Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 679 Torture

Chapter 679 Torture

Chapter 679 Torture

*Warning! There are some disturbing things in the following chapter. Please don't read if you're a sensitive person. Thank you!*

Hyson was quite resistant to that idea but he didn't want to go against Mu Chenyan either. This woman had a very peculiar personality. She'd rather do all the dirty work herself than let even a speck of dust enter Raelle or Hyson's eyes.

She wanted her two precious babies to be free of worries.

Once Hyson turned off his phone, Mu Chenyan's gentleness disappeared. Her eyes swept over every single person standing in the room and all of them felt a chill run down their spine. None of them even dared to breathe loudly.

Her eyes stopped on Anna who bit down the inside of her cheek and sighed, she kneeled on one knee before her, with her head bowed, "Mistress, we failed to do our job. You can punish us however you want."

"Anna, Anna, my dear Anna," spoke Mu Chenyan. "Do you think I'm an unreasonable person?"

"Mistress is wise," answered Anna. "Never been unreasonable."

Of course, Mu Chenyan was a little mental. But she wasn't unreasonable. She certainly won't punish her own people without any reason. And she certainly knew why they weren't able to protect her Elle.

"You know why I'm mad?" asked Mu Chenyan. "Why didn't you inform me first?"

"When Mistress first chose me as Missy's bodyguard, you told me clearly that if I ever have to choose between your orders and Missy's, I have to follow Missy at all costs. I just did as you said," told Anna in her humble tone. She might be considered one of the best ones, but she was never able to raise her voice or her head before Mu Chenyan. "I was following orders. But if Mistress thinks I have done something wrong, I'm willing to take any punishment."

Mu Chenyan could only sigh once she heard that. If it was Raelle's orders, she really had nothing to say about it. What mattered to her was not the loyalty of all these people towards her. What mattered to her was their loyalty to Raelle.

"What's going on here?" asked Mu Chenyan. "Is this really how you should be doing this?"

"Young Master Fai asked us to do it," answered Anna.

"I was still more in favor of flaying," added Hailey from the side. josei

Anna glared at her and Hailey shut up. Mu Chenyan's lips curled up slightly. She knew all about Hailey's personality. She was young and had a bit of a temper. She was always ready to throw someone down.

"Bring out my dogs," said Mu Chenyan. "How can we not give some company to our guest?"

Hailey's eyes sparkled once she heard that while Anna stayed quiet for a moment before saying, "Mistress, Missy wants to send her to the police. We thought it'll be better to not give her any obvious wounds."

"Do I look like I care?" asked Mu Chenyan. She walked up to Ruan Meilin and said in an eerie voice, "I want this Miss Ruan to understand the consequences of touching my family's Elle. Do you think you can live killing my Elle's baby? I will never allow it."

"There is law in our country," Ruan Meilin managed to squeak out in fear.

"Law?" Mu Chenyan laughed out loud. "I have had a very bad habit in life, I never liked following rules. To play with this law, I have studied all the ins and outs of it. And let's not even talk about whether I know the law or not, do you think I have wasted all my life doing nothing? There are three things in life you should never underestimate, money, power, and connections. Guess what? Those three are something I've never lacked in life. My connections alone are enough to make you live in hell and no one would even dare question how a person named Ruan Meilin disappeared."

Ruan Meilin's eyes were losing focus. She couldn't help feeling even more scared. Looking into Mu Chenyan's eyes, Ruan Meilin felt like she was looking at a devil. Those dark orbs were sucking her soul in and giving her the illusion that she was falling into an abyss. All she saw was darkness and nothing else.

Mu Chenyan found a box on the table and raised her brows in question. "What's this?"

Before anyone could move it, Mu Chenyan opened it and found some pieces of paper inside. She picked one and read it out loud, "Denailing." She raised her brows and nodded, "Interesting." She took out another chit and read it out loud again, "Foot whipping." Her head bobbed up and down, "Oh, this one sounds nice."

It definitely wouldn't sound nice to normal people. Although foot whipping wouldn't really cause injury, it was more so to inflict pain on the subject. When you flog the soles of the person's bare feet, the subject will wish to die from the pain.

"Combing," Mu Chenyan's eyes narrowed. "Which one of you wrote this?"

No one dared to speak. But Mu Chenyan's eyes settled on Hailey, "You did, didn't you?"

Hailey lowered her head and smiled at Mu Chenyan, "I did."

"I love this idea," said Mu Chenyan. "Should we go with this?"

Combing-fatal form of torture where iron combs designed to prepare wool are used to scrape, tear, and flay the victim's flesh. Of course, Mu Chenyan would love this idea. She had already been feeling like skinning this Ruan Meilin alive, how could she not love this idea?

Mu Chenyan didn't think all of them had so many ideas for torturing. And before she came, it seemed they couldn't come to a decision. Once again, she was satisfied with the people she hand-picked.

"Bring me a rod," said Mu Chenyan as she cracked her knuckles. "Let me have some fun before my dogs are here."

"Bring a metal rod," said Anna as she stood beside Mu Chenyan and continued to look ahead. She didn't dare even look at the side of Mu Chenyan's face. Once someone brought the rod, she offered it to Mu Chenyan immediately, "Here you go, Mistress."

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