Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 859

Chapter 859

"I just changed my style all of a sudden."

Duanmuxue is still very guilty and dare not look at Duanmu Ze's eyes.

Duanmu Ze looked at her for a long time, as if nothing had been found, and with a smile, "my friend has just come back from abroad. I heard that I have a sister who is very excellent, so I want to see her."

Listen, Duanmu snow did not want to think, and directly refused.


After that, she realized that she seemed to refuse too quickly, so she could only explain the moderation: "brother, I don't mean that, but I don't have time today, so..."

Duanmu Ze stood in place, also did not speak, so quietly looking at her, Duanmu Xuedun felt that the back hair was erect.

Although her brother is always smiling and approachable, he seems to get along well.

But duanmuxue knows that his brother is not so easy to get along with on the surface.

Being approachable and unruly is just his surface. In fact, Muze is also very effective, but he never presents himself in front of outsiders.

For example, he now has no unnecessary expression on his face and seems to have no anger. Duanmuxue knows that this is the precursor of his anger.

My brother is angry

Impression only then, think of that time angry Duanmu Ze, even if it is his sister, duanmuxue can't help but fight a shiver.

Then she laughed and walked forward and said, "do my brother's friends look good? If you look good, then Go with me, brother

Her weakness let Duanmu Ze look at her more. After a few seconds, he resumed his smile: "of course, it's good-looking. If it's not good-looking, my brother will tell you?"

At the same time, we should be relieved by the snow.

"Go, change into beautiful clothes, and my brother will take you out."

Duanmuxue bit his lower lip and finally nodded.

Forget it, but just to see each other. Even if it's a friend of my brother, she can ignore each other after she has seen it.

What's more, she still has tomorrow. Her brother can't look at her every day, right?

After making up his mind, duanmuxue went back to his room and changed his usual clothes.

Looking at his sister and restore the former Ming Yan appearance, Duanmu Ze eyes deep a few points. If his sister could do this forever, he didn't want to.

There is a trace of intolerance in the heart, but eventually replaced by reason, Duanmu Ze smile: "go, snow."

Duanmu snow with uneasy heart followed Duanmu Ze on the car.

The car stopped in front of a coffee shop. Duanmuxue took a look at the surrounding environment when she got off the bus, and relaxed.

"What's the matter?" Duanmu Ze asked her.

Duanmu Xue shook his head flusteredly: "no elder brother."

Later Duanmu snow was led into the cafe by Duanmu Ze. After Duanmu Ze told the waiter a few words, they were led to the second floor.

Duanmu Xue was walking up the stairs and asked, "brother, why not on the first floor?"

Duanmu Ze: "the second floor has a wider vision and is quiet."

Duanmuxue nodded without any doubt and followed him forward.

At this time, there were few people in the coffee shop. On the second floor, you could see a handsome man sitting by the window.

The man is wearing a casual grey long shirt, black trousers and a long down jacket. He is puffing with a coffee cup in his hand. He looks very energetic.

This is Duanmu Snow's first impression.

"Brother, is that your friend?"

"Well." Duanmu Ze nodded.

But duanmuxue's heart began to suspect. Shouldn't my brother's friend be a businessman or something? But the clothes in front of me don't look like that at all.


Duanmu Xue's step was stopped.

Duanmu Ze felt it. He turned back and looked at her coldly.

"What's the matter?"

This look let Duanmu snow some fear, want to flinch, but can't help but ask: "brother, what friend is he?"

"College students." Duanmuze light tunnel.

College students?

Duanmuxue looks at the man again. If he is a college classmate, then There's no problem dressing like this.

However, Duanmu Snow's heart still feels strange.

As he approached, the man stood up to greet them.


Hearing this, Duanmu Xue finally put down his mind.

To call his brother's name so boldly and naturally is that his brother's college classmates are not wrong.

Duanmu Ze went forward, the man immediately gave a bear hug, fist patted his back: "years have not seen.""Yes, I thought we had no chance to meet again when the University was gone."

Two people exchanged greetings for a while, the handsome man's eyes just dropped Duanmu snow, "are you the sister Xiaoxue that aze often mentions?"

The man's eyes are direct and magnanimous, the smile on the face is also very bright, looks like a special sunny person.

Also do not know is his smile is too infectious or what, duanmuxue's first impression of him is actually good, stupidly nodded.

The handsome man reached out to her: "Hello, my name is Tang Mingxi."

The hands warm and clean, Duanmu snow Leng for a long time, just hold up, voice trembling: "I call Duanmu snow."

After greeting, they sat down face to face.

When Duanmu Xue looks at the list, Duanmu Ze and Tang Mingxi exchange their eyes. josei

They had a deal before they came.

This meeting, in fact, has the nature of a little deception.

However, Tang Mingxi is indeed a psychologist, but he is also duanmuze's university classmate.

After graduating from University, he began to work in this field, and now he is a very excellent psychologist.

This time I came back to China, I just got in touch with Duanmu Ze.

After listening to Duanmu Ze about his sister's condition, they discussed how to slowly change the patient's condition back.

After all, for a psychological patient, if she is asked to see a psychiatrist, some patients will have resistance and rebellious psychology.

They don't know what kind of reaction Duanmu snow will be, so they can only meet in this way at first, and then guide them in depth slowly.

After sitting for a while, there were more people on the second floor of the coffee shop. A boy saw Tang Mingxi from a distance, with an excited expression on his face, and came to him.

However, Tang Mingxi didn't notice the man and was still talking and laughing with duanmuze and duanmuxue.

Until the boy came up to him.

"Doctor Tang, I didn't expect to meet you here. What a coincidence!"

Duanmuxue was stirring his coffee with a spoon. When he heard this, doctor Zhou raised his head and looked at Tang Mingxi.

"Are you a doctor? What doctor? "

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