in the bathroom and went out to change a suit of clothes. After the change, she began to make up again. She sat in front of the mirror and painted her lips bright. She totally regarded the night as a transparent person.

Looking at this scene, the night Mo deep can not help but frown.

This woman does not go out, what does make-up do?

He got up, put on his clothes and trousers, and walked behind her: "are you going out?"

Han Muzi ignored him, took out the small mirror and the powder to make up for himself, then picked up the bag and went out.

As she reached the door, a hand came across and stopped her.

Han Muzi raised his head and saw the night with a bad face.

"To where?"

He wrung his eyebrows in a displeased expression. josei

Han Muzi sneered, "where am I going? You don't think that you have protected me for two days, and you have really become one of my people? My brother doesn't care about you. Why should I take care of me? "

She pushed his hand away and walked downstairs.

Looking at her straight back, the voice of Mo Shen at night resounded.

"Even if it happened just now, do you think I'm still not qualified to control you?"

Her steps were just a meal, but still she went downstairs.

What age does he think this is? He's going to have to take care of her if there's a relationship? It's really ridiculous. Don't say that she is not a virgin now. Even if she is a virgin and is taken by him for the first time, she may not force herself to have a relationship with a man because of this.

When Han Muzi got downstairs, she was going to drive to the drugstore. As a result, she was about to open the door, and one hand pressed her action.Lift eyes, as expected is the night is not deep.

His breath was a little unsteady. "Didn't I say it was dangerous out there? What do you want? "

Han Muzi: "it's just

She sneered, "are you in danger? Don't forget what you did to me just now. Don't do what you want with me under the banner of protecting me. Do you think you are doing something noble or good for me? If you are really for my sake, you should stay away from me

She opened the door and sat in the driver's seat.

The night Mo Shen stands there, the eyes and the expression all have some pain.


instead of going anywhere else, Han Muzi drove around in front of the drugstore, and then got out of the car to buy aftercare medicine.

When the shop assistant heard that she wanted to take contraceptives, she introduced several kinds of contraceptives to her. Han Muzi said her own situation directly, and the shop assistant introduced one to her.

Han Muzi paid the money directly, and then took the bag out of the door.

After she got into the car, she put the contraceptive on one side, remembering what had happened before, only felt headache.

Why good, she and night Mo Shen developed to bed?

Now Things are getting more complicated.

She must, must not be pregnant.

If you are pregnant, it's really chopping, and it's chaotic.

There was still some distance from her home, but she didn't want to go back so early, so she took a long way and planned to drive back slowly.

Under the viaduct, just a crossroad, Han Muzi stopped to wait for the red light, his eyes unconsciously glanced back, but suddenly saw a car.

She took back her eyes, thought about it and looked again.

This car, how do you feel Seems like she's been following her since she was in the drugstore?

Is it the same destination? Is there such a coincidence?

Although Beicheng said that the roads are not too many, but she has been driving for such a long time, there are seldom so many similar road sections.

The light is green.

Han Muzi constantly changed the road on the next journey, but the black car behind her has not disappeared, has been following her.

After a few traffic lights, Han Muzi can be sure that he has been followed.

She bit her lower lip and took out her mobile phone to call ye Moshen.

Just pressed to his name, Han Muzi was stunned.

She just had a fight with him. What call should I call him at this time?

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