Master’s Smile

Chapter 88

Chapter 88

C88 – Messed Up

“This person attacked me, so I killed him!”

Vampir proudly said so as she threw her chest out.

The body she was dragging was most likely a male.

The reason I said likely was because his whole body had become flaccid, as if he were dried out.

It was similar to a mummy.

Umm,… how did you beat him?

“I’m glad you asked, Master!”

Vampir approached me happily and explained while moving her hands expressively.

She said that she was taking a stroll in the suburbs at night (Schwarz interrupted in the middle of her explanation by saying that Vampir was lost instead, but she insisted that she was taking a stroll), when a big muscular man attacked her.

…There was no sign of his corpse being big and muscular as far as I could see, though.

He tried to punch her but Vampir counterattacked with her own fist in return, blowing him away instead.

Well, she was the second most powerful person after Reese.

Then, she drained his blood, who was already unable to move with just one blow, and it was a flawless victory.

Vampir drank his blood at first but it tasted bad, hence she summoned her retainers to drink it instead.

“Master! You can give me a reward, you know?”

Vampir’s eyes sparkled while panting heavily as she brought her face close to mine.

I don’t know how to say this… but, she really looks like a boisterous young lady.

For the time being, I decided to pat her head.

“My! Patting my head like this is supposed to be an unforgivable act, you know?”

Vampir objected, but she didn’t move my hand away.

Rather, she pushed her head against it even harder.

It sure does make anyone feel pleasant to touch someone’s hair as beautiful as hers.

“Master, I accomplished it as well.”

Schwarz raised her voice to compete with Vampir.

When I looked at her case, I saw that she only brought what seemed to be the victim’s head, unlike the whole corpse that Vampir had brought with her.


I asked her how she beat him as she was staring at me motionlessly.

Schwarz spoke indifferently, yet somewhat proudly.

It seemed that the person who attacked her was a master of sword.

He seemed to be very protective of his sword, so she cut it apart.

After that, she decided to cut off his head, who was still in shock….

I see. You’ve done a great job, Schwarz.

“I’d do this as much as you please, Master.”

Schwarz replied while accepting my head pat.

Yeah, I’m glad you feel that way, but I don’t want to see dead bodies that often.

Speaking of which, what about Krankheit…?.

“I was also attacked by “Iron Scrap”.”

Krankheit snapped her fingers.

Then, with a rustling sound, a man emerged from the bushes.

He was a young man who looked like any other, but the strange thing was that his eyes didn’t reflect any light and his steps were wobbly.

“Ild! B-Bastard… Why are you following Yelquchira’s orders…!? Did you betray me…!?”

Seeing the manーーーIld looking like that, Rousseld shouted in a hoarse voice.

But even so, there was no sign of reaction from him.

“It’s no use. He’s under my spell now.”


Rousseld didn’t seem to understand what Krankheit was saying.

However, knowing her power, I immediately understood.

Illusion magic… That’s one of the magic that Krankheit is good at.

Looks like this Ild guy is trapped in her spell.

“T-There are other illusion mages besides Ild…?”

Heee, I guess this Ild-kun also uses illusion magic based on his words.

It’s very rare for two illusion mages to gather in the same place due to it being a rare magic with few users.

“M-My guild members got-….”

Now then, from what he just said, looks like the three assassins he sent out were these three.

All of them were defeated by our guild members, though.

Well, I wasn’t worried at all because I trusted them, it’s true.

“Well then, the only one left here is Rousseld-dono, the guildmaster of “Iron Scrap”, yes….”


Sorglos crouched down in front of him and said so.

With only the upper-half of his body, Rousseld could not run away even though he felt fear.

“We’re sure you’ve got a lot of information to share with us, since you used to be the master of a very powerful dark guild, yes? Allow us to take that.”

“Uwah, she’s as unpleasant as ever.”

Sorglos began to twist and transform her hand as if she wanted to show it to Rousseld.

And Vampir blatantly distorted her face when she saw it.

It’s good that she’s being honest, but she might have to learn how to behave in public.

“We’re going to insert our hand into Rousseld-dono’s ear. After that, we’re going to slowly scramble your brain. It will hurt a liiiittle bit, but we hope you can bear it, yes.”

“That’s a lie. Everyone who got done by her looked as if it absolutely hurt.”

Schwarz denied Sorglos’ words.

Yeah, I can tell that it’s going to hurt like hell just by listening to her words.

Saying that she will stir your brain….josei

“We are-!!!”

Rousseld suddenly raised his voice.

“We’re going to be the strongest dark guild! No one can beat us! We will be feared by everyone! We will be the most powerful Dark Guild!!! You, Yelquchira are in our way! So we’ll kill you! We’ll kill you all and we’ll be the stroooongest!!! AHYAHYAHYAHYAHYAHYA!!!”

“Uwah, what’s up with him all of a sudden?”

Vampir’s face turned pale when she saw Rousseld suddenly start shouting.

I was smiling, but I, too, was very scared at his sudden change of emotion.

“Perhaps, he’s already broken? For this person, defeating us, “Salvation Army (Yelquchira)”, as well as “Iron Scrap”, must have occupied an important part of his heart. I would say his mind collapsed when both of them were shattered, don’t you think?”

“…What a disgraceful end.”

Schwarz gave a follow-up to Krankheit’s explanation.

I see… Well, they were the ones who set us up in the first place, so I couldn’t feel sorry for them, though.

“Just because he’s having a mental breakdown doesn’t mean that we won’t tortu-…extract information out of him, yes.”

With that, Sorglos brought her wriggling hands up to Rousseld’s ear, who was still laughing.

“Alright~ it’s time to mess you up~”

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