Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 750

Chapter 750

After chatting with Xiao Yan for a while, Han Muzi just hung up.

Then she logs in to the website of weichi's company and enters her background to see the unread notice information.

Han Muzi point open a look, found that is their own resume has responded.

She was told to go for an interview at eight tomorrow morning.

See this interview notice, Han Mu purple red lips slowly hook up.

It seems that she is one step closer to her goal.


the next day, Han Muzi arrived at weichi company on time and went to the front desk to communicate with each other directly in fluent English. Unexpectedly, the front desk jumped out with a Chinese.

"Are you Chinese? Are you here for an interview? "

Han Muzi nodded unexpectedly.

"Well, you have a good eye. Weichi group is the best group, and the welfare of its employees is also very good."

Smell speech, Han Muzi tiny smile, "yes, I just saw the welfare feel good, so come here."

"Ha ha, that's good. By the way, what position are you applying for?"

"Assistant secretary."

"Ha, you really came to apply for a secretary assistant. I tell you, since that person came, the people who applied for the company have become more and more popular. I said you, you look so beautiful, why bother? It's not a good job to be a secretary's assistant. "

The front desk looked at her heartily, then said, "you take the C elevator up, go straight to the fifth floor, where is the interview place."

"Thank you."

Han Muzi nodded, then turned and walked toward the C elevator.

I don't want the front desk behind me to whisper to the people around me: "it's a pity!"

Han Muzi looked for a while and found the place where the front desk said in the elevator with the most people. She was a little surprised. She saw that there were people in front of the elevator, and all of them were young and beautiful girls. josei

the most important thing is that they have very heavy perfume.

A group of people gathered together and the smell was terrible. When Han Muzi thought of his pregnancy, he stepped back from the surrounded by perfume, and looked up at the lift.

"Excuse me, are you Chinese?"

Suddenly, someone asked.

Han Muzi turned her head and found that a girl had followed her to one side. Compared with that group of people, her appearance seemed a little out of place. Because other people dressed very ornate, but she dressed very simple, with a small face as big as a palm, delicate facial features, looks very young.

Seeing her looking at herself, Han Muzi was sure that she was talking to herself.

She nodded, um.

The girl was very happy and reached out to her.

"My name is Lori, and you?"

Laurie?? How dare someone call so cute? Although She is a very small one after all.

"Hello, my name is Muzi."

"That's great. Are you applying for a secretary assistant, too? Me too. Oh, we can go up together later

Han Muzi came here for the sake of yemoshen. When yemoshen recovers her memory, she will return home with him, so she won't stay here for too long.

After all, Ye's group is still waiting for ye Moshen to go back.

Looking at the little girl in front of her, Han Muzi said bluntly: "you applied for a position with me. We are now in a competitive relationship."

Maybe she didn't expect her to say so. The girl who called Lori was stunned for a moment and then laughed again: "it doesn't matter. It doesn't affect our understanding. Anyway, it's the people above who decide the position."

Did not expect her state of mind is also very good, Han Muzi light smile, nodded back to look.

I don't know if she is not obvious or how. Lori is still standing by her side and occasionally saying a few words to her. She looks very warm.

Han Muzi will occasionally respond to her.

Although she doesn't get to know people who are familiar with themselves, it's not easy for her to find a job when she thinks the other person looks so young.

And when I meet my compatriots abroad, I'm sure I'll feel a little excited.

So Han Muzi also occasionally returned to her.

When the elevator came, everyone frantically crowded into it. Because of her pregnancy, Han Muzi had been standing in the rear and waiting, and didn't squeeze the elevator with everyone.

Lori looked at her in surprise: "you are calm. You are the calmest of all the secretarial assistants I have seen today, and I didn't go out of my way to dress up, but you are already very beautiful and have a very good temperament. "

Han Muzi: "it's just

She looked at each other, Laurie praised her, a sincere and lovely face.

Han Muzi some embarrassed to get up, subconsciously reached for a wisp of green silk on the cheek, embarrassed way: "thank you.""You're welcome. Let's go in, too." Laurie took her hand and walked on.

Han Muzi walks in with her.

When she got to the door, Han Muzi frowned. She held her breath subconsciously, because it was Lori who went in first, so Han Muzi was the last one.

But I didn't expect that she had just entered the elevator when the elevator rang.

"Ah, it's overweight." Someone inside yelled, because everyone was watching Han Muzi go in last, so after hearing the words, they glanced at her.


For a moment, everyone's eyes are focused on their own body.

Han Muzi is really too embarrassed, and indeed she is the last one to go up. As soon as she wants to take a step, she hears that there is humanity behind her: "what's the matter? You are overweight and can't go down?"

"Yes, what are you doing here? She doesn't think she'll be overweight if she's relying on the elevator, and she'll send her up? "

Han Muzi wrung her eyebrows, pursed her red lips and walked out.

She just stood for a while, and had no time to react. The group of people

It seems that today's candidates should be hostile to each other, looking at each other is not pleasing to the eye.

After Han Muzi came out, Lori didn't seem to be very nice either. She coughed lightly and walked out.

"I'm fine. You don't have to stay here with me. I'll wait for the next elevator."

Lori didn't go in. She blinked and said, "it's OK. We're compatriots. I'll wait for the next elevator with you."

She said so, Han Muzi did not say anything, after the elevator closed, Lori suddenly gathered to her side and whispered a word.

"I know there are elevators around here, and you can go to the interview Department on the fifth floor."

Han Muzi:

"You come with me." Laurie took her hand and walked forward.

Han Muzi can only follow her.

The way ahead was much quieter. After arriving at the destination, Han Muzi saw that the elevator before meeting was different from the previous one. There was no one here.

"We can go straight up to the fifth floor from here."

With that, Lori pulled her into the elevator.

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