Master's Untamed Wife

Chapter 932

Chapter 932: Just For You


Because he knew neither he wanted to sleep alone nor Raelle. And in this condition, he didn't want her to sleep alone either. He wouldn't be able to rest easy leaving her alone in this unfamiliar place.      

The sleeping arrangements couldn't match the comfort that was at home or even at the hospital. There was just a bed with clean bedding and a table in the corner of the room. Nothing else was there. The wooden bed was certainly small for two people but they couldn't be picky about it.     

Even though there wasn't an air conditioner here, the slow breeze dissipated the heat and made it easier to rest. Raelle closed her eyes earlier. The tiredness of the whole day really caught with her and she couldn't stay awake once her head touched the pillow. Shui Xian hugged her body gently and closed his eyes as well.     

Both of them didn't even know when the rain came or when it stopped. Only when they woke up before dawn did they feel a chill in the air. Looking at the slightly wet ground, they figured that it had rained last night.     

Hyson also joined them while yawning and rubbing his eyes, "Good morning!"     

"You can sleep for a bit longer," suggested Shui Xian.     

"I came here for a purpose," replied Hyson and waved his hand. "Forget about me. I'm fine."     

All three of them walked to the area where the preparations for the ritual had been done. The Grand Master of the temple performed the ritual for them. Both Hyson and Shui Xian tried to look solemn but Raelle could see that they both seemed to be hiding their tears. So old and yet so easy to shed tears. But she didn't think there was anything wrong.      

If anything, she felt it was wrong that she wasn't able to shed those tears once more to express her feelings. That's when she heard the Grand Master quote: "Whatever is not yours: let go of it. Your letting go of it will be for your long-term happiness and benefit."     

She repeated those words again and again in her mind until she felt like she understood something profound.      

The ritual continued until sunrise and only then all of them stood up to leave. Shui Xian pulled Hyson and Raelle with him toward the Grand Master and bowed.     

"Is there anything else the benefactor wishes to say?" asked the Grand Master with his face radiating benevolence.     

"Grand Master, I want you to bless my wife and this little brother of mine," stated Shui Xian.      

Grand Master's eyes traveled from Raelle's face to Hyson and the gentleness in his eyes deepened, "One is radiant like the little sun and the other is carrying the tranquility of the moon. You both have such pure eyes and such beautiful hearts. Your blessings are already with you."     

Hyson looked at the Grand Master with a deep look and tried to see through this kind-looking man. There was nothing wrong with what the eminent monk just said. He was always told he was like a little sun and indeed, Raelle was more like carrying the peacefulness of the moon.      

The Grand Master was still smiling gently as he quoted: "Just as the dawn is the forerunner of the arising of the sun, so true friendship is the forerunner of the arising of the noble eightfold path. It means friends can define your entire life. The people who accompany you on the treacherous path of life matter a lot."     

All of them bowed slightly as the Grand Master walked away.     

"That was profound," commented Hyson. "No wonder I understood nothing."     

Shui Xian glanced at Hyson and said, "You can stop pretending."     

"Oh," responded Hyson and silently followed them.     

"Shall we have breakfast here or we can find a place on the way back?" asked Shui Xian waiting for their opinion.      

Raelle had no opinion but Hyson did, "Let's go down. I am very hungry. If I have to eat just porridge with plain buns in the morning, I won't be able to carry on with my audition. What if I messed up? Wouldn't I be humiliated?"     

"Then let's start our journey back home," decided Shui Xian.     

Technically, they had nothing to pack up so they just started climbing down the stairs. On the way up, the journey was silent for Shui Xian and Raelle but on the way down, they had a chatterbox who had a lot to say and share with them. Who knew where he found so many topics he just had way too much to say.      

Hyson was always energetic and would never get tired of talking. Especially not when he was around Raelle and even if she didn't respond, he'd still keep talking because he knew she was listening. Not only her even Shui Xian was listening.         


"Weren't you hungry?" asked Raelle. "Where is this energy coming from to talk so much?"     

"This is my backup energy for an emergency," replied Hyson.     

"Then use this backup energy wisely," suggested Raelle while Shui Xian pressed his lips to suppress his smile.     

Hyson didn't pay heed to her words at all. As if her words had any effect on him. He was always this unrestrained around her and hardly she could tame him up. After a while, he brought it up, "Ellie, do you realize that the Grand Master also said we are soulmates?"     

Shui Xian shook his head because he knew Hyson was gonna bring this up.     

"You should be glad you met me," said Hyson proudly.     

"I'm very glad I met you, Hyson," came a very serious reply from Raelle catching Hyson off guard to the point that he almost missed a step but Shui Xian held him up before he could roll down the stairs. "What? Are you that touched?"     

Hyson shuddered, "Don't talk like that. I am not used to it."     

Shui Xian laughed at Hyson's response and rubbed his head, "Little Fai, she is being very honest."     

"I know," replied Hyson. "But I'm still not used to it."     

"Is our Little Fai feeling shy?" teased Shui Xian.     

"No!" rebutted Hyson. He refused to agree with that. He wasn't shy. Who was he? He was Yue Fai! How could he be shy? And that too because of Raelle? That poker face had nothing over him. Yes, nothing at all!     

It was as if all of his thoughts were written on his face right now and both Shui Xian and Raelle could see it clearly but chose not to point it out. It wasn't every day that Hyson was shy about something.      

When they climbed down the stairs, Shui Xian and Raelle got into their car and Hyson took his own. Raelle looked at the car he brought and then at him, "You took Yanyan's car out?"     

"I was in a hurry and needed a good ride," he told her. He patted the car's frame saying with appreciation, "This is one hell of a ride!"     

"Of course it is, why else would Yanyan treasure it so much?" was Raelle's response. "I heard she got it modified. So, it's expected that it's above others' of its league now."     

"Fai, you okay with going alone? Why don't you come with us? You'll be able to sleep while I can drive. You haven't slept well last night."     

Hearing Shui Xian's suggestion, Hyson's smile widened. Why wouldn't he be happy to receive this concern from his Xian Ge? He was very happy.      

"We have different destinations, Xian Ge," said Hyson with a pout. "Also, I can't let anyone else touch Yanyan's treasured car. If she found out, it won't end well."     

Shui Xian was still worried but he didn't insist but just said, "Then you drive carefully."     

"I will," assured Hyson. "You go home now. Everyone must be waiting."     josei

Saying that he got into the car and waved at them before he drove away. Shui Xian's eyes still followed his car with worry palpable in those eyes. He couldn't help it. He could see that Hyson was sleepy and it really wasn't wise for him to drive in this condition.     

"Stop thinking about him," said Raelle. "He isn't pushing his luck. He treasures his life very much. And he might haven't slept for long but he can function properly. Stop treating him like a baby just because he likes calling himself a baby."     

Shui Xian turned to Raelle and his brows raised up as he asked, "Baby, are you jealous?"     

"What? Why would I be? And whom? Hyson? What for?"         


"Because I paid him so much attention and slightly ignored you?" Shui Xian sounded playful but his eyes were seriously trying to probe her heart right now and see through her.     

Raelle paused and thought about it before saying, "Okay, I accept. Stop looking at him already."     

Shui Xian chuckled, "Okay, I'll only look at you then."     


"Just for you!"     

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