Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 809

Chapter 809

Duanmuxue is satisfied to leave from weichi's home. When she left, she happened to come back at night. Excited, she stepped on her steps to meet her.

"Brother Shen, are you back? Are you tired of working overtime today? "

Night Mo deep sweep each other one eye, light ground a, and then walk from her side, did not see her more.

Duanmuxue felt the strong wind swept by her side, and her hand, which she wanted to take up, also stopped awkwardly in the air. She shook her fist angrily and was so angry that she gnawed her teeth.

After a while, she lowered her hand again and comforted herself with a smile.

Nothing. The colder his character is, the better. This shows that he is not worthy of attention. As long as she is engaged to him and marries on a good day, is he worried that he can't love himself?

He is not an ordinary girl, there are means to make him fall in love with himself.

Thinking of this, duanmuxue felt more comfortable and left.

Night Mo deep routine with Wei Chi Jin say hello, and then ready to go upstairs, did not expect Wei Chi Jin but called him.

"Working overtime lately?"

Night Mo deep pursed thin lips to think for a while, and then shook his head: "I am busy with the company's affairs, do not need to work overtime."

Hearing this, Wei Chi Jin couldn't help frowning: "don't you need to work overtime? Where have you been these days? Why don't you come back for dinner if you don't work overtime in the company

"Something happened recently." As for what it is, ye Moshen naturally won't tell him easily.

Wei Chi Jin subconsciously wanted to ask what it was, but when he thought about what he had said to himself last night, he felt that it was inappropriate to ask such a question. So he swallowed the words that had come to his mouth and changed it into: "are you all right tomorrow? Tomorrow I'll make an appointment with your grandfather Duanmu and have a dinner with Xiaoxue. It's seven o'clock in the evening. "

The night Mo deep hears the speech to frown, in the eye reveals the color of displeasure.

"Didn't I say that I didn't pay much attention to her? Grandfather, do you want to promote me and her? "

Wei Chi Jin hummed: "it doesn't matter, then start to pay attention to Bai, Xiaoxue this child cares about you more, looks beautiful, family background is also good, you slightly pay attention to her, you will find her good."

The night is not deep

I don't know why, when he saw Duanmu snow, he had a very uncomfortable feeling, especially the way she looked at her eyes and how she wanted to be intimate with herself.

He is very resistant, so this is the reason why ye Moshen doesn't want to see her more.

"Ah Shen, believe in grandfather, Xiaoxue is definitely your best choice at present, if you get married."

If you get married

I don't know why, the night Mo Shen's eyes suddenly appeared a woman's delicate face, tearful eyes with pear blossom to look at himself and said no.

How can he be at this time Think of her?

"Do you hear me? If you don't come, my grandfather won't forgive you

Return to God, night Mo deep thinking of Wei Chi Jin's words, cold voice: "I will arrive on time." josei

If you avoid it, there will always be another time. It's better to make things clear once and for all.

Wei Chi kinton was happy and smiling: "my grandfather knew you would not let him down."

"By the way, my grandfather said Have I lived in weichi's house before? " Night Mo Shen suddenly asked.

The smile on Wei Chi Jin's face suddenly froze and was obviously displeased: "what do you ask this for? Grandfather didn't tell you before. You were brought up by me. You will inherit the whole property of weichi family in the future. When you ask this question, do you think your grandfather lied to you? Will my grandfather hand over the property to an outsider? "

The night is not deep

He didn't doubt Wei Chijin's words, but his own life experience. When he woke up, he completely forgot who he was. It was Wei Chijin who said that he was his own grandfather. He was in distress at sea, and his brain hit a stone, and then he lost his memory. However, he was told not to worry and would find the best doctor to treat him.

This grandfather is really good to him, but ye Moshen doesn't feel very close to him.

But relatives are not deceiving. Blood is still in it.

What's more, weichi's family is so big that he can't give up such a big industry to an outsider.

"Have you thought of something lately? Does your head still hurt? Would you like a doctor to examine you? "

The night Mo deep shakes his head, light ground opens a way: "no, I am OK."

"That's good. Do you still have the medicine that Dean Hao gave you? It doesn't matter, ah Shen, you are my grandson. No matter whether you have the past memory or not, it will not change this matter, so don't be under pressure and can't remember Then don't think about it. Anyway, the memory of the past is not so important, people It's important to look forward. "

After all, he was an old man. He had to talk a lot. After listening for a while, he said, "I'm going to have a rest first."

The night Mo Shen returns to the room, takes a bath to clean up, opens the wardrobe when coming out, sees the suit hanging in the head, he is stunned for a moment.The suit is the one brought back from Han Muzi.

That day, he saw her hang her suit in the closet, and The underwear was still hanging on it, and he approached her and asked if she was abnormal.

But now What about it?

Knowing these things, he told her that he would not wear the suit again and would not ask for it again. However, after taking it back, he did not know why. He hung the suit in his closet like a demon.

And it's also where you can see it when you open it.

Night Mo deep stare at the suit for a long time, suddenly pull lips smile.

"How do you feel, I'm the pervert?"


the next day

because she wanted to invite the night to eat for a week, Han Muzi prepared a lot of fresh ingredients, and even thought about how to cook when she went back to dinner.

After work, she subconsciously slowed down her pace, anyway, after a while, yemoshen would follow up and let her get on the bus.

Sure enough, after walking for a while, the bus arrived at night.

However, this time did not wait for her to get on the bus, night Mo Shen said: "I have something to do today."

Listen to words, Han Muzi's pace stops: "ah?"

What he means is, don't you eat at your own house today?

Night Mo deep eyes color deep ground stare at her, the voice lowers a few minutes: "but you don't want to escape, time is pushed back, this day should be owed to me."

Han Muzi: "it's just

"Well, I see, but What can I do for you

She couldn't help asking her curiosity.

Looking at the small woman in front of her white face showed a curious expression, night Mo Shen did not know why, actually feel a little guilty.

Her eyes are too clean, no trace of impurities, so straight into his heart.

Night Mo deep move eyes, light cough a, "I foreign convention guests eat."

After explanation, night Mo Shen frowned quickly. Why did he explain so much to this woman?

"Anyway, I owe it today, you know?"

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