Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 666

Chapter 666

The five-year-old stood there, with a fruit plate in his hand, filled with fruits of various colors. But this is not the point. The point is that although there is a touch of light sharp in the eyes and eyebrows of the little guy, no matter it is the eyebrows and eyes, or the nose and lips, they actually make the night deep have a feeling of looking at the mirror.

The little guy in front of me seems to be a miniature version of myself.

The heart seems to have a pumping, looking at the face in front of me that is similar to myself, the brain actually died.

When the little guy saw him, he seemed to be stunned for a moment. His dark eyes were as clear as glass beads, clean enough to be free of any impurities. Soon, we could see that the little guy was a little confused when he looked at him.

But soon, the little guy reacted and stepped forward step by step with short legs.

Every step he took was like stepping on the top of his heart.

The tall man didn't notice that his fingertips were shaking.

Xiaomi Dou has gone to him, and successfully saw that night's deep face turned pale.

Cut, why is daddy so useless?

Seeing him is like seeing a ghost.

No, he doesn't really think he's a ghost, is he?

Xiaomi Dou puts the plate on the table top, and the collision of porcelain and table top makes a light and crisp sound. Xiaomi Dou puts several toothpicks on the fruit, and then looks up to the night.

"Would you like some fruit?"

Xiaomi Dou's face is dull and cute. It looks very simple and harmless.

The tall man squatted down and raised his knuckled hands slowly towards the smooth and white face of Xiaomi Dou.


How can this face look so much like yourself? It's almost a mold.

After seeing the face in front of me, all the tension disappeared, and the rest was shock and disbelief.

"Millet bean!"

Han Muzi almost ran downstairs for the first time when she came to the living room to see the scene.

The small one was eating with the apple in his hand, and the other one was half bent, and his shaking hand almost touched Xiaomi Dou's face.

Already Have you met?

Han Mu purple red lip light tremble, feel a blank in the brain.

She is now What to do?

Xiao Yan saw her face is not right, so his face is still coated with mask. After seeing it, the mask on his face will fall down.

Did the father and son meet so soon? Han dragged her hand to the spot, and saw her standing in front of her.

"Xiaoyan, I..." Han Muzi grabs Xiaoyan's arm at a loss, and her eyes are wandering.

"I know you're nervous. No, you'd better not go up later." Xiao Yan stretched out his hand and tore off the mask on his face. He sighed the air pressure and said in a low voice: "millet bean is so smart that it should be able to cope with it. I'll take you upstairs first."


Han Muzi's mood is very delicate now. It's not clear what it is. It's very complicated, but it can't be quiet.

But what can she say when she comes forward?

"Let's go." Xiao Yan takes Han Muzi upstairs, and the living room downstairs is quiet again.

One big and one small is still there. The big one keeps the original posture all the time. The small one doesn't matter, and even continues to hold fruit in his mouth.

Silence for a moment, night deep hand or decline to his face, but slowly back.

"You Your name is Xiaomi Dou

The night Mo Shen slowly opened his mouth, he heard his voice with a trace of shaking.

Xiaomi Dou looks at him and blinks.


He nodded and felt his heart thump, as if something was exploding in it.

This is Muzi's child. It's Xiaomi Dou in her mouth.

If you look at his appearance, you can almost determine one thing

Suddenly, the night Mo Shen clasped Xiaomi Dou's wrist, narrowed his eyes and looked at him dangerously: "who is your father?"

Originally delicate atmosphere was destroyed at this time, Xiaomi Dou raised his head and looked innocent: "I have no father."

Don't breathe deeply in the night, "you No daddy? Then you... "

, as like as two peas, he said, "Daddy is dead."

looked at the face that looked exactly like himself, and looked at the way he said it. He felt sad that he almost vomit a blood.

"What is death?"

That woman used to curse herself like this?

"Xiaomi Dou hasn't seen daddy since she was born. What is it that is not dead?"

"What do you think..." Night Mo Shen approached him, and his long and narrow eyes were as sharp as swords and arrows: "does this face of mine look like yours?"The two faces are close at hand. If they are not big or small, people can hardly tell who is right and who is wrong.

Xiaomi Dou suddenly put another piece of apple in his mouth, making a click sound.

The night is not deep

He held back the torrent in his heart and said, "don't eat at this time, OK?"

"Oh, no way." Xiaomi Dou quickly refused his request and said with a smile, "Xiaomi Dou likes to eat fruit."

With that, he touched a piece and thrust it abruptly into the mouth of Mo Shen at night.

Night Mo deep meal, feel the child's soft palm rub his firm chin, apple into his mouth, night Mo deep subconsciously bite.

The sour and sweet taste immediately diffused in the mouth, stimulating the taste buds of the night. Looking at the child's eyes in front of him, an idea slowly converged in his mind.

Like a robot, he chewed the apple and swallowed it.

"Is it good, uncle?" Xiaomi Dou saw that he ate the apple and asked with a smile.


Night Mo deep eyes slightly squint, voice with a trace of dry mute: "don't call uncle."

Xiaomi Dou continued to blink at him, continued to eat fruit, curiously asked him: "what do you want to call it?"

Mo Shen was not worried. His eyes were locked on the small face in front of him. His hand slowly stretched out and stroked his small face. Then he moved back, shaking his big palm and held the small group in front of him into his arms.


The little guy's more confused voice came from his chest.

Night Mo deep closed his eyes, probably even he did not notice, eyelashes are trembling.

Big hands on the back of the little guy's head, night Mo deep, eyes slightly hot, voice heavy.

"Not uncle, but daddy."

Damned woman, unexpectedly It's no wonder that he has been kept a secret for so long No wonder she didn't allow herself to investigate her. No wonder she didn't want him to know the existence of the child. No wonder she was so excited and her eyes twinkled every time she mentioned the child.

So it is

So it is!!!

She was pregnant with her own child!

Xiaomi Dou is the child of his deep night.

Bathe in purple It's hard for you to hide it from me!josei

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