Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 663

Chapter 663

Looks, we all know you are his father.

"You know?" Night Mo Shen suddenly thought of a very important thing. After the staff left, he pulled Han Muzi to the side of the sofa and sat down, with a serious expression on his face: "did you tell him about my existence?"

Did you say that?

Han Muzi only said that she would look for his father, but ye Moshen asked, did she say it or not?

She doesn't know.

And night Mo deep look at her face to know Xuan, he pulled down the face.

"Didn't you mention it at all?"


"In your heart, am I really so unimportant?"

"The night is deep, I...."

"Not even worth mentioning?"

Han Muzi: "can you let me have a word?"

He sat there with a livid face, staring at Han Muzi. His eyes were too sharp. Han Muzi didn't know how to explain to him.

"What do you want to say? You can say it. "

"Xiaomi Dou and I I mentioned helping him find dad, but

"But you didn't think it was me, did you?"

"No!" Han Muzi interrupted him, "night is not deep, can you not be so grumpy? I'm with you, and you're still so cruel to me? "

By her words, the night is not deep enough to ease God.

Yeah, she's with herself. What did he do to her? Anyway, if she said no, her son would be his sooner or later. She should call him daddy.

Thinking of this, the night Mo deep pursed the next thin lip, and then the way.

"Well, I won't hurt you. I'll stay tonight."

"I'll be here, waiting for my son to come back and open the presents."

Han Muzi's eyes widened. "Do you really want to stay? Didn't you say to give me time before

"But it's only three days. Today's half time, so you don't want me to see him?"

"I don't mean that..."

"Then let me stay."

Han Muzi: "it's just

She looked at him for a long time and got up directly: "you love to stay, I don't care about you."

With that, she went straight over the night. Mo Shen went upstairs directly to take a bath. Anyway, Xiaoyan should not come back so early.

Han Muzi entered the room, but still can't help but his heart pounding, take out the mobile phone to call Xiaoyan.

I don't know how Xiaoyan is going to go to Hanqing. She has to ask Xiaoyan when she will come back. She thinks she is not ready.

It took a long time to answer the phone.

Han Muzi was happy on her face. When she just wanted to talk, her waist was held by people from behind. Then she felt the hot smell of men between her neck. Han Muzi almost didn't have to turn her head. She knew that night Moshen was holding her waist and his chin was leaning against her shoulder.


Xiao Yan's voice rang from the other end of the mobile phone.

Han Muzi blinked his eyes, almost a little dull to feed, and then did not know what to say.

What she had intended to say, she swallowed it all back to her stomach when the night came.

"Muzi? What are you calling for? What can I do for you? " Xiao Yan's voice sounds very small, like deliberately low, there are other people talking around the voice, you can see that she is very inconvenient now.

Han Muzi pursed her lips, and her eyes were a little erratic.

"No, nothing."

"Oh, I thought there was something wrong with you. If not, I'll hang up."

Xiao Yan was just about to hang up the phone. Han Muzi suddenly exclaimed. She grabbed her cell phone conditionally and asked nervously, "what's the matter with you?"

Han Muzi's face flustered, reaching out to push night Mo Shen's hand.

The bastard, taking advantage of her unprepared, lifted up the corner of her dress and put his hand in it.

She was startled.

"No, nothing." Han Muzi answers while pushing the hand of Mo Shen at night.

But where is the strength of Yemo Shen that she can match? She can't push, but let him go further. After a while, Han Muzi's breath becomes a little messy.

Xiaoyan hasn't hung up the phone yet, listening to her side of the movement, some doubts: "are you really OK?"

"No, it's OK." Her voice sounds a little broken, Han Muzi is afraid of Xiaoyan's doubt, can only answer: "I just let you not play too late, early back..."

Speaking of half, Han Muzi quickly bit his lower lip and almost called out.

"Ah..." From behind came the man's dull sexy low smile, listening to Han Muzi's ear bursts of fever, and if it goes on like this, she will be exposed in front of her small face.

Han Muzi didn't think about it, so she cut off the phone directly. The mobile phone was picked up by yemoshen and placed on the table beside her. Then her hands were held by Yemo Shen and pressed on the dresser beside her.He bullied her, with the corners of her lips in his eyes.

"If I didn't come up, would I want to take my son away again?" josei

Han Muzi was guilty and avoided his eyes. "I didn't..."

Mo Shen's thin lips came after him, "is this not yet? What do you want to do when you call? Well? "

As he spoke, the movements on his hands did not stop. Han Muzi was tortured by him, and his consciousness could hardly gather, and his heart began to tremble.

"You just I didn't hear that just now. I told her to come back earlier, but I didn't... "

"Is it because I am here?" Ye Mo Shen sneered and bit her white chin punitively. Because her skin was white and tender, she soon had a red tooth mark on her chin.

Ye Mo looked at the tooth mark deeply, and felt pity and love. After looking at it for a long time, he bowed his head and gave a kiss.

"You are a woman. When you are cruel, no one is as cruel as you are. Thanks to my keeping an eye on you, otherwise I will not see my son again tonight."


Han Muzi protested to him and pushed away.

His hands were caught by him, night Mo deep squint eyes, "then remember well, do not push me so far in the future."

Han Muzi was bitten by him on the chin, and his hands were caught by him again. Now he is in a disordered look and is pressed on the dressing table by him. He is very angry.

"Well, I see Let me go. They may come back soon. "

There was no action in the night.

"The night is not deep?"

Han Muzi pushed him, night Mo Shen suddenly raised his head, a pair of black eyes burning turbulent light, people were shocked, "you, you will not..."

"Well." Ye Moshen nodded honestly, "the waiting process is too boring, let's do something else meaningful?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

What is meaningful? Now she just wants to escape. Han Muzi seems to have not heard what he said. She pushes him away and wants to leave. As a result, her legs are in the air and she is held up directly.

"It's too late to escape now."

"The night is not deep!"

Han Muzi's eyes whirled around, her people had been pressed to the soft big bed, she was scared to face a change, quickly pushed him: "the door, the door is not locked..."

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