Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 789

Chapter 789

What, what?

Han Muzi thought that she had heard wrong, or else she had hallucinations. Otherwise, why would night Moshen appear at the door under her apartment building? And said to her, let her take him upstairs?

"What are you doing standing there? Not going

Han Muzi is still in a daze, the night Mo Shen opened his mouth again, his voice sounds cold and clear, no temperature at all. Look at his eyes again, black Zhan Zhan's, also do not have any emotion.

Well, the person is real, not her illusion.

If it was her illusion, Mo Shen should not have been like this that night. She nodded and walked forward and opened the door in silence.

It was a great surprise to see him here.

When she and George went to the restaurant, she didn't see him. George said that he didn't see the information. But George was not a liar, and she was not a little girl. How could you not see what George's expression was hiding.

So now see him here, Han Muzi in addition to the accident, or a little surprise.

She opened the door and yemoshen followed her in.

Han Muzi went upstairs with Mo Shen at night. When she turned the stairs, she met the landlord downstairs. Seeing a tall man behind her, she narrowed her eyes and looked at her. Then she asked with a smile: "boyfriend?"

Han Muzi shook his head awkwardly.

The landlord thought she was shy and passed them by with a smile.

Han Muzi opened the door and entered the porch.

She bent down and fished out a pair of women's slippers on the shoe cabinet and put them in front of him. The night was deep and then frowned.

"Do you want me to wear this?"

Han Muzi said I'm sorry, president. I'm here This is the only pair of indoor slippers. "

Ye Mo took a deep look at the shoe cabinet. Indeed, there was only a pair of women's slippers on it. The rest were her own shoes.

Just a glance, the night is not deep then take back the eyes, the heart is quite delicate.

Only a pair of slippers, that means that she has never been in this room, and he Maybe the first one.

Think of here, night Mo deep see Han Muzi on the eye a lot.

"There is a life supermarket not far downstairs. Would you like to wait for me here for a while? I'm going to buy you a pair and come back? "

Night Mo deep frown, he is so affectable person?

"No, you can wear your own shoes, and I'll go in a minute." josei

He took off his shoes, put on his socks, stepped on the floor, and walked in. Han Muzi had to put on his slippers and follow in.

She really didn't know why ye Moshen appeared here, but she didn't dare to ask. After all, he is now It's so moody.

He felt that if he asked more, he would jump up and hit people.

Night Mo Shen went in and found that the room was very clean by her, probably because she lived alone. There was a faint fragrance in the room. After searching around, he found many pots of orchids on the balcony.

No wonder there is fragrance in the room. It turns out that she has a hobby of planting flowers.

Han Muzi went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee for ye Mo Shen. After a few drinks, he heard Han Muzi quietly ask, "what can I do for you?"

As a result, the action of drinking coffee at night stopped.

Yeah, what did he come to her for? Do you want to say, oneself is unwittingly open here??

None of this.

Night Mo deep purses thin lips ponder.

Han Muzi saw that she asked a question, and the other party didn't even drink coffee. It seemed to be thinking.

He didn't know that when he thought about things, his eyebrows would be subconsciously frowned and his lips would be pursed tightly.

Is he thinking, how to answer his own question? It's hard to think about this kind of problem

Han Muzi is brain hole big open, suddenly heard night Mo deep cold to say to oneself: "take."

"What, what?" Han Muzi was startled and looked back at him.

Take something?

Night Mo deep face dew displeasure, "clothes."

Han Muzi: "it's just

The expression on Ye Mo Shen's face has begun to be impatient, because Han Muzi's performance now seems to be filling something in his brain. He feels that his ideas are going to be seen through, and there is a little more anxiety in his tone: "suit coat, don't you mean to wash it and return it to me?"

Hearing this, Han Muzi finally realized.

It turns out that he was talking about suits and coats, but Han Muzi couldn't help frowning. That day, he clearly said that he had a habit of cleanliness and didn't want that coat.

Why did I come to her for this coat today?

"What?" At night, Mo Shen saw her standing in a daze, her expression on her face was a little dull, and she didn't know what she was thinking about. She had to laugh at her: "you don't want to own that suit, do you?"The mind was punctured on the spot, Han Muzi was a little embarrassed, and quickly waved his hand.

"No, no, how could I have done such a thing? I've sent the suit for dry cleaning. It's hung up. I'll get it for you now

Finish saying, Han Muzi turns to walk toward the closet in the room.

But the moment she turned around, the expression on her face suddenly became a little depressed.

That suit coat, at that time, Mo Shen said no, so she hung it in her closet and could see it every day when it was opened. She also thought that he should not take advantage of himself.

I didn't expect that he would come to ask for this suit today.

It's too volatile.

She went into the room to get her coat, but the night was deep, but somehow she stood up and wanted to follow her into the room, but he stopped when she came to the door.

Han Muzi opened the door of the wardrobe, and was still depressed. As a result, she was stunned when she looked up.

Because last night before going to bed, she put the underwear she had collected on the suit shelf, and now the underwear is hanging on the suit.

Han Muzi's face suddenly changed. It's too late to pull the door of the wardrobe.

Because there were footsteps behind her, she looked back and saw that night Mo Shen twisted her eyebrows and strode towards her.

From his face and eyes, he should have seen the scene just now. Han Muzi bit his lower lip and wanted to dig a seam for himself to hide.

All blame her, blame her too handy, where not easy to hang, actually hang on the suit.

What's more, when she opened the wardrobe in the morning, she didn't think it had anything to do with it. She thought he didn't want the suit anyway, so she could do whatever she wanted.

But just now, she forgot about it.

Finally, night Mo Shen went to her in front of her, squinting at her.

Han Muzi raised her eyes and took a look at him, and immediately moved away from her eyes.

Yemoshen still remember that scene, a red underwear hanging on the top of the suit, that scene gave him too much visual impact, until now can not forget.

"Are you a pervert?

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