Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 527 - Couldnt Manage

Chapter 527 - Couldnt Manage

Xiang Wai didn't try to continue the conversation with Xiang Weimin. Suddenly, Raelle's face popped up in her head and she knitted her brows slightly. Indeed, all she saw on that beautiful face was blankness. Her eyes were void of any emotion that she was familiar with. At that time, she had only thought that Raelle was good at hiding her emotions.

She even found it impressive but now that she heard about how she didn't have feelings at all. It made her slightly uncomfortable. Her mind wandered off.

"I thought it was just a dinner," commented Xiang Weimin when he looked at the cars outside the residence. Xiang Wai also frowned and found a space to park her car.

"It looks like a party," said Xiang Wai. "But then again, I should have thought about it since she invited me to come to the Song family house. If she only wanted to have dinner, she could have called us to her penthouse."

Xiang Weimin groaned, "I don't have the patience to deal with her family!"

Xiang Wai raised her brows at her brother, "I'm the one who has no patience for this. You can at least do a better job at hiding your displeasure!"

She alighted from the car and looked at the grand courtyard dwelling before her eyes. This was the Song family's ancestral house, located in the heart of the city. It looked majestic and gave off an ancient vibe. But god forbid, Xiang Wai hated this place with every fiber of her being!

Or perhaps, it's not the place. It's the people who live here.

Xiang Weimin also took a deep breath to compose his emotions before coming down from the car. As Xiang Wai was about to take out his crutches, he waved his hand, "I don't want it."

Xiang Wai paused, "Ge, how will you walk?"

"I can manage," he responded.

"I know how strong your willpower is, but you'd strain your muscles. What if it delayed the recovery?"

Xiang Weimin still didn't take the crutches, "I don't want it."

Xiang Wai saw the determination in his eyes and tsked as she gave up convincing him. He was being stubborn which was rare for him to do but she couldn't even complain about that. Not like she didn't know why he refused to walk through the door of this grand dwelling with crutches.

But she still chose to hold his arm to support him. However, she was making it look natural so no one could tell that she was actually supporting him. She held the gifts in a bag and even told her brother, "The gift in your box is actually a jade bracelet. Don't ask for the details. I know nothing."

"The last thing our mother is interested in is jade or jewelry of any kind."

"Why else do you think I bought this for her?"

Xiang Weimin gave her an amused glance, "You are trying to purposely piss her off?" josei

"I have always respected her," replied Xiang Wai. "But obviously, just because I can't talk back to her doesn't mean I don't have my ways to piss her off!"

Xiang Weimin shook his head helplessly. It couldn't be helped, his sister had gotten addicted to annoying their mother at every possibility she got. But the thing was, most of Xiang Wai's bad habits only came out because she wanted their mother to notice her. At least, she wanted some attention to feel like she had a presence in her life. It's sad that she never really got the attention she wanted and now, Xiang Wai only did things purely to piss their mother off!

As the siblings walked through the door, the butler only offered them a casual glance before he greeted other guests.

"I say, sister Xin, where are your kids? Why aren't there here yet? How can they be late on such an occasion? Look at my Jiaojiao, she had been here since morning and even helped in organizing everything for your party."

Xiang Wai rolled her eyes when she heard those words coming out of her Second aunt. She wasn't even surprised anymore.

"Jiaojiao is a sweet child. Very hard working."

Xiang Wai heard her mother's voice and stopped in her track. Seeing her clenched jaw, Xiang Weimin patted her hand and offered her a smile. He could understand her feelings. Their mother had never bothered to offer them any compliments. In a way, these siblings were quite pitiful.

"Mom!" she called out sweetly. As much as sweetness she could bring out after spending years in special forces. But honestly speaking, she wasn't left with much sweetness. And whatever was left was all used up on her brother.

Song Xin'ai turned her head to look at Xiang Wai. The middle-aged woman was dressed in an elegant dress that hugged her body. She had a sense of pressure around her body because of her position. But the most catching part about her was her face that looked like the older version of Xiang Wai.

Yes, the mother and daughter had startling similar features. However, neither Xiang Wai was happy about that fact nor did it seem that Song Xin'ai liked that fact.

Song Xin'ai's expressions didn't show anything but Xiang Wai could see the trace of displeasure in her mother's eyes when she saw how casually her daughter was dressed up for the night. But she chose not to say anything and moved her eyes to the man beside Xiang Wai. Looking at Xiang Weimin who resembled her ex-husband, she smiled softly, "You both are here."

She walked over to them and said, "You're late."

Xiang Wai looked at her watch and shook her head, "Nope. Perfectly on time."

Song Xin'ai looked at her daughter's face and sighed, "I know I asked you to come at 7 but I was hoping you'd come earlier. Didn't I tell you that?"

"You said I should try coming earlier and I did," replied Xiang Wai with a sincere expression but the three of them knew very well how sincere she was right now.. "But I just couldn't manage it."

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