Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 766

Chapter 766

Other words?

Han Muzi thought about it again.

So there was such a scene in the secretary room.

The assistant secretary stood there with a face of deep thought. Sister Lin stood beside her curiously staring at her assistant, especially nervous and curious.

"How is it? Did you say anything else? "

Han Muzi came back to God and shook his head, "no more."

"No more?"

"Well, I cleaned the windowsill and left."

Of course, she didn't tell sister Lin what happened in the office. She couldn't believe what happened just now.

Sister Lin is dubious. She thinks what she said is too watery. How can she not get angry and say nothing? Although Wei Chishen hasn't been in office for a long time, he doesn't feel like such a person.

However, there is nothing wrong with Han Muzi's state, and her mood is not bad. What she said should not be a lie, but she can only let people go.

"Well, go on with your work."


After Han Muzi went to work, sister Lin went to the office with the heart of proof. The door was not closed, and she stood at the door and knocked.

Night Mo deep lift eyes, deep eyes just fell on her body. josei

Secluded, as deep as a wolf, with a chill toward sister Lin. Inexplicably, sister Lin felt a cool back, afraid to enter the office.

"Deep less."

The night Mo deep takes back the line of sight, falls on the notebook again, "Lin elder sister, what can I do for you?"

Sister Lin:

Didn't he ask her about cleaning again? Is it really as Mu Zi said, deep little not angry?

Why is it so strange?

She felt as if her voice was choking and something was stuck. It took her a long time to recover her voice.

"That Shen Shao, cleaning things in the morning..."

"Well." The night Mo deep light voice interrupts her words, "already dealt with."

Finished? Lin elder sister wanted to say the words so swallow back, also embarrassed to ask how to deal with, can only agree with the head: "since Shenshao has handled well, then there is nothing. However, I still have to say sorry to Shen Shao about things in the morning. It's because I didn't tell you clearly in advance that I made such a mistake. Next time... "

Night Mo Shen seems to have no patience to listen to her finish, nodded, is to know.

How could sister Lin not understand his expression? The understanding ground received a word, did not say any more, "then I go back first."

Finish saying, Lin elder sister turns to go out.

"Wait a minute."

The eye Lin's eyes seem to remind me to take away something in the night


Sister Lin followed his line of sight.

A basin for cleaning.

Sister Lin:

This, this is mu Zi that girl left??

And deep little not only did not get angry, but calmly let her take away??

Sister Lin felt that there were tens of thousands of horses galloping past in her heart. On the surface, she was still calm. Then she went over and bent over to pick up the water basin and went out of the office.


Han Muzi arranges materials in the secretary room. Because she is still in the internship and works the next day, she does all kinds of trivial things without any brain.

She just classified, sister Lin came back, and then quickly walked to her, looked at her face seriously asked: "be honest, what is the relationship between you and Shen Shao?"

Han Muzi:

What happened?

Han Muzi looks at Lin elder sister with a face muddled, what happened? Why did sister Lin go out and come back and ask her what is the relationship between her and Shen Shao?

Did she investigate herself?

Thinking of this, Han Muzi felt a pang Deng.

However, she soon calmed down again. It is reasonable to say that sister Lin's influence can not find out anything if she comes to investigate her own words. Han Qing has done a good job in the aftermath for her.

She couldn't reveal her identity as ye Moshen's wife so soon.

Thinking of this, Han Muzi showed a puzzled expression and looked at sister Lin: "sister Lin, what do you mean?"

Sister Lin looked at her face puzzled, but also sincere look, how do you think it is their misunderstanding of her.

But it's impossible. If she has nothing to do with Shen Shao, why help her?

Thinking of this, sister Lin narrowed her eyes into a line, pretending to be a mature way: "sister Lin is a person who has come here. I can see that little dispute between you two. Do you want to hide it from sister Guan?"

Han Muzi is not a person who hasn't seen anyone in the mall. She has already inquired before she comes. Now when she sees sister Lin looking at herself with this expression, she knows that she is pretending to be deep.Thinking of this, she smiles and whispers, "sister Lin, if there is anything between me and Shen Shao, why do you want to be this secretary assistant? Sister Lin also came over. If I really have something with Shen Shao, how can I look up to the position of secretary assistant? Run up and down, but also specially practice? "

According to her, it seems reasonable.

If you can help captain Chi Shen, why should she be a little assistant secretary? Just let Wei Chishen arrange a happy and relaxed position for her in the company?

"It's rare for me to be clean, but if I don't clean it up, he'll be expelled, but he doesn't get angry with you?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

Han Muzi was in a trance.

Yes, when she went, she also thought that night Mo Shen would cut herself in a fit of anger, but she didn't.

Sister Lin must have guessed because of this.

She had to find a way to round it. Han Muzi blinked her eyes and whispered, "I don't know why. Maybe it's Shenshao. I'm in a good mood today? And I'm lucky? "

Sister Lin:

It seems that there is nothing else but this reason?

Well, sometimes luck It is also a kind of strength.

Sister Lin can only comfort herself in this way. Instead of talking to Han Muzi, she goes to deal with her own work.

After she left, Han Muzi was relieved.

As expected, sister Lin is pretending to be deep.

Han Muzi pinched her brow and went on working.

The next day, Han Muzi made two or three cups of coffee for Yemo, and sister Lin delivered them to him one by one.

When she finally made her bubble, Han Muzi counted the number, and felt that the night was not deep enough to drink too much coffee.

She's wringing her eyebrows. What's the matter with this jerk?

"Sister Lin, I don't want him Is there too much coffee in a day? " Can't help it, Han Muzi asked.

Sister Lin paused for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

"I also think that ordinary people can drink two or three cups a day. It's not good to overdo everything."

Han Muzi nodded with approval.

"But I don't know what happened. The amount of coffee he had the day before was quite normal. It seems that he didn't sleep well in the evening when he got up a lot these two days?"

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