Master’s Smile

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

C90 – Sorglos’ Plead

“Now then, everybody, the time has finally come. That is, the time for us and Master to make out, yes.”


Sorglos, who had returned to the guild headquarters after burying Apollo and the others, was talking to the empty void in the darkness.

She was in a state of excitement, to the point of doing something incomprehensible like this.

Sorglos was currently in front of her master’s bedroom.

Of course, under normal circumstances, she would hardly be able to come to such a place.

There would always be interference from the other members of Yelquchira.

Even Ritter, who had helped her to have a date with Master alone, would never allow Sorglos to sneak into his bedroom.

However, that is if it was only due to Sorglos’ desire.

“Fufufu, we’ve been holding on to our right to do whatever we want just for a time like this, yes.”

The only reason why Sorglos was able to get the reward of going to her master’s bedroom was because she exercised that right.

Her master had given his permission, and as guild members, the others had no say in the matter.

Hence, they all gritted their teeth and let Sorglos go.

“Our body seems… fine, we had cleaned it properly, yes.”

Sorglos checked her body, even though she was covered with her ninja outfit.

Before visiting her master’s bedroom, she had absorbed enough water and replaced the moisture that made up her body with a clean source.

It was a feat only a slime could pull off.

Yes, today is going to be… a memorable day for her.

She couldn’t go to her master’s bedroom with a dirty appearance.

“…Okay, time to go.”

After double-checking that her entire body had no defects, Sorglos knocked-…no, transformed her body in front of the door.

She abandoned her human form and completely changed into a slippery slime.

Then, from underneath the door, where there was a small gap, she nuzzled her way in.

This ability was the main reason why Sorglos’ forte was espionage and assassination.

Unfortunately, she often used it only to break into her master’s bedroom.


The first thing she sensed when entering her master’s bedroom was his smell.

Although she was not that much of a scent fetishist, her master’s smell was exceptional.

The slime’s body wriggled restlessly.

But this time, Sorglos didn’t come to enjoy her master’s smell, nor did she come to borrow his underwear.

She came here to do something much more amazing.

Once she was sure that her master was asleep, she transformed back into her human form.

But when she tried to approach his bed….

“M-Master, we see that you’re awake, yes…”

Sorglos’ body jolted when she heard him calling out to her.

She looked at him nervously and saw her master looking at her with a gentle smile on his face.

It was as if he knew exactly what she was going to do.

“W-We didn’t mean to sneak in. We were just being considerate as we didn’t want to disturb you while you were resting, yes.”

She was lying.

(TLN: USO DE ARU!) (EDN: She lied as naturally as she breathed)

She was thinking of getting her hands on some of her master’s seed while he was asleep.

Currently, a cold war had been going on between the members of Yelquchira, but she didn’t care about that.

Even if it turned into a fierce fight due to her actions, it would still be a win-win situation.

Unfortunately, that idea was easily squashed by her own master.

“Well then, Master. As promised, may I sleep with you?”

Master replied, “Of course,” to Sorglos’ question.

The prudent girl immediately changed her strategy.

She decided to approach her master in a straightforward manner.

“Without delay, please pardon our intrusion, yes….”

Sorglos squirmed her way into the bed of her smiling and welcoming master.

“Oofu… This is also …….”

Sorglos was not really that much of a sleep lover.

She usually did it as a kind of work, as if it was something she had to do.

But apparently it was different when she slept next to her master.

She would feel warmth in her heart and be very comfortable.

With this she might be able to sleep comfortably….

“Hah!? No, we can’t. That’s not why we came here today, yes.”

Sorglos shook her head, trying to remember her original purpose.

She looked at her master, who was tilting his head in wonder, and nodded her head once.

Soon after, Sorglos softly and nimbly rode astride her master’s body.

Of course, she adjusted herself well so as not to put too much weight on him.

Sorglos narrowed her eyes while looking at him, who was bewildered by her action.

“Master. You must be tired today, yes?”

Her master didn’t quite understand the intent of Sorglos’ question, but nodded anyway.

The battle with Rousseld, the master of the same dark guild as them, “Iron Queen (Inicken)”, had certainly left him tired, even though it was an overwhelming victory.

“In such cases, a man has three ways to heal his fatigue, yes.”

Sorglos said so and held up three fingers.

“One is sleep. The other is a bath.”

As she said each option, she put down each finger one by one.

Then, she arrived at the last one.

“And the last one is a woman, yes.”

It looked as if a “!?” symbol appeared above her master’s head.

Even if he tried to escape, it was already too late.

Sorglos had anticipated this and had climbed on top of him already.


Sorglos unwrapped her chest area forcefully in a manly manner and opened up her ninja outfit.

Fortunately, she was wearing a black clothing similar to chainmail inside, hence it was not visible.

However, the lines of her body were now much clearer than with her ninja outfit, as he could clearly trace her moderately-sized bre*sts and slim waist.

“We can change the size to your liking, yes.”

Sorglos said so and tucked her bre*sts between her arms.

This way, the twin mounds were squished to emphasize them even more, a strategy to invite her master’s lust.

If he was just an ordinary man, he would probably be drooling already, but her master thought of her as his own daughter, hence he was breaking out in a cold sweat.


Realizing that her master’s reaction was not as favorable as she had expected, Sorglos decided to use her trump card.

She put her hand on the cloth that covered her face and took it off, which she never does in public.

“…Somehow it makes us more nervous than showing our bre*sts, yes.”

Her master also widened his eyes at the sight of Sorglos’ face, which he had not seen in a long time.

It was quite refreshing for him as he had always been able to see her long slit eyes, yet rarely saw her slight smile which was plastered on her mouth.

Her skin was translucent pale blue, asserting that she was a slime.

While her eyes were entranced and her blue tongue licked the glossy lips of hers.

Furthermore, when her master looked down, he was able to trace her chest line as well as her slim waist, which was covered in thin chainmail to make it conspicuous.

If this was Sorglos’ example of a kunoichi’s honey trap, then how many men would easily lose their lives?

(TLN: Kunoichi = Female Ninja)

But her master had no need to worry about that.

Sorglos had no intention of looking down on him, as she just wanted to have an intense workout with him on the bed.

“Mufufu, at last, the time has come for us to finally become one with Master, yes! Then, excuse us!”

With a grin, Sorglos went to put her hand on her master’s chest.josei

There was no one to stop her now.

Even the troublesome members of Yelquchira could only watch with their fingers crossed.


But then, Sorglos’ body swayed dizzily on top of her master’s body.

She was confident of her triumph, but forgot something important.

No matter how many of her strongest opponents, the members of “Salvation Army (Yelquchira)”, were defeated, it did not mean that there was no more wall to stop her.

And that mighty wall was her master’s reason.

“W-Why are we suddenly feeling sleepy…?”

Her eyelids suddenly became heavy.

Sorglos couldn’t resist, and finally fell fast asleep.

Her master smiled at the sight of her, sleeping with her body bare and snoring loudly.

To prevent her from catching a cold, he put aside the question ofーーーwhether she would catch a cold in the first placeーーーand covered her body with a blanket.

If Sorglos had used her right to do whatever she wanted and begged him to spend the night with her, it might have led to a different story.

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