Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 697 So Intimate

Chapter 697 So Intimate

Chapter 697 So Intimate

Tang Hebe wasn't feeling good right now. She was dreading to hear his reply. How should she say it? It was an intuition that something was very wrong. But she couldn't understand what it was. As she tried to think, her head would start hurting. So, she had to ask him instead.

She wanted to know if her situation was really that bad?

Was that why he looked so out of sorts? Was that why he was so quiet and so unlike him? Why did she feel he was cold towards her? Was that really her illusion? Or was it real?

"I already told you, there is nothing wrong," said Shui Xian trying to be patient with her. But the truth was, he was a very impatient person at times. At least, he didn't have as much patience as Raelle did. The only reason why he was still here was Raelle! He was willing to be patient and do anything she wanted.

And he knew Raelle was right. He couldn't just forget that Tang Hebe saved Raelle's life. Yes, they lost their baby in the process but he dreaded the worst-case scenario. So, he was willing to offer whatever patience he had right now to Tang Hebe for the sake of his wife.

"The doctor only said that your injury is serious but it isn't life-threatening. All you have to do is recuperate well and everything will be fine."

"Then why are you...?" she didn't get to finish her sentence when the door was knocked and Cloe and Cui Xukun walked inside.

"Ah-Xu?" Tang Hebe called out excitedly once she looked at Cui Xukun.

Cloe turned her eyes to Cui Xukun who shuddered under his gaze. He instantly knew something was wrong with this situation. What the hell?! He was seeing Tang Hebe after a decade or so and she actually called him so intimately? Couldn't she see that he had his girlfriend right beside him?

He looked at Cloe and blinked at her innocently, trying to tell her that she needed to calm down. He was very innocent, so she shouldn't jump to conclusions.

However, Cloe's thoughts weren't aligned with his. She could observe the situation better than Cui Xukun after spending years with Raelle. Just one look at her Chief and she knew that the situation was serious. But she couldn't tell what was wrong. She soon got the answer for that though.

"Ah-Xu! When did you come back? You know how mad I was that you left without saying even goodbye to us? How could you be so irresponsible? Is that how friends should behave? Even if you wanted to leave, couldn't talk to us? Even when we invited you to our wedding you didn't show up. I was so mad at you. If it wasn't for that Ah-Xian kept trying to defend you, I'd have gone to find you and give you a good beating."

Cui Xukun was startled when he heard that. He even looked at Shui Xian and wondered to himself, 'Xian defended him in front of Bebe?' He couldn't believe it. Because from the time he came back, they had been at odds. Or it was right to say that Shui Xian was hostile towards him for leaving back then.

But now he was suddenly told that Shui Xian had actually defended him. He couldn't make sense of this at all.

What was worse was that he just heard Tang Hebe call Shui Xian 'Ah-Xian'. So intimate?! He looked over at Raelle and found no expression on her face. Was it okay for Tang Hebe to call Shui Xian so intimately in front of his current wife? At least, he didn't think it was a good idea.

"I..." Cui Xukun opened his mouth but didn't know what to say. No, really, what was he exactly supposed to say right now in this situation? He wasn't even able to make sense of this situation right now.

"Chief!" Cloe called out to Raelle who looked at her and put a finger on her lips, telling her to stay quiet. Cloe nodded her head and didn't try to speak again.

"Why aren't you saying anything, Ah-Xu?" asked Tang Hebe.

"Oh, nothing," said Cui Xukun. "It's just I am seeing you after a long time so I'm not able to understand what should I say." He smiled awkwardly while peaking at Shui Xian.

"Xukun just recently came back," replied Shui Xian. "When he heard that you're in an accident, he came to see you."

Tang Hebe glared at Cui Xukun and snorted, "At least, you have some conscience. You should be glad that my husband always stands by your side."

Raelle clutched the back of Shui Xian's shirt when she heard the words, 'my husband' coming from Tang Hebe's mouth. Okay, she had no problem with Tang Hebe. But now, she definitely was starting to find some problems. josei

Shui Xian also felt her movements and his eyes softened but his heart hurt. He didn't want her to feel the discomfort of any kind. But now, he was actually becoming that discomfort. How could he allow that to happen?

Seeing the nurse coming in, Shui Xian said, "You should take your medicine and go to sleep, Tang Hebe. I'll see Cui Xukun out."

With that, he held Raelle's wrist and pulled her out. He didn't even wait for Tang Hebe to say a word before he was gone. Tang Hebe was left startled from the moment she heard Shui Xian calling her 'Tang Hebe.' Well, that was her name. But when was the last time she even heard that name from Shui Xian's mouth?

He always called her Bebe so lovingly and gently.

She couldn't even remember the time when he had called her full name.

But suddenly, a sharp pain struck her head and a cold voice rang in her mind, 'Let's not meet again Tang Hebe.'

She recognized that voice to be Shui Xian's but when did he say that to her? Was her mind playing games with her right now? How could Shui Xian say that to her?

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