Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 730

Chapter 730

"Isn't that what you said just now?" Han Qing raised her eyebrows, and her eyes fell sharply on her face like a sharp blade.

Xiaoyan unconsciously stepped back two steps, the index finger dropped down to poke, "I said, but Don't you doubt it yourself? You must also feel wrong, that's why I'll call in my little flat head. To tell you the truth, who can recognize the bag in this way? But I just don't think it's like this because of the lack of nights. "

Listen to words, Han Qing pursed his thin lips, eyes become a little far-reaching.

He also felt that something was wrong, but the other party wrapped gauze, it may be that he thought wrong.

"Don't tell Mu Zi about this matter for the time being. When you go back, pretend that nothing has happened. After you confirm your identity, you can talk about it."

Xiao Yan nodded seriously: "I will."


Han Muzi went to the bathroom and came out to find that Su Jiu in the ward had disappeared. Occasionally, a conversation came from the balcony. After listening to two or three sentences, she recognized that Su Jiu was talking about work.

Think about this time, she accompanied Han Qing back and forth, is really busy enough.

Han Muzi chose a chair to sit down casually and looked out of the window blankly.

Su Jiu came back from the phone and saw Muzi sitting on the chair. It's winter now, but Han Muzi only wears a thin dress.

Su nine Leng for a moment, quickly turned around, took a coat to put on Han Muzi's body.

"It's cold. Be careful not to catch cold. Your body is just right. Pay attention to yourself."

She dressed Han Muzi like a big sister, and Han Muzi looked up at her.

Su Jiu smiles and pinches her face. She whispers, "you are still so young. Don't think too much about many things. Just let it be."

"Let it be?"

Han Muzi read these four words, and his heart felt a little uncomfortable: "in the past five years, I told myself that many things as long as they were natural, but I didn't expect that in the past five years, my heart still had no change, and many things still kept the original original original appearance."

"Isn't that a good thing? Vicissitudes of life, everything changes. It's a precious thing that you can keep your original feelings with yeshao. "

"But now I don't even know where he is."

"This may be the test of heaven for you." Su Jiu thought about it and decided to chat with Han Muzi in another way.

Sure enough, the word test attracted Mu Zi. She raised her head, and her expression was a little surprised: "test

"Yes, it is a test. In fact, I don't know much about you, but I know something about it. I envy you very much. After all, I can be with the people I like. Even if the time is not so long, but you have at least, then it is worth your lifetime to visit the world. "

Speaking of this, Han Muzi thought again that Su Jiu liked his brother at the beginning.

Then nine saw Su Jiu get married, what happened and Han Muzi are not clear. Now looking at her expression and appearance, it seems that she still likes her brother?

"You..." Inadvertently to find out the secret of her heart, Han Muzi is a little embarrassed, the mood is suddenly taken to the side, in this moment, forget about the night deep things.

Su nine helplessly smile, sat down in front of her, then picked up the kettle in front of her, poured a cup of warm water and handed it to Han Muzi: "come on, drink more water."

Han Muzi's expression is sluggish ground results that cup of water.

"In fact, you must be asking why I like one person and marry another?"

Han Muzi raised her head and fixed her eyes on Su Jiu. She was really curious.

"In fact, it's easy to understand. For example, although I like him, he doesn't like me. I can't force him to be with me, can I? Even if I really have a way to force him to be with me, then he still doesn't like me. What's the meaning of this? In addition, I like him, but it doesn't mean that I have to wait for him all my life. My parents all hope that I can get married early. I think that I can stick to that age, which is the greatest sincerity in my love for him

Hearing this, Han Muzi seems to understand some and nods.

Su Jiu wanted to say something more, but she took the initiative to say, "Secretary Su, don't say it again."

These things from Su Jiu's own mouth, no doubt is to tear apart the wound that has been combined to let others see how deep she has been hurt before.

No need.

Su nine Leng Leng Leng, pour is unexpectedly she can interrupt oneself, it seems that she is also quite considerate.

"In fact, I still want to clarify that I don't have the feelings I used to have for your brother. I've been away from your brother for a long time, so I think it's not so important to get nothing."

Han Muzi of course knows what she wants to express in this words. On the surface, it is to clarify, but actually it is to persuade her.If the night is not deep It's a real thing. Let her look at it.

Think of here, Han Muzi inexplicably a little unhappy, then lightly nodded: "I know Secretary Su, by the way, I just saw you on the phone, the company is very busy?" josei

"It's just a little thing, no problem."

"If it's a small matter, you don't need to call Secretary Su in person. Is it tiring to accompany my brother back and forth all day

"It's my job to talk about what Miss Muzi says. As for president Han, as long as he can accompany his sister, I don't think it matters how hard or tired he is."

"Secretary Su, after going back this time, please advise my brother not to come again. I don't want to let you run for me because of my personal reasons. If you and my brother are tired out, nothing I can do will help

Su Jiu: Well, I'm afraid I can't say anything about President Han. If Miss Muzi really doesn't want Mr. Han to come, she'd better go and persuade him in person. "

Knock and knock -

there was a knock on the door of the ward. They both turned their heads together and saw Xiao Yan push the door of the ward quietly, and then put his head in, looking like a thief.

After the small Yan probe comes in, after the eyes of Han Muzi, she shrinks back in an instant, as if she has done something wrong.

"Xiaoyan? Where have you been? " Su Jiu saw her, then stood up: "just now I want to look for you, can not see people."

Xiao Yan, who was named, had to come in and smile at them awkwardly. He whispered, "I didn't go anywhere. I'm just bored. I just went out and walked casually."

She certainly won't say that she went out with Han Qing, and then found something about yemoshen over there.

What's more, I'm not sure whether that person is the night!

Han Muzi, however, found that Xiaoyan's movements were not normal.

"What's the matter with you?"

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