Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

Chapter 357


It took me a full half a minute to really get what my brother was complaining about. | didn’t even remember saying anything that might have made him feel like | didn’t respect his Alpha position.

What you said to Lanie about being the Alpha,” he continued. “That was a shi tty thing for you to say. Especially in bed. | guess it's easy to tell that you really mean it, though, since you were half-asleep when you

said it.”

“| didn’t mean anything by it other than that she was a wild woman,” | shot back. Lanie let out a small

whimper that made me want to punch Mason for making this trouble right now. “She was all dominant and stuff. | was making a joke. S hit, bro, can’t you even take a joke?”

“| don’t think making jokes about who’s the Alpha is funny,” Mason said.

“| wasn't... it wasn’t even directed at you!” | shouted. “Of course | know that you're an Alpha, too. It’s not

like you can ever stop reminding everyone about it.”

Mason bared his teeth. “I don’t have to remind everyone about it, because it’s just who | am. You're the

one who needs to go bragging about it all the time!”

Part of me knew this fight was st upid, but the other part couldn’t seem to stop myself from jabbing at

him again and again. Not even the sight of my Luna’s tear-streaked cheeks could stop me.

“Both of you can keep fighting about who said what, who meant what, and who's hurting who’s feelings.

but it's not going to get you anything but bruises. On your bodies and your hearts,” Zane added. “So maybe

just cool your jets.”

When the swirl of calming Beta energy came at me, my wolf snarled. | men tally batted it away. I'd just

been verbally and physically accosted by my own flesh and blood when | was supposed to be dozing in

post-f uck delight. | was not in the mood for any kind of bu Ilsh it from my Beta

“How about you keep out of this?” Mason snapped at Zane. “It’s between me and my brother. Has nothing

to do with you at all, Beta.”

“You made it between all of us when you started trying to fight in our bedroom,” Zane began, but Mason

snarled so fiercely that our Beta actually flinched

| went to the dresser and grabbed out a pair of jeans | shoved my legs into them while | shot Mason a glare “Lay off of him. If your problem is with me, keep it with me Get your lame as s dressed so | can beat it.”

“Beat my a ss? Rilight I’d like to see you try” Mason sneered as he found a pair of jeans on the floor and

started yanking them on

They were my jeans, and that just made me all the angrier “You just have to keep coming after everything

that belongs to me, huh?”

Zane jumped off the bed between us, a hand out on each side to keep us apart. “I mean it, both of you. 1/2

Chapter 357

“How about you mind your own da mned business?” Mason growled at him.


The two men in front of me literally were my business. But both of them were glaring at me like I'd overstepped. Honestly, | was sick of them both and their constant posturing. All | wanted was some peace and a little nap, and they both had to act like the world revolved around them.

“I'll tell you this much. You're both Alphas, all right, and you're both as sho le s.” | flipped them both the bird

and grabbed a pair of jeans from the chair where I'd tossed them earlier. | pulled them on along with a T-shirt

and left the bedroom, slamming the door behind me.

| wasn’t sure where | was going, only that | needed to get out of that room. | found my boots by the front

door to our quarters and shoved my feet into them. My stomach churned, and my heart pounded so hard |

could hear it in my ears.

My wolf paced, whining and chuffing, but | didn’t want to take even a minute to calm him. Not here, not still so close to Xander and Mason. | wanted to get far enough away from them that | didn’t have to feel their st upid desires, didn’t feel my own apparently idiotic need to help them navigate their emotions.

How far would that have to be?

| guessed I'd have to do some running to find out.



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