Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 657 Buzzed

Chapter 657 Buzzed

Chapter 657 Buzzed

"You really trust him," said Tang Hebe.

"I don't allow people to become a part of my life unless I trust them," Raelle told her. "And Xian is my husband. If I don't trust him then whom should I trust? You?" Tang Hebe didn't get to say anything as Raelle continued, "Let me make it clear, I don't trust you. Why? I don't know you. Not at all."

"Didn't you hear about me from Xian?" she asked.

"Do I have to ask my husband to tell me the story of his ex-wife? Because I never had any interest in that. Not even a little bit." Raelle looked toward the fountain that was in the garden and added, "Besides, even if I asked him, even he doesn't know you."

Tang Hebe looked surprised as she asked, "He doesn't know me? Did he say that?"

"He doesn't have to," said Raelle. "If he really knew you, it wouldn't have hurt him so much when you asked for a divorce. And if he knew you well, then he wouldn't be asking himself what he did wrong to deserve what you did to him. He doesn't need words to tell me anything. You might not know but I'm a very perceptive person. Some people even say, my perception is scary."

Tang Hebe couldn't possibly tell her why she asked for a divorce. She just couldn't bring herself to come clean before not just Raelle but anyone. And if she had to come clean to someone then that person had to be Shui Xian. At the end of the day, he was the only one who deserved this truth the most.

"You know, you saying that my son isn't related to Shui Xian actually makes me sound like a cheater."

"Are you one?" asked Raelle. "Are you a cheater?"

Tang Hebe lowered her eyes, "I am not. Do you believe it?"

"I do," replied Raelle stunning Tang Hebe.

"You do?" she asked in surprise.

"Yes, I do," insisted Raelle.

Tang Hebe went silent for a moment and could barely ask, "Why?" She wanted to hear an answer. Until now, whoever knew that she had a son either thought that her son was Shui Xian's or that she cheated on him. Raelle had to be the very first person who didn't seem to even be suspicious of her words.

And just now, she was the one who said she didn't even trust Tang Hebe, and yet here she was, actually trusting her when her own mother didn't.

"If you said you're not a cheater, it's my responsibility to believe your words," said Raelle. "That's the least I can do. As for whether you're lying or telling the truth, that's entirely up to you."

"You're..." Tang Hebe couldn't think of what to say. She couldn't find the right word to describe what she thought about Raelle. She could only say, it was a very refreshing experience to meet someone like Raelle.

"What did you want to say?" asked Raelle. "I'm pretty sure you didn't bring me here to talk about your son or whether you're a cheater or not."

Tang Hebe took a deep breath and spoke up, "How much do you know about Ruan Meilin?"

"Not much," answered Raelle. "But I do know that she needs some help. She is mentally unstable."

"Do you know she is my cousin?" asked Tang Hebe.

"I just learned it today," said Raelle. "I also learned how she has been trying hard to become like you."

Tang Hebe snickered, "I don't know why she doesn't get tired of wearing such a mask."

"Because when you wear a mask for too long, it slowly becomes a part of you. And oftentimes, people can't differentiate between the real and the mask."

Tang Hebe nodded her head in agreement, "You're right. Maybe she has also forgotten by now what or who she really is."

"But a mask can't hide who you are," added Raelle. "No matter what mask she wears, it can't change the fact that her heart is harboring evil and malice. Her eyes can't hide the darkness that she lives with."

"Ruan Meilin has an obsessed with Shui Xian," said Tang Hebe.

"I know."

Tang Hebe nodded and continued, "I just want to warn you to be careful. She might look harmless but she isn't. She is manipulative and a scheming person. She doesn't mind hurting people or taking their lives as long as she can achieve her goal." She took a pause, "Do you know why Shui Xian has been keeping her by his side when he isn't even interested in her?" josei

"I think he owes her something," was Raelle's response because she really didn't know why Shui Xian kept such a clown around him. Even she thought it must be tiring for her husband to keep up with that delusional clown.

"It's because she saved Amiah's life," told Tang Hebe. "I don't think I need to tell you how much Shui Xian loves his one and only sister. He might not seem like he cares about her but he does. And it's because of her that he is willing to bear Ruan Meilin for so long."

Raelle didn't comment on that. Because she knew nothing about it. She hadn't heard a word about it from Shui Xian. Not like she asked. She didn't even take that Ruan Meilin seriously.

"Why are you telling me this?" asked Raelle.

"Because Shui Xian doesn't know that the incident that happened with Amiah was orchestrated by Ruan Meilin. He was so focused on his raging emotions that he didn't realize he became a pawn in her hands. She was the master of that play and she was the one acting as the savior as well. But Amiah fell for it. And because of her, Shui Xian also believed that Ruan Meilin did save his sister's life." Tang Hebe paused and added, "I know my words are not all that trustworthy. But believe me, I'm not lying. She is crazy. I'm afraid she might do something else again. I just want to warn you to be careful."

"I have always been a careful person," said Raelle. "But thanks for letting me know. I can tell you're being sincere. However, what pushed you to tell me this? It isn't your first day knowing this truth but you kept it to yourself for so long? So, why tell now?"

"Because that bitch is threatening the life of my son!" Tang Hebe gritted her teeth in anger. "She is insane! I don't trust her at all. It's true I kept it to myself for a long time but it's because I have no evidence. And I didn't think Shui Xian would be willing to believe just my words after what happened between us."

"Then do you think I'll believe you?" asked Raelle.

"No," she answered truthfully. "But you seem like someone who won't shun my words either. You are a capable person. You must be able to find the truth and the evidence which I can't with my abilities."

Raelle had to say, this woman had a good understanding of her. Yes, she didn't believe Tang Hebe's words instantly but she didn't immediately believe her either. She had to look for confirmation on her own before deciding anything. After all, she couldn't allow her husband to be fooled by a delusional clown any longer.

"I'll look into this matter," said Raelle.

"That's good," Tang Hebe breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you! Thank you for your time. I'm gonna take my leave now."

She turned to go back inside while Raelle was still standing there, deep in thought. One couldn't tell what was on her mind but she seemed to have her own thoughts. She took out her phone, wanting to contact Anna to tell her to look into this matter as soon as possible.

Tang Hebe hadn't gone far when she remembered she had something else to tell Raelle and turned around. But when she did, her eyes widened and her breath got caught in her throat.

"RAELLE!" she shouted while running to her side immediately.

Raelle had just looked up when she felt a push and her body was thrown away. She fell heavily to the ground feeling disoriented. Her head buzzed from the impact and she couldn't make out what happened. She only heard the sound of something crashing. She shook her head and looked up.

Right in front of her, Tang Hebe lay on the ground. A heavy flower pot lay broken by her side. Her head was bleeding as blood dripped down her forehead and blurred her vision. She felt so weak but she still opened her eyes to look toward Raelle who fell quite a distance away because of her strong push.

Seeing Raelle she breathed a sigh of relief thinking she saved her. But instantly, her face paled even more.

Raelle was sitting down on the ground looking at her without realizing that the lower part of her white gown was slowly getting drenched in blood. Realizing the possibility behind that blood, Tang Hebe almost lost her breath and her eyes rolled as she fainted.

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