Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 878

Chapter 878

George standing on one side heard this and narrowed his eyes inexplicably. Duanmu Xue was injured? What's going on? He looked at the night ahead and wanted to ask.

However, he still knew what he should do. George quickly stepped forward to remove old man weichi's crutches and said with a smile: "granddad weichi, don't be so angry. This stick is not light. In case that weichi is injured and nobody cares about the company's affairs, what should we do?"

He said, holding the crutch and moving down.

Wei Chi Jin was so said by him and angrily said: "it's better to be injured, so that he can know how far off the mark he has made."

George continued to smile: "grandfather weichi, even if there is a mistake, it's not too late to ask the matter clearly, and it's not too late to punish him again. You can start directly like this, don't mention ah Shen. Even I look at him and feel wronged."

Listen to words, Wei Chi Jin slightly squint eyes: "do you feel aggrieved for him?"

He put up his crutches and looked at George, then glanced at the night, and snorted, "what's wrong? Light snow is hurt to become this appearance, you pour is to say to see, what do you have aggrieved? "

That time is not painless, but night Mo Shen still has no expression, as if just that one did not hit him at all.

He pursed his thin lips and took a cool look at Wei Chi.

"Grandfather, do you know what happened last night?"

Mention last night, Wei Chi Jin Qi did not hit a place, "how do not know, let you go to see the snow, you hurt people to me after running."

With that, Wei Chi Jin sat down beside him and threw his crutches on the side. He was obviously angry.

Looking at him like this, Mo Shen at night narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems that his grandfather should not know that he was drugged.

If you let him know that duanmuxue he likes to do such a dirty and humble thing, what kind of mood will he have?

Think of here, night Mo deep pull pull the corner of the mouth, lips hook up a meaning unknown smile.

Wei Chi Jin just saw it and gritted his teeth: "you stinky boy, what are you laughing at?"

Looking at the night, George thought to himself that if he didn't open his mouth to explain, I'm afraid it would be very difficult for him to tell this matter with Wei Chi's temperament.

Now George was glad he was coming.

So George stepped forward and went directly to Wei Chijin and whispered, "grandfather Wei Chi, you only know that duanmuxue is injured, but you don't know the reason why it is tortuous."

The reason is tortuous?

Old man weichi looked at George and said, "what's the reason? You'd better talk about it. I'd like to know what kind of reason can make this stinky boy hurt Duanmu snow like this. "

George thought about it for a long time and looked at Yemo Shen. As he organized his vocabulary, he didn't want to hear a cold word from him.

"If duanmuxue did something shameless, would my grandfather let me be engaged to her?"

Wei Chi Jin was stimulated by this sentence and suddenly stood up: "what do you mean that she has done a shameless thing? Make it clear! "

In fact, he listened to what Yu Bo said to him, but he couldn't think of what Xiaoxue could do to make his grandson so angry and hurt people.

Night Mo deep eyes light light, look also cool, light description light wrote: "last night your grandson almost into the hospital."

"What are you talking about?"

Wei Chi Jin grinned at him and finally turned to George: "what's going on here?"

George: "it's just

He was still organizing the language. Unexpectedly, ye Moshen said it first. He had no choice but to explain: "granddad weichi, this is what happened. Although I was not on the scene, when I received ah Shen outside, ah Shen was in a very poor state. At that time, his whole consciousness was almost unclear. What's the reason for his unconsciousness? There was no one else in the weichi family except duanmuxue who would prescribe medicine for him? "

He didn't express himself clearly. Wei Chijin only vaguely heard that yemoshen had been drugged, and then he was unconscious and almost went to the hospital.

Think about it, it's ridiculous, "nonsense, what? You mean Xiao Xue wants to hurt ah Shen? How could that be possible? Before that, you also knew how Xiaoxue took care of ah Shen. How could she do such a thing? " josei

George: "well Grandfather weichi, I didn't say duanmuxue is the key to ah Shen, and Who said the poison must be poison? "

After that, George dragged on for a long time. Seeing Wei Chijin still frowned and did not move, George simply made a lip.

Wei Chi Jin didn't understand. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Yu Bo.

Yu Bo is also confused, but think about the degree of duanmuxue's madness to their family. If the medicine is not harmful to him, it should be

thought of it, Yu Bo's face was red, and he said, "I think I know what kind of medicine Joe is talking about."

"What is it? Don't be a babeYu Bo took a look at the dark night, and then explained: "as we thought, Miss Duanmu must have unintentionally harmed Shenshao, but she has a special love for Shenshao. If it's not poison, it's probably That's the medicine. "

What kind of medicine?

Wei Chijin never thought about that, because in his mind, the Duanmu family is a family of aristocratic families, and the children taught by him are of high moral character, so it is impossible for him to do such a thing.

So George said it many times, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Now in housekeeper Yu Bo's explanation and hint, Wei Chi Jin just gradually to that aspect.

Is it A drug for love??

This idea together, Wei Chi Jin's face immediately became ugly.

Ye Mo deeply pulled his lips and sneered, "according to my grandfather's idea, she has treated me like this. In the case of my insanity, did she hurt her? Isn't it unfair that it's all on me? "

George also agreed and nodded: "yes, granddad weichi, ah Shen is determined not to follow. Such a strong willpower is not common to ordinary people, so duanmuxue was injured. I think it was completely made by her."

Wei Chi Jin: shut up

He looked at George discontentedly and said in a cold voice, "this is what happened to our weichi family and duanmuxue. What are you stirring up here?"

George: "it's just

I didn't expect that he would be the target of attack. George's eyes for help suddenly turned to the night.

Wei Chijin is a little confused at the moment. He can't believe that duanmuxue would do such a thing. The child was almost looked up to by him. He was considerate and kind-hearted. He was gentle and polite to his elders. Before Mo Shen was injured, she also took care of her. How could he do such a bad thing?


What kind of talents should be able to do this kind of thing

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