Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 742

Chapter 742

After the person left, Xiaoyan pulls Han Muzi.

"You let her go so easily?"

Han Muzi looked around, "it's just a bluff to say that layoffs are just bluffing, blocking some people's mouths."

After they sat down after the meal, Xiao Yan looked around quietly, then lowered his voice and said, "however, are you going to wait all the time?"

Listen to the speech, Han Muzi's action on the hand, lift eyes to see to small Yan, do not speak.

Xiaoyan was frightened by her cool eyes, shrunk her neck, and then explained, "in fact, I have no other meaning. I just want to know, if there is no news from him, do you have to wait all the time? Running the company for him all the time? If you go on like this, you will be very tired. "

"Xiaoyan." Han Muzi suddenly called her name.


For the first time, Han Muzi looked at Xiaoyan carefully.

"I won't wait all the time. He will come back."

Her eyes are very firm, Xiaoyan is not good to say anything, just nodded, and then eat.

In fact, this month's waiting time, not only Xiaoyan, many people think that the night is not deep, must be in the plane accident, can not come back.

But only Han Muzi and Xiaomi Dou have been firmly convinced that night will come back.

He's just temporarily missing.

Alas, Xiaoyan took a look at the haggard Han Muzi in front of her.

How much determination do you have to have to have such a persistent trust?

Suddenly, Xiaoyan felt that although he could not get Han Qing, it was a very happy thing to see him alive every day.

Which is like Mu Zi, love but can't be together.

If something really happened at night, it was Yin and Yang separated.

But these words Xiaoyan dare not say in front of Han Muzi.

After dinner, everyone went back to their jobs.

After finishing a day's work, Han Muzi and drag tired body home, just ready to lie down, received a call from Su Jiu.

"Secretary Su?" Han Muzi some doubts, this time off work, what does she find herself to do?

"Miss Muzi, I have a message to tell you."

Her tone sounded solemn.

Han Muzi was already tired and had no strength. At this moment, hearing Su Jiu use this solemn tone, he immediately sat up.

Although it is almost daily for Su Jiu to call her these days, she seldom talks to herself in this solemn tone.

And her heart, also at this moment crazy beat up, Han Muzi felt that her voice was a little dry and dumb.

"What What's the matter? "

Su Jiu smiles slightly here, and his tone is full of congratulations: "Miss Muzi, we It may have been found that night is short. "


Dong Dong!

Han Muzi Leng for a long time to react to come over, in front of a wave of dizziness hit, but she did not faint.

This situation may be just too excited, she bit her lower lip and pinched her mobile phone.

"Is that true?"

Then she stood up and said, "did you really find it? Where did you find it? How is he? "

"Miss Muzi, don't worry about it. We have news. The accuracy rate is 80%. But There are some things we're not sure about, so Please ask Miss Muzi to come in person. "

Some things are not sure?

"What's the matter?"

Su Jiu didn't directly say what it was. He just said, "President Han said that according to miss Muzi's temperament, she can't wait for this evening. Even if she can, she can't sleep. So, I have bought the ticket for tonight. Uncle Nan is on his way to pick you up

"Uncle Nan Already here? "

"Well, there should be 20 minutes to miss Muzi. Miss Muzi still has time to clean up. By the way, Miss Muzi doesn't have to worry about Xiaomi Dou. He will be taken care of naturally next

With Han Qing and Xiao Yan in, Han Muzi naturally doesn't worry about millet beans, nods and says good.

"Miss Muzi, go and pack up. I'll hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Han Muzi put down the mobile phone and got up to pick up things.

When he opened the cabinet and took out the suitcase, Han Muzi's hand shook, and then the suitcase fell down like this.

She was stunned for a few seconds, and then quickly came forward to clean up.

Although there are 20 minutes, but Han Muzi only took a few minutes to put things in order, took his passport and went out directly.

Uncle Nan has not yet arrived at Haijiang villa. Han Muzi doesn't know how long he has been waiting. Finally he sees his car.

"Uncle Nan!" Han Muzi saw Uncle Nan get off the bus, feeling a little excited. josei

"Miss Muzi." Uncle Nan came over with a smile and took the luggage from Han Muzi's hand and put it in the trunk. He said, "Mr. Han asked me to pick up Miss Muzi to the airport and have something to eat. Miss Muzi hasn't had dinner yet?"Han Muzi shook her head and didn't care about the dinner. She just looked at Uncle Nan and asked, "Uncle Nan, Secretary Su, she said Is it true? "

Up to now, her heart has not completely calmed down. Her head is like exploding fireworks. Countless memories jump out, and his promises in his ears are just like a passing glance.

After uncle Nan put the suitcase away, he looked up and found that Han Muzi was looking at himself with red eyes. For a moment, he was too soft hearted. He said in a kind voice: "Miss Mu Zi, if there is not a high probability, Secretary Su and Mr. Han will not buy you a ticket. This is a good thing. Don't be sad, Miss Muzi. Get on the bus quickly. "

Han Muzi was stunned and reacted abruptly.

Yeah, that's a good thing.

What is she upset about?

Thinking of this, Han Muzi suddenly swallowed the tears in her eyes and let her smile. She said softly, "Uncle Nan is right. If you are not sure, my brother and Secretary Su will not tell me about this."

"Let's go to the airport now?"


Han Muzi nodded and got on the car with Uncle Nan.

After getting on the bus, uncle Nan looked at the navigation system and asked, "it may take time to go to the airport here. But Mr. Han told me to let Miss Muzi eat first, so..."

"Uncle Nan, we can go directly to the airport. There are restaurants in the airport. I can have dinner at any place I like."

"It's OK."

South uncle Han Muzi safely to the airport, a car Han Muzi saw standing on the side of the road waiting for her Su nine.

See her get out of the car, Su Jiu came over quickly, pulling the trunk for her, "Han always is waiting for you inside."


Han Muzi followed Su Jiu to the security check. After the security check, Su Jiu took her to a restaurant.

Han Qing sits by the window with a notebook and a cup of hot coffee on the table.

"Coming?" Han Qing raised her eyes, and before she could react, Han Muzi ran over three steps and one step.

"Brother, news Are you sure? "

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