Master Ye's Second Marriage

Chapter 994

Chapter 994

She didn't say the latter words, but George obviously felt the threat and said helplessly: "do you want to look like this, sister-in-law, I think you have misunderstood me. I'm not that kind of person!"

Han Muzi did not forget his romantic reputation, and when he first met on the elevator, he almost put his black hand on himself.

He thinks he's forgotten?

"Anyway, no matter what kind of person you are, rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of the nest, so you can't think about the people around me."

George: "well Oh, I see! But little sister-in-law, if it is the people around you who like me? Shall I refuse or accept it? "

With that, George showed a tangled expression.

Han Muzi felt speechless and gave him a look. After experiencing it, he got up and left.

George laughed again, and then wechat rang at this time. He looked down and took out his mobile phone. It was the blind date arranged by the old man to send him a message.

My day, is it poisonous?

After adding wechat at that time, he made it very clear that all this was the idea of the old people in the family. They made a play and added a wechat, but they didn't disturb each other. Unexpectedly, she sent wechat to herself again.

George can't afford to annoy the big girls of this family. They are easy to play with, and he Not yet.

So he took a look at the message, marked it as read directly, and then put the phone aside without paying attention.

Before long, Xiao Yan and Xiao Su came back. When they heard the doorbell ring, Han Muzi was getting ready to open the door. But George said, "little sister-in-law, sit down and let me open the door."

Before Han Muzi returned to him, George ran to the door and opened it.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Su stood at the door with things in their hands. When they saw that the person who opened the door was someone they didn't know, they both looked at each other for a moment.

Xiao Yan could not help but say, "are we wrong?"

With that, Xiaoyan wanted to step back to see the floor.

Because there were so many things in their hands, they rang the doorbell directly.

Now Xiao Yan thinks that she is looking for the wrong floor.

As soon as she was about to step back, George came out to carry her things with great enthusiasm: "no mistake, no mistake. Here it is. These things are very heavy. Come on, I'll carry it for you

Xiao Yan looked at him strangely, and George explained in a voice, "it's my pleasure to serve beautiful women. I'll introduce myself for the first time. My name is George."

“……” This inexplicable introduction made Xiaoyan confused, and he felt that the people in front of him were especially enthusiastic about himself. What's the matter?

At this time, Xiao Su took a step forward and blocked in front of Xiaoyan.

"Sir, you..."

He frowned, was about to ask each other's identity, but see Han Muzi standing at the door: "you're back, come in quickly."


Seeing Muzi, Xiaoyan finally knew that she could not be wrong, so she quickly took the things in her hand and walked in. George missed a chance to be a gentleman and walked along with him with a sigh of regret.

A group of people into the room, Han Muzi see George that guy is really starting to hook up with Xiaoyan.

"Beauty, what do you call it? I'm a good friend of Muzi and weichi. My name is George

Probably feel embarrassed, so Xiaoyan looked at him and said his name.

"Just call me Xiaoyan."

George: is that your full name

Because the other party is too enthusiastic, Xiaoyan is a little disgusted. He casually gives a voice as a response, but George smiles and says, "the full name is this. I don't believe it. But since you say that, I'll call you Xiaoyan later."

Xiao Su picked up things for Xiaoyan and went into the refrigerator. He saw George constantly colluding with Xiaoyan in front of his own face, and then he frowned fiercely and walked down the road.

"Sir, are you staying in the kitchen to help us cook?"

George was stunned. He looked at the man in front of him who was hostile to him. Then he thought of his action of protecting Xiaoyan. He raised his eyebrow and asked, "are you a couple?"

Xiao Suzheng is ready to say no, but Xiaoyan said: "what's the relationship with you?"

George laughed and didn't answer.

At this time, Han Muzi couldn't see it anymore. He went up and said, "George, you can come out for me!"

"Well, sister-in-law! What's the matter? "

He turned his head and looked at Korea, but his steps did not move.

Han Muzi was so angry by him that he bit his teeth and said, "if you don't come out again and collude in it, I'll tell weichi!"

Tell Wei Chi?

George blinked. "I didn't hook up with his woman. What did you tell him?"

"Yes, you didn't hook up with his woman, but do you know that he is the most precious aunt of weichi's son. Is it really good for you to collude with him like this?"My son's aunt?

George said it several times in silence, and then he reacted and glared.


"Come out!" Han Muzi said again.

This time, George did not pestle in place, looked back at Xiao Yan regretfully, and then turned to go out.

So the kitchen is left with Xiaoyan and Xiaosu two people there.

After quiet for a while, Xiaoyan said in a voice: "you also go out, I can come here."

Xiao Su: "it's I'll stay and help you. "

"Oh, you don't think that if you do these things recently, I will like you."

These words of Xiao Su's eyes a little cold, but soon did not care.

"I'm just doing what I want to do. There's no other purpose. You don't have to be under pressure."

"No purpose?" Xiao Yan looked at him sideways: "what you did that night has no purpose? I'm not smart, but I'm not a fool. "

Hearing this, Xiao Su laughed: "don't I just stay here to help make a meal? How can you be so defensive against me? If something happened that night that bothered you, I promise, there won't be another one. "

There won't be another time

Xiao Yan didn't believe his lies. She didn't expect him to kiss him suddenly that day. josei

Although it's just a lip patch, it's already fatal. In addition, he's been following himself every day recently, which makes Xiaoyan have an illusion.

He's trying to get close to him. Is that after her?

Unfortunately, Han Qing is the only one in her mind.

Especially when it's sad.

"I warn you, you don't want to take advantage of the opportunity to enter, I am in a very chaotic mood at this time."

Hearing this, Xiao Su seemed to understand her meaning, and with a smile: "you mean, when you are in a good mood, I can start to pursue you?"

Xiao Yan felt a pang of Deng in his heart and looked at him.

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