Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1031

Chapter 1031: No More Complications


Huang Shuyi ruffled his red hair as he opened the door of the dorm while yawning and got an earful first thing in the morning. He looked at his oldest and most annoying friend and really wanted to throw her out somewhere!     

"What are you glaring at? I haven't even glared at you yet!" came Xiang Wai's raging voice.     

"Hello to you too, Wai!"     

"I don't wanna hear it," she said. "I'm mad right now. Can't you tell?"     

"You even shook the heaven with your angry roar, I'd be an idiot if I couldn't tell you're mad."     

Xiang Wai rolled her eyes at his words, "Drop that. I'm serious."     

"Come inside and talk," said Huang Shuyi. Although there was only one other apartment on the same floor as their dorm, he didn't want to disturb people. Even if he never saw anyone entering that apartment, he knew someone lived there.      

And sure enough, the door of the apartment opposite opened and a tall figure stepped out with a towel around his neck and hair dripping with water. Both Huang Shuyi and Xiang Wai looked at the person and the person also looked up at them. He seemed to be wanting to say something but stepped when he saw Huang Shuyi and Xiang Wai.     

In fact, both Huang Shuyi and Xiang Wai also paused when they saw him.     

Xiang Wai narrowed her eyes and said, "You're Cui Xukun, right?"     

Cui Xukun nodded his head, "Yes. Hello, Miss Xiang Wai. Hi, Mr. Huang."     josei

"Your memory is good," commented Xiang Wai. "We only met once and you remember us."     

"I'm a lawyer," was the only explanation that Cui Xukun gave and it felt like that was the only explanation needed anyway. "I rarely see who my neighbors are and didn't know Mr. Huang lives here."     

"Actually, all my members lived here. It's only recently that they all started moving out."     

Cui Xukun nodded, "I just moved this year so I didn't know." Cui Xukun paused and thought back to when he saw a figure that looked like Cloe here in the elevator and he thought he was overthinking it. Now, it seems he wasn't wrong. He must have seen Cloe back then and yet, he had to take a detour to meet her on a blind date. "You can continue. I won't disturb you guys." With that, he closed the door and didn't even mention that they were being very loud and disturbing early in the morning.     

But Huang Shuyi still understood and pulled Xiang Wai inside the apartment saying, "Can you stop being so loud outside? It's a blessing it was an acquaintance. A stranger wouldn't be so nice to just let this go."     

"Everyone is loud in the military," she grumbled as she changed her shoes and wore the slippers he placed before her.     

"This isn't your barracks," he retorted. Then he brought her in and asked her to take a seat. Only after offering her some water to cool down did he ask, "Now, please tell me why your temper is so off early in the morning?"     

"Isn't it because of you?" she shot back at him. "How dare you tell people I had a crush on you?"     

"Did I say that?" he scratched his head trying to think about it.      

"I heard it from Yue Fai!" she told him. "He told me that when all of his members were sharing the experience of their first love, you mentioned me. You said you had a crush on me or I had a crush on you. Either way, it's not acceptable!"     

Now that she mentioned it in detail, Huang Shuyi recalled what she was talking about and rolled his eyes at her, "I wasn't talking about you. I never even mentioned your name. How many times have I told you that I'm not blind like your Captain? Why would I want a temper queen like you in my life? I love peace and silence. You're way too loud and violent for my taste!"     

"Huh! You just have bad taste," she commented. "You should just go and marry a nun then."     

"Nuns don't marry," he reminded her.     

"Oh, poor you then."         


"Is that the point here?" he asked.     

Xiang Wai realized she went off track and glared at him again, "You!"     

"Stop!" he held up his hand to stop her. "You and I both are clear about what relationship we have. When we were sharing about our first love experience, I only talked about my desk mate."     

"I'm the desk mate," she yelled. "I have always been your desk mate!"     

He rolled his eyes, "You sat on my right but do you remember that there was always someone on my left as well?"      

Xiang Wai went silent when he mentioned this. "I wasn't just unlucky enough to always have you on my right side. I was lucky enough to have her on my left side as well."     

Xiang Wai cringed at his words and wanted to punch him for no reason but held herself back. She only came for one reason. "So, you weren't talking about me right?"     

"No," he replied seriously.     

Xiang Wai patted her chest as if she got rid of some huge burden. "That's good. That's very good. As long as that's not me."     

"You ran over here just for this?" he asked.     

"Or else? I got scared that you had feelings for me or something. The idea of that made me want to kill someone."     

"Am I that bad?"     

"No. But you and I... You're my friend. I don't want complications."     

"We are complicated enough," he reminded her kindheartedly.     

"That's why I said. No more complications to make it even more complicated. For now, the complication makes sense to me but once you add more trouble than it won't make sense to me as well."     

"I really don't know what makes sense to you," he said and closed his eyes. "I can't believe you ruined my sleep for this. I was shooting the program so late at night, you dumbo!"     

"Who did you call a dumbo?!" she retorted.     


And then she picked a pillow to hit him and he did the same to attack. As they fought their pillow fight, one of the closed doors opened and Fang Yiwen walked out. When he looked at them, he shook his head as he complimented, "So childish."     

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