Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 665 Happy To Fool

Chapter 665 Happy To Fool

Chapter 665 Happy To Fool

"To conclude it all, I'll say your wife will be experiencing some physical and emotional changes during this period. It is a very sensitive time for her," said the doctor while Shui Xian listened attentively. "Women tend to become emotionally drained after such an experience and some also start feeling like a failure. A sense of guilt is can't be overlooked as well since it can push them into depression."

Shui Xian nodded his head while mentally noting down everything the doctor told him.

The doctor had been observing Shui Xian since the time, he walked inside and couldn't help saying, "And the same goes for you, Mr. Shui."

"Huh?" Shui Xian looked at her incredulously.

"A miscarriage isn't something only a mother has to go through, a father is often left more broken emotionally and spiritually. In fact, this often causes a distance to appear between the couple and the relationship gets strained." She took her time to add, "I know you must be feeling like you want to fix it but remember, not everything can be fixed. Especially a miscarriage. It can't be undone. Only time heals the scar of the loss of embryonic life. I know you're feeling hopeless and powerless but don't let your sadness get the best of you."

Shui Xian looked at her and put on a smile as he said, "I understand what you're saying, doctor. You don't need to tell me all this. I know I have to support my wife for a period of time and just be with her."

The doctor nodded at him.

Actually, after hearing all that Shui Xian was even more worried about Raelle. Even Cloe noticed it when they walked out of the doctor's office.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

Shui Xian shook his head in response. "You know since the time I met her, I've always found it fascinating how her feelings seemed to be different. But at the same time, I was always curious about what kind of emotions she was capable of. And if she ever got to show emotion, what would I like to see?" He sniffled as he added, "But right now, I really pray that she doesn't feel anything. I don't want the first emotion she feels to be a negative one. I really don't. Even if there is any emotion she has to learn, I hope that is happiness. Yes, happiness. I only want her to be happy. And even if that is the only emotion she understands in this life, I'd be okay with that."

"Would you really be okay? Even if she doesn't learn to love you?" asked Cloe curiously.

Shui Xian looked at her Cloe and told her, "My Raelle loves me. She loves me a lot."

"Oh? What's with that tone?" asked Cloe. "Are you that sure she loves you? How do you know that?"

"I just do," he replied stubbornly.

Cloe wanted to distract him a little so she also stubbornly retorted, "Maybe you're just fooling yourself."

"Hey! How can you even say that?"

Cloe shrugged, "Did I say anything wrong? It's not like my Chief ever told you she loves you." She was certain of that fact even if she hadn't heard anything regarding this from Raelle.

"So what if I'm fooling myself?" was Shui Xian's response. "I'd be happy to fool myself for life!" josei

"Tsk! You're really something," commented Cloe.

Both of them walked toward the operating room where Tang Hebe was since they were allowed to see Raelle for now.

As they came closer to the operating room, Cloe said, "I didn't think your ex... Cough! I mean Miss Tang Hebe would risk her own life to protect Chief."

"It's not like she is an evil and vicious person," said Shui Xian.

"She isn't?" asked Cloe.

"She never had been," replied Shui Xian. "Her biggest weakness in life had been her kindness. She had always been so kind that it made her seem like a fool sometimes. But that didn't stop her from being a fool. Oh, I mean, kind."

"And here I thought you must have hated her," sighed Cloe.

"I don't have a reason strong enough to hate her," said Shui Xian. "Now, I can't even be angry with her. No matter what the results are, she saved the life of my wife. If anything, I suddenly feel like I owe her now."

Cloe understood those words very well. Indeed, it's not like Tang Hebe knew that Raelle was pregnant. In fact, none of them knew that. Tang Hebe only pushed Raelle to save her life and she did save her. Otherwise, if that flower pot had fallen on Raelle then the one fighting for her life on the operating table would have been Raelle.

Tang Hebe's surgery continued for 4 four hours and only then did the door opened and the doctor stepped out. Looking at the people waiting outside, he questioned, "Are you the patient's family?"

All of them looked at each other. Shui Xian and Cui Xukun were looking at each other while Cloe was looking at the two of them. Finally, both Shui Xian and Cui Xukun just shook their heads and said, "No, but she is a friend."

"What about the patient's family?" the doctor inquired.

"Well, it's a little complicated," replied Cui Xukun.

The doctor didn't say anything about that. Instead, he told them, "The surgery has been successful. However, the patient has lost too much blood. She is quite frail now and needs proper care to recover sooner." After that, the doctor briefed them about Tang Hebe's condition.

But all of them relaxed at once knowing that Tang Hebe was saved. Their breaths had been hanging in their throats until now. Especially Shui Xian who didn't know how he was supposed to react or feel about this. He obviously didn't want anything to happen to Tang Hebe. If nothing else, she saved Raelle's life. He wouldn't be able to live with the burden if anything happened to Tang Hebe.

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