Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 833

Chapter 833

Duanmuxue's face changed immediately after she came out of the office. She was not as weak as she was in the office just now. She was carrying her skirt and limping forward.

When she saw the bathroom nearby, she walked in indignantly.

As she walked, she wiped away her tears, and her eyes were shining with strange light.

The night is deep, how to treat her like this.

She fell into such a way that he didn't even take a look at her and even took off the suit he had touched!

Duanmuxue really hate and hate in her heart, what is wrong with her? Why just can't go deep into the night.

However, she is the eldest lady of the Duanmu family. She can't let these people see her jokes. So she has to go into the bathroom to tidy up her clothes and leave here in a beautiful way.

Duan wood snow after entering, in the mirror to take out their own powder makeup makeup, see their lips are bitten by their own rotten, she sucked a cool breath, eyes followed with a feeling of resentment.

There is the sound of flushing the toilet in the bathroom, duanmuxue immediately looks at the back with vigilance.


No one should have seen her now?

The sound of flushing the toilet gradually disappeared. The door of the toilet opened. Duanmuxue saw a girl coming out of the toilet.

After seeing her facial features clearly, duanmuxue's pupils trembled violently.

How Could it be her?

Looking at Han Mu Ziqi calmly and leisurely coming out from inside, when she looks at her eyes, it seems that there is no accident at all. Duanmuxue pinches the makeup cake in her hand directly and looks at her with resentment.

"It's you!"

Han Muzi smiles, her eyes are light.

This pair of cloud light breeze light appearance, did not seem to put her in the eye at all, Duanmu snow hate teeth itching, way: "Why are you here?"

See Han Muzi here, is Duanmu snow did not expect.

After all, she knows about yemoshen. She knows what grandfather weichi has done, but he doesn't know that she knew yemoshen before, so duanmuxue didn't say anything when he did all this.

At that time, Wei's grandfather lost another chance to her, because it was too late for her to erase his memory?

But she didn't expect that the night without memory was the same as before. No matter what she did, he still looked like a pair of salt and oil.

Although she is very angry and angry, but she still did not want to give up, she will find a way to get the night deep.

But now?

She actually saw Han Muzi here.

Duanmuxue's heart was flustered. After all, Han Muzi knew about the relationship between Han Muzi and ye Moshen.

"You shouldn't ask me that question." Han Muzi lightly back to her, she slightly bent down to wash her hands, and then will be sent to the induction machine to dry, roaring sound suddenly filled the quiet bathroom.

Duanmuxue suddenly strode to her.

"Why are you here? How did you find him? You showed up early, didn't you? "

She didn't even find out. She thought that if there was grandfather weichi behind her back, she could not care so much. She didn't expect Han Muzi still appeared.

Her voice of questioning was loud.

Han Muzi's light eyes also changed a little bit. She looked at each other speechless, and then sneered: "what are you so nervous about? Why am I here? I don't need to explain it to you? As for how I found him, it was probably telepathy. After all We are husband and wife. "

That husband and wife immediately stimulated to duanmuxue, she threw away the things in her hand, directly went to grab Han Muzi's shoulder. josei

"No! You are not husband and wife! He didn't go to the wedding at all. At the wedding, you were the only one who was ridiculed by the media. What kind of husband and wife are you? "

Her strength is very big, pinches Han Muzi to ache, she frowns to show the eyebrow, looks at Duanmu Snow's eyes more and more cold.

"Let go."

I don't know whether she is powerful or her eyes have deterrence or how, duanmuxue actually obediently let go of her hand.

When she realized that she had listened to her words and let go, she was still a little annoyed, but she still didn't go forward. Instead, she snorted: "he didn't show up at the wedding. He didn't want to marry you. You don't want to think about it. Do you deserve to be with him? Oh, it's shameless to chase here. What, do you think he'll be with you if you get here? "

Although duanmuxue wanted to maintain her image as the eldest lady, she was probably angry. When she spoke, the expression on her face became ferocious.

Han Muzi heard what happened in the office just now. When Duanmu snow came out, she went into the bathroom.

She thought, if duanmuxue also came in, they really had to meet.If she doesn't come in, then I haven't seen her today.

But it turns out that even God wants them to meet today.

"If it's more than shameless, I think no one dares to compare with you. You know that other people have love, but they still shamelessly seduce them." Speaking of this, Han Muzi put the bracelet in front of her chest and gave a pitiful glance at the other party: "I didn't expect that the daughter from Duanmu's family education would be eager to be a junior. I really want to know what kind of education you received from childhood?"

Duanmu snow immediately glared: "who do you say is the third?"

Han Muzi: "whoever takes the seat according to the number is the one."

Duanmuxue: "you

Looking at Han Muzi in front of her eyes, she suddenly thought of something, pulling her lips and smiling triumphantly.

"You don't know, do you? Weichi's family and duanmuxue are generations of friendly families. I will be engaged to him soon. He will not only be engaged to me, but also marry me and have children. As for you Hehe, maybe what Xiao San said is yourself

"Is it?" Han Muzi said with a faint smile: "if you are engaged that day, you are welcome to send me an invitation."

If she is angry, duanmuxue will be very happy and can say some stimulating words to her, but the other party is so calm that she seems not to be moved by anything she says.

Like this If you don't have a plan, it won't be like this at all!

So, why is she so confident? Is it Yemo Shen has recovered his memory?

No, it can't be!

Yemoshen can't recover her memory so quickly. Why is she so confident?

Duanmu snow some fear, she stares at the Han Muzi in front of her, step by step toward her.

"Why are you so confident? Don't you know that even if he doesn't agree to be engaged, grandfather weichi will press his head and let him stay with me? If you are wise, I advise you to leave early now, so as not to cry with your eyes in the future

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