Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 972

Chapter 972

Do you have any experience?

The night Mo deep hears these four words, the eyebrow unconsciously frowns up, looks at Han Muzi's eyes to have a touch of strange emotion.

Jason said that he looked forward to women like snakes and scorpions. She said she had a deep understanding. Could she say that she used to treat him

Yes, night Mo deep thought of Xiaomi Dou said to him.

He said he was very bad to his mother, even bad.

It seems that he has done a lot of harm to Han Muzi before.

With this in mind, night Mo Shen clenched his hands into a fist and sneered in his heart, probably laughing at himself.

"Well, these things are in the past. No matter what happened in the past, it doesn't matter."

Doesn't it matter? Night Mo deep stare at Han Muzi's side face, thin lips pursed, did not speak.

In the other car.

Xiaoyan followed Han Qing on the car, but did not dare to too blatantly follow him to sit in the back, so only tactfully into the co pilot.

For her, as long as she can sit in the same car, she is very satisfied.

But it was Xiao Su who didn't come to them. Xiao Su took the car key and entered the driver's seat. Seeing Xiao Yan sitting in the passenger's seat, she was still stunned for a moment, and then looked at Han Qing with the light from the corner of his eye.

Han Qing sat there, still expressionless.

When he saw Xiao Su come, he was surprised. But when he thought of his behavior these days, he had already guessed some.

"Why did you come?" Xiao Yan saw Xiao Su, and her expression was a little surprised. She blinked her eyes in surprise.

Xiao Su's face did not change to lie: "Jason has something to say with the night less, so let me come over."

"Oh, I didn't expect that he would dare to sit in that car. He had just made a small report about yeshao, and he looked so frightening. I thought he would at least escape far away."

Xiao Yan asked his chin to think for a while and said that he didn't find any other clues at all.

Xiao Su looked at her like this and thought that it would be good to save the embarrassment between them.

The car is ready to start, but Han Qing suddenly opened his mouth faintly: "I have some words to talk to Mu Zi."

With that, he opened the door and got out of the car.

See him get off the car, face immediately appear nervous expression, watching him push open the door, she also subconsciously began to move.

When Han Qing got off the bus, Xiaoyan also stood outside the car and looked at him nervously.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Su felt a dull pain in his heart. He sat in the driver's seat and looked at the two men through the mirror.

"What do you want to talk about? Muzi must have a lot to say with the night now. You used to Will it disturb them? "

Han Qing looked at her indifferently and said in a cold voice, "it should not be. There is another person in the car."

Xiaoyan:.... "

She bit her lower lip and was worried. She didn't know how to persuade Han Qing to stay. Mingming had just sat on the table. How could she get over it? But she couldn't give any other reason to persuade Han Qing to come over.

And even if she is going to go together now, it is estimated that she can't sit down on the other side.

It's OK to squeeze, but she can't squeeze with Han Muzi? In that case Night little's eyes may kill her.

When Xiaoyan is entangled, Han Qing has already taken a step towards the front, and she is anxious to tear up the corner of her clothes.

The car in front of us suddenly drove out like an arrow leaving the string. It was very fast and disappeared in a flash.

Han Qing:

Jason let go of the gas pedal and let out a breath. He glanced at Han Qing and others who were left behind by him. He said with a smile: "fortunately, I have a quick reaction. I don't want another one in the car. How much fun it is to let the three of them together."

After Han Muzi smell speech, lip corner can't help but smoke, this Jason is really bad taste.

However, Han Muzi didn't expect that he was so dazzling. Today, he and Han Qing Xiaoyan should be the first time to see each other. Actually, they could see the emotional entanglement between the three people.

Now three people sitting in a car, should not Is something wrong?

Thinking of this, Han Muzi looked at the back anxiously, and night Mo Shen put his hand directly through her and held her: "don't worry, they will have their own solutions."

Han Muzi can only nod, even if she is worried, she can't help anything. She can't insert her feet into this kind of thing?

Well, let them go.

Fate has its own sky.

Looking at the car away, Han Qing stood in the same place for a while, then heard a cautious voice coming from behind.

"That Muzi, their car has left, you Do you want to stand here? "

Han Qing's lips moved, but he didn't say a word. He always felt that the people in front of him were intentional, otherwise How could he change Xiao Su on purpose and drive so fast when he was ready to go there.Oh, what a hot eye.

Well, that's it.

No matter which car he was in, it was no different to him.

When she was young, Han turned around and didn't give her a clear look.

When he turned around, he didn't even think of his smile.

Xiaoyan was a little hit, the smile on her lips could not be maintained, but she quickly returned to normal and got on the car.

Xiao Su sat in the driver's seat with a normal expression as if nothing had happened.


When the car goes out, Xiaoyan can't help but look at Han Qing secretly. She had been sitting here to find a chance to get along with him.

But she was too counselled to sit in the co driver, and Han Qing began to keep her eyes closed since she got on the bus just now, as if she was very tired.

Hurt small Yan several times want to talk to him, see he closed his eyes, can only to the lip of the words to swallow back into the stomach.

Probably saw her several times of desire to speak, but can not see down, Xiao Su Mou son bottom color a little bit deep, and then open mouth to talk with Xiaoyan.

"This time, when are you going back?"

He asked.

The car had been trapped in a strange silence, suddenly heard the voice of someone talking, Xiaoyan was also a little surprised, Xiaoyan remembered that there was another person in the car.

She touched her cheek awkwardly and looked at Xiao su. josei

"Are you talking to me?"

Xiao Su replied coldly.


Words down, he will be a shadow of evil hidden behind his eyes, did not expect that his sense of existence in her heart is so low. Yes, since she got on the bus, her attention has been focused on Han Qing. How can she notice her driving beside her?

Oh, Xiao Su, Xiao Su, how ridiculous you are.

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