Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 1076  Spirit Of A Soldier

Chapter 1076  Spirit Of A Soldier

1076  Spirit Of A Soldier

"How long do I have to sit here?" asked Raelle as she looked at the time.

Shui Xian also looked at the time and said uncertainly, "Not that long."

"It's already very long," replied Raelle and Shui Xian actually felt heartache for his wife.

He knew she wasn't used to this situation. In fact, she was a very patient person but only when matters involved money or her family. Apart from that, she wasn't willing to sit around and wait for so long for anyone or anything.

She always disliked troublesome things. But she still agreed to an engagement and even a wedding. Now, he was actually starting to worry about the wedding. Because the wait would be worse on that day and adding on all the traditions. He felt like his wife might lose her patience. Although he had yet to see her losing her patience.

"How about I massage your back?" suggested Shui Xian.

"Hubby, don't!" said Raelle. "Don't look at me like that. It's like you're feeling bad for me."

"How can I not feel bad for my wife? You have to suffer so much," said Shui Xian.

"Since I am the one who agreed to go through this, it means I'm okay with it," replied Raelle. "Stop running your brain. I'm alright. I was just asking how long we have to wait. It doesn't mean I'm impatient. It's just that if someone had told me I'd have to wait for so long, I could have brought some work with me."

"Even our guests are taking a day off for our engagement," reminded Shui Xian. "And here you're wanting to actually work? On this day? Wife, what really goes on in that brain of yours?"

"I was just saying," she said. It's not like anyone was gonna really allow her to bring work with her on this day. It'd be a disaster if she even talked about this in front of anyone else apart from her husband. But she could say anything to him. It didn't matter.


Raelle looked up when she heard that exclamation. Seeing Xiang Wai at the door, she sat up straight. Xiang Wai ran to her side and said, "You can put the moon to shame tonight. No, you actually did." She pointed out from the window as she went on, "Look! Even the moon didn't dare come out tonight because the moon knew it couldn't overshadow your sparkle."

"You're becoming articulate," commented Raelle. "But there is no need to flatter me."

"I'm being honest," insisted Xiang Wai. "No doubt, you're my sister. You are definitely beautiful like me."

Raelle looked at Xiang Wai's lavender-colored dress as she complimented, "You're not looking half bad yourself, Major!"

Xiang Wai was thrilled to hear that compliment coming from Raelle. No matter how thick-skinned she was, she actually got a little flustered when the compliment was from Raelle. How odd!

"Well, thank you!" said Xiang Wai politely. "I tried my best to make you look good."

"Make me look good?" asked Raelle.

"Of course," replied Xiang Wai. "Wouldn't it be bad for your image if people saw that your sister isn't even able to match your shimmer? I spent quite some time and effort into making sure that no one gets to say anything to you."

Raelle actually ignored her words. But Xiang Wai was still happy. Only because Raelle didn't say anything regarding the address of 'sister' that she used. Didn't it mean that Raelle wasn't bothered about their relationship anymore?

In fact, she knew Raelle wasn't bothered from the beginning.

But the thing was that Raelle didn't take their relationship seriously at all.

They were sisters. It was a fact and because of that Raelle just let it be.

The relationship was there but they weren't really sisters.

"Wai, I heard you're gonna dance with Yanjun," Shui Xian spoke up at this time. "Are you ready?"

"Are you?" Even Raelle inquired. "Don't embarrass me on the dance floor."

"Have some faith in your sister," said Xiang Wai.

"How am I supposed to have this faith? Your image doesn't allow me to believe that you can dance there," said Raelle.

"That only means, you're not interested in me at all. If you had taken a little interest in me, you'd know that I actually would have been a dancer if I didn't join the army back then."

Shui Xian wasn't surprised to hear that since he heard about it from Zhai Yanjun at one point in his life. He vaguely did have this memory. But it was something new to Raelle. After all, to Raelle, Xiang Wai really wasn't that important that she'd learn about her likes and dislikes or her life history for that matter.

Raelle didn't even do a background check on Shui Xian when they were getting married. Why would she do it for Xiang Wai? It was pointless to her actually.

"That's true. Wai would have been an amazing dancer if she hadn't joined the army."

Zhai Yanjun entered the room with Yue Yue when he heard Xiang Wai's words and couldn't help agreeing. Yue Yue was surprised as she asked, 'Really? Then why did she choose the army?'

"Don't tell me you followed Zhai Yanjun to the army," said Raelle.

Xiang Wai rolled her eyes, "No way. I wasn't that crazy about love." She took a look at Zhai Yanjun and added, "I just thought dancing wasn't for me. My temper wasn't as delicate as other girls. I didn't fit in. But I'm happy I chose the army back then. I fit in like fish in the water there."

Yue Yue felt distressed for her, 'You had to give up your dream because of what others said? How is that good?'

Xiang Wai chuckled and held Yue Yue's hand, "Aunt Yue, you don't have to feel sorry for me. Look at me! I'm a Major! Do you know how many medals I have won in my career? I liked dancing but it wasn't a passion. I guess, in my blood, the spirit of a soldier resides." She took a pause and sighed, "When I was in the dancing class, my instructor said I'm not delicate enough. When I entered the military academy, my instructor said I'm too delicate to be a soldier. That's when I realized that no matter where you are or how you are, people will find reasons to nitpick. Instead of focusing on their words, it's better that I spent time on improving myself. And that's exactly what I did. See? Aren't I an amazing soldier today?"

Yue Yue smiled at her positive outlook and patted her hand lovingly. 'You would have made an excellent dancer too. But it's okay. It's fine as long as you found your path in life.'

"We humans are very flexible," said Xiang Wai. "We learn to survive wherever we are."

Yue Yue shook her head, 'No. Not everyone learns to bend with the wind. It takes a lot of courage to do it. And you're a very courageous person. You should give yourself some credit where it's due.'

Xiang Wai was actually happy to hear this. She smiled gently at Yue Yue as she said, "Thank you, aunt Yue. That's very sweet of you."

There was a very warm scene happening between the two of them and Raelle was just looking. She wasn't really interested in everything. But she wasn't going to interrupt either. She listened to everything and even nodded hearing Xiang Wai's thoughts. It seemed she had to stop giving too little credit to this sister of hers who was actually the odd ball of their family.

In fact, Xiang Wai wasn't really the odd ball. She was still a Xiang. Her conviction was the same. Her courage was the same. Her temper was the same. Except for her IQ, the rest was still somewhat the same. It was just her IQ that made her stand out a lot more in their family.

"Yue, where is Hyson?"

Yue Yue looked at Raelle, 'He is welcoming the guests.'

"Really?" asked Shui Xian excitedly and even laughed a little. "That's good." josei

'With Xiang Weimin.'

Shui Xian restrained his smile as he added, "That's how it should be. They are Raelle's brothers. They should do their job."

Even Raelle didn't think Hyson and Xiang Weimin would be doing that but as Shui Xian said that it was their job as her brothers, she didn't comment. They should really do some work as her brothers. There was nothing wrong with that. Nothing at all.

'Didn't he come to see you?' asked Yue Yue.

"He did," answered Raelle. "But he suddenly disappeared so that's why I asked what he was up to."

"He must have no wanted to disturb your time with your husband," Zhai Yanjun pointed out.

"And yet you are here to do exactly what he avoided," was Raelle's response.

"We came to see you," said Zhai Yanjun. "We didn't come to disturb you."

"Ha! Ha!"

Zhai Yanjun's lips twitched at Raelle fake laughter. Damn! It was so irksome!


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