Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 602

Chapter 602

"By the way, didn't you see the depth of the night when you came in just now? He's not downstairs? " Han Muzi couldn't help asking again.

She still doesn't feel right.

Xiao Yan's eyes suddenly become some Dodge, bite the lower lip and say: "in, downstairs."


Han Muzi twisted her eyebrows, "didn't you just say there was no one?"

"I, I was scared just now, so That's the wrong answer Xiao Yan said incoherently.

Han Muzi suddenly stares at her with sharp eyes.

"What's the matter? You are hesitating. Did he find out? "

Xiao Yan's face changed and she shook her head.

"No, I didn't find it. If I did, how could you still get the medicine? It's just I met him when I came just now. He asked me what I wanted to do. I said I would send you documents He let me up. It's just that his face is not very good-looking, and his tone is also murderous. I'm still a little afraid

When she said these words, Xiaoyan didn't dare to look at Han Muzi's eyes. She was afraid that if she saw her own eyes, she would know that she was lying.

She looked down uneasily at the tip of her feet, the corners of her mouth closed tightly.

In fact, when she just entered the door, she thought that there was no one in the room, so she wanted to go upstairs to find Han Muzi in her bedroom.

But did not expect just to walk to the stairs, was a cold male voice to stop.

Xiao Yan of course knows who it is. Because she knows who it is, she is so scared that she can't look directly into each other's eyes. When she turns around, she still shivers.

"Night, night always..."

The cold eyes fell on her face and finally moved to the bag in her hand.

Xiao Yan was staring at the soles of her feet with such sharp eyes that she felt cold and sweating, and almost fainted.

"Looking for Muzi?" He asked her in a cold voice.

Xiao Yan nodded again and again, feeling that she was going to nod her chin. josei

Obviously, she was the one who had lived here before, but in the dark of night, she felt as if she was an intruder in this room. She was very embarrassed.

"What do you want from her?" Mo Shen asked again.

Xiaoyan thought of the words Muzi told her in her mobile phone, so she said in a low voice: "Gong, there is a document in the company to sign, so I'll show it to Muzi. "

Xiaoyan was prepared, so after finishing this sentence, she quickly took out the documents in the bag: "this is the one."

Ye Moshen did not pick up the documents in her hand.

Seeing that he didn't seem to want to explore the authenticity of the document, Xiaoyan put it away and said slowly, "well, since there is nothing wrong with the night, then I'll go up and look for Muzi first

With that, Xiaoyan turned around and prepared to go upstairs quickly.

"Wait a minute." Night Mo deep but suddenly stopped her, small Yan's steps frozen in place, back to night Mo deep face expression is very painful, very crazy.

Why on earth did she send medicine for Muzi? In front of this cold faced Yama, she was very difficult to act. She could hold on for a while. If she was interrogated again, she felt that she was going to faint.

"Night, night always" Xiao Yan turns around and carefully stares at the night, asking questions on her face.

Don't raise your hand in the night and open your hand.

"Bring it here."

When Xiaoyan stopped breathing, she felt the whole body's blood flowing back rapidly. After being stiff for ten seconds, Xiaoyan handed the document to ye Moshen, pretending to be stupefied: "night, is that what night always says? Here, here you are. "

"Not this one." Night Mo deep lift eyes, eyes deep stare at her: "you know what I want."

Xiaoyan:.... "

She thought of her promise to Han Muzi and decided to pretend to be stupid to the end, so she showed a silly white smile,

"Mr. Ye, I really don't know what you are talking about."


The next second, night Mo Shen said directly and clearly.

Small Yan Leng in situ.

"I won't let her take the pill." He opened his hand to her again, his voice and eyes cooling: "don't let me say it again."

So Xiaoyan surrendered, her lips pale trembling, the mobile phone just bought the contraceptive from the pocket.

She really thought about everything. In order to prevent the night from searching her bag, she put the medicine on her body, but she didn't expect Night Mo Shen is just a word, let her so obediently give the medicine out.

How could this be so

She gave the medicine to ye Moshen. What did she take to tell Han Muzi.

Who knows night Mo Shen took medicine, then handed a small bottle over.

"Give her this, or she won't stop."

That woman probably only stops after taking the medicine. If she doesn't take the medicine, it will happen many times in the future."Here, what is this?" Xiaoyan hesitated for a few seconds, did not reach out to pick up the bottle in his hand.

Night Mo deep eye wave circulation, "vitamin."

Xiaoyan took a breath of cool air, the night is not deep, this means to let her change the contraceptive into vitamin to Mu purple ah.

"But, in this case, she would..."

Night Mo deep lift eyes, the first time seriously look at her eyes: "do you want her to take contraceptives?"

"I..." Xiaoyan's heart of course is not want to Muzi take contraceptives, after all, she and Muzi so many years of good friends, know Muzi is what temperament.

She still loves the night, even though she doesn't admit it.

If, if she was pregnant, would she Just obey your heart and stay with the night, no longer suffering?

Once the idea comes to mind, it's hard to get rid of it.

Xiaoyan looked at the small bottle tangled, and her lips moved: "but, I don't want to cheat her."

"You don't know." Night Mo deep eyes light dark: "medicine is I take advantage of you do not pay attention to the time, you do not know what."

Smell speech, small Yan fiercely raised head to look at him.

"I don't know. You gave me the medicine face to face. I'm..."

"Do you think Will I give her a chance to take the pill? "

Xiaoyan bit his lower lip, and naturally knew that what ye Moshen wanted to do was to do what he said. He said that he would not take contraceptives with purple, so she would not be contaminated with contraceptives, or even take a look at it.

It's been a long time since I took the vitamin.

The bottle looks like a contraceptive, but The drugs in it have been replaced with vitamins.

Xiao Yan closed her eyes, took the medicine bottle and turned around and went upstairs.

The eyes behind her always followed her until the corner disappeared.

Xiao Yan stopped, then leaned on the corner and looked at the tall figure downstairs.

Forget it, she is to help night Mo deep, also be regarded as help Mu purple.

After all, her heart knot should be untied after all these years.

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