Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

In the dark, I don't know how long it took, the jingling sound, like the sound of the key chain collision, was particularly loud in the silent night, and then the door opened.

Two figures appeared in the dark space.

"Assistant Shen?" Xiao Su looks at the dark room, takes out the mobile phone and turns on the flashlight.

For a moment, the room was illuminated.

Then night Mo Shen also saw the scene in the room, a small figure shrank in the corner, hands holding his knees buried head, the whole person shrunk into a small group.

It's like a cat curled up.

The band of long hair had come apart at some time, leading to the scattered green silk of her head, which was hanging disorderly on her shoulders, covering her face and ears.

Inexplicable, the night Mo deep feels from her body sends out the despair and the cold.

From the beginning to the end.

What's going on? Night Mo deep frown, tone unhappy.

"What's wrong with her?"

When Xiao Su heard the inquiry, he stepped forward: "assistant Shen?"

The shrinking person did not respond, did not move a bit, and even sat there motionless.

"Assistant Shen? Assistant Shen? " Xiao Su saw that she didn't move a bit, her eyes jumped, and quickly called two times.

However, the person curled up there still did not respond, as if they were dead.

Xiao Su looked back at the night Mo deep one eye, saw his eyes around a circle of haze, the whole person exudes a cold breath.

"Night, little night..."

At night, Mo Shen rolled his wheelchair to Shen Qiao and stopped by his side. His voice was cold: "raise your head."

There was no response.

Xiao Su is beating uneasily on one side. What's the matter with assistant Shen? Is it no use what he told those people? The gang moved her?

"My patience is limited. I'll give you three seconds to raise your head." Yemo Shen then said.

But the person who curled up there seemed to have not heard his words. The night Mo Shen's eyes jumped, and suddenly thought of something. He grabbed Shen Qiao's wrist and directly pulled her up.

The petite man was pulled forward by him without any resistance, and a pale and bloodless face appeared in front of the night.

Xiao Su behind him could not help but take a breath of cool air.

Night Mo deep eyes a lie, looking in front of the Shen Qiao.

In the weekdays, the white cheek has no blood color at this time, even the pink tender on the lips has faded clean, a pair of clean eyes are calm like water, and there is no vitality at all.

The night Mo deep thin lip moved, the voice is low: "tell me, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Qiao sat still.

Eyes are not angry, night deep, this found that her eyes do not have a focal length, as if not to see him.

Damn it!

What's the matter with this woman?

Night Mo Shen suddenly came to anger, toward the back of the rebuke way: "check in the end what is going on?"

Seeing that Mo Shen was so angry, Xiao Su realized the seriousness of the situation by looking at assistant Shen's appearance of being out of his wits. He turned around and called for someone.

The room left night Mo Shen with Shen Qiao, his thin lips pursed, cold tone: "second marriage girl, what's the matter with you?"

Shen Qiao maintains the original movement, does not move.

Damn it!

The night Mo Shen narrows his eyes dangerously and stares at the woman whose face is white and whose eyes have no focus.

For the first time, I found that I was so helpless to a woman.

No touching, no scolding, no ferocity.

Because of the way she entered, ye Mo Shen felt guilty. If it wasn't for him, she would not have become like this.

"Second married girl, are you pretending to be stupid with me, or do you really can't see me?" After a long time, Mo Shen asked again.

It turns out that Shen Qiao is really unresponsive. Ye Moshen raises a helpless feeling for the first time. He reaches out and pulls her into his arms. Shen Qiao is very clever. He pulls him into his arms like a puppet doll and lies in his arms lightly.

Night Mo deep feel the heart tip a tremor, what thing is quietly changing.

That pair of cold hands, finally can't help but quietly, slowly around Shen Qiao's thin waist, adjust her position for her, let her lie in his arms with a stable posture, and then slowly touch the back of her head with the other hands, with a low voice.

"If they bully you, let me know. I'll get justice for you."

People in my arms didn't respond.

"Woman, you'd better be sober. Last time you were drunk and cried secretly, can you solve the problem by making such a fuss?" josei

But although he said more, Shen Qiao still did not give him a response.

Xiao Su quickly brought people over there. As soon as he entered the door, the man shivered and asked, "night, little night, what happened?"

Listen, the night is not deep, his body blooms a strong aura, his side eyes, eyes such as moment to coagulate that person."What did you do to her?"

The man shivered and his feet trembled, "night, night, we Nothing has been done

I'm kidding. They don't have long eyes. This woman's relationship with yemoshen is extraordinary. How could they do something to her?

Night Mo deep, eyes a lie, a record of the eye knife, like breaking bamboo.

The man was frightened and fell to his knees on the floor. He didn't speak very well.

"Night after night We really didn't do anything to her. Xiao's assistant told us that we couldn't touch her, so we took her to this room and locked her up. We wanted to wait for the later orders of yeshao. "

He doesn't look like a liar. He's just locked up. Why does she look like this?

Night Mo deep squint eyes: "what happened in the middle?"

The man paused, recalled for a while, and then said: "nothing happened, she was very quiet after we locked up, no noise and no noise."

No noise, no noise?

Night Mo deep eyes suddenly become complicated.

A moment later, the man suddenly exclaimed, "but Because she was so quiet, we forgot to turn her off. At noon and at night Forget to send her It's a delivery. "

The man seemed to have been able to anticipate his own death, and his body trembled.

"What do you say?" Don't wait for the night Mo deep mouth, standing in a bystander of Xiao Su first attack, "I rely on, you are still not human, unexpectedly don't send food to others, hungry people all day long???"

"Sorry, we didn't mean to If she doesn't speak, is she starving? "

A day did not eat, is a pregnant woman, may be really hungry.

Xiao Su was ashamed of this, so he could only say, "the night is short, or let's go back first. Assistant Shen has been hungry for a whole day, and it's hard for him."

Night Mo deep eyes such as electricity, finally or a, and then by Xiao Su push him downstairs.

I don't know when, lying on his body Shen Qiao has closed his eyes, sleeping in his arms.

Wait until the time to go to bed, night Mo deep just found that she fainted.

Night Mo deep face a change: "go directly to the hospital, call to let Chen ma do something easy to digest and send it to the hospital."

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