Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 815

Chapter 815

"Are you sure you have no questions to ask me?" He fixed his eyes on her like a hunter locked in his prey, and as long as he raised his gun, he would hit her in the next second.

In the face of such eyes, Han Muzi is usually nervous, but today her mood is very gloomy, also very irritable, simply followed by a sneer back.

Do you want me to ask you a question? What have you done that you need me to ask? "

Such a reaction, night Mo deep can not help but pick eyebrows.

"Oh, my temper is not small."

Han Muzi stood up and opened the door directly: "I have to go to work tomorrow."

The implication is that you go away, I want to have a rest.

Night Mo deep micro frown, she is so anxious to drive away, it seems that she does not want to make the problem clear.

Well, he can't wait for her to ask herself today.

Obviously, she did this to herself. According to his arrogant temperament, he should get up and leave.

But night Mo Shen and faintly felt that if he left like this today, he would certainly regret.

Thinking of this, night Mo Shen got up and walked towards her.

Han Muzi thought that he was ready to leave, but he came to stop in front of him, his eyes locked on her, did not want to leave.

The breath on his body is strong, close to her: "if there is nothing to ask, what is your temper?"

Han Muzi frowned: "I didn't lose my temper."


Suddenly, an ambiguous voice came from the corridor.

At first, Han Muzi didn't hear her clearly. After hearing that, her face changed sharply. Next door, a couple of young lovers lived next door. Both of them were very young, and they were used to shooting each night before they went to sleep.

After all, it is a small suite, and the sound insulation effect is certainly not so good.

And with her door open now, the sound from the next door is clearer.

Looking at Mo's frown at night, Han Muzi knew that he must have heard it. Then she did not know what she thought. She suddenly stepped back and slammed the door.

After the door was closed, the sound which had been particularly obvious just now dissipated a lot, but after all, she had heard it, so she could still hear some.

She could hear it, even at night.

Originally white cheek burst red instantly, how could Han Muzi expect to encounter this kind of thing, clearly just now the atmosphere between the two was very arrogant, but now it has become particularly embarrassing.


As soon as she opened her mouth, she saw the motionless night approaching slowly.

"Are you sure you're not getting angry with me?"

Also do not know is her psychological function or what, Han Muzi actually felt at the moment the night deep voice sounds dark many, but also with a dry mute.

It was a very dangerous night for her.

Han Muzi reflexively stretched out his hand to push him, but the hand just reached his chest, he directly buckled it, and then was pressed on the door panel.

Most of his heavy body was pressed over. Han Muzi couldn't help but stare at him angrily: "what are you going to do?"

The words fall, the woman next door also don't know is by what stimulation, unexpectedly one breath hangs not to go down.

Han Muzi clearly saw that the dark eyes of Mo Shen in the night became dark and heavy, and she could not understand the emotion. Before she could react, he had bent his head and grabbed her lips fiercely.


She was so surprised that she tried to push him away, but her hand was restrained by him and could not move at all.

After a while, her forehead is deep, and her voice is hoarse.

"I don't do anything but ask you if you have a problem."

Han Muzi looked at him with lingering fear, and his voice was trembling.

"What, what question?"

"Did you believe what George told you?" josei

Han Muzi bit her lower lip, staring obstinately at her eyes without answering.

The night Mo deep also does not urge her to reply, lightly continued a sentence: "so you block the gas is also for me?"

This sentence is like stepping on Han Muzi's tail, she immediately and loudly refuted.

"Who blocked the gas is for you, you give yourself less gold, how can I..."

In the middle of the speech, he suddenly attacked again and retreated, "so much reaction, hard mouth?"

"I..." What did she say again, and he kissed again.

Finally, Han Muzi was completely stunned by his kiss. He looked at him stupidly and didn't know what the refutation was.

Until the night, Mo was whispering in her ear.

"I'm not engaged to anyone else."

Han Muzi just got her mind back. She looked at the deep night in front of her, and seemed to be a little unable to believe: "you just said If you don't get engaged, then you... ""Listen, I'll only say that once." He pressed on the back of her head, pressed his thin lips, and whispered in her ear.

"Although I'm not sure whether you enter the company for me, through your various performances, you can be sure that you like me in your heart."

"I, I didn't..." Han Muzi was actually stunned by what he said just now. She thought he was going to discuss the engagement, but unexpectedly he told herself that he would not be engaged to anyone else.

So he turned it down at night?

"Dare you say not?"

Han Muzi: "it's just

She humbly did not open a face, weakly said: "you said there is good."

She liked it but didn't want to admit it. The way Wei chubba moved her deeply. She pinched her chin and narrowed her eyes close to her.

"To have is to have, to have is not to have."

Their eyes were opposite, so close that they could hardly see each other's face, but could only see the reflection in their eyes.

Under his strong gaze, Han Muzi said a word: "yes."

See her admit, night deep eyes finally emerge a gentle look, this is from his amnesia never seen scenery.

After that, he didn't want to change his mind

Although he didn't know how he was distracted by the strange woman in front of him, he could always think of her face when he closed his eyes almost every night.

Han Muzi looked at him uncertainly and hesitated: "you, are you confessing to me?"

Listen to words, night Mo deep face a bit dark, clearly said that the person like is her, how to her eyes into their own to his confession?

Seeing that his face suddenly turned black into charcoal, Han Muzi sighed helplessly in his heart. This man was still so hard hearted and soft hearted that he didn't want to admit it, but his behavior could be seen.

Today, he is willing to say these things to himself, which shows that he cares about himself in his heart, which is enough.

Han Muzi finally took the initiative to stretch out his hand, surrounded his thin waist, and then buried his cheek in his arms.

The night is not deep, the whole body is stiff.

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