Mated to the Alpha and His Beta

Chatper 342

Chatper 342

Chapter 342


“Are you sure it wasn’t low blood sugar or something ridiculous like that? You were working extremely hard this morning, and | know you wolves need all that protein and whatnot. Perhaps your body needs. nourishment. I'll ring for something.” My grandfather shrugged as though he wasn’t at all concerned,

Well, if he wasn’t, why should | get worked up about it?

“That might've been it,” | admitted. “It passed, anyway. And I had some kebabs with Charlotte, so I’m not really hungry right now. What did you want to talk to me about?”

Malachi smiled. “I wanted to spend some time getting to know you better. | know you have many questions, some of which Charlotte can answer but many she cannot.”

“| thought maybe you had more information for me about Stella,” | said, a little disappointed.


My grandfather’s mouth turned down at the corners, and he shook his head. Sadly, | have nothing new to share. Trust me, as soon as | know something, Ill be certain to let you know at once. | might be very good at keeping secrets, but this is not one I’m eager to maintain.”

“You said only Ancients could Summon. How do you become an Ancient, anyway?” | made myself more comfortable on his couch.


ly getting old,” Malachi said with a snort of laughter

“How else?”

| rolled my eyes. “I guess | walked right into that one

“You have great strength, Lanie. In many if not most cases, mingling the bloodlines leads to each trait becoming lessened Hybrids are special in their own ways, but rarely in all ways in your case, though, it seems to be the opposite Both your wolf and vampire selves are so strong, | wouldn’t be surprised if you one day became an Ancient yourself Of course | may finally be long gone by then. Malachi looked pensive,

What exactly does it take to Itrated off, wondering of my question was rude




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“I'm not sure | want to live that long. My throat closed, making my voice h oa rse and scratchy. “I don’t want to leave my mates behind.”

“Ah yes. Your mates.” He nodded solemnly. “Your three mates. Do you fear that you’ve had your allotment That once they are gone, you'll have to spend the rest of your years alone?”

“Hey!” | said sharply. “That’s pretty rude and presumptuous of you. No, I’m not afraid of being alone because | used up my allotment. | love them all, and the thought of losing them breaks my heart.”

Malachi made a soothing noise. “Forgive me, granddaughter. Wolves are so much more fiercely emotiona than vampire-kind. We are more practical.

Capable of great love, yes, but we mourn and move on.”

crossed my arms over my chest. “I don’t want to mourn and move on. | don’t even want to think about having to do that!”

He laughed, annoying me. “So don’t think about it.”

“Let's talk about something else.”

“Your training,” he said smoothly and immediately.

“It's going so well. | must admit, | was a bit surprised at how your talents are manifesting, but I’m quite


pleased and impressed. In fact, your talent for compelling is so uniquely strong, | would not be at all surprised if you did eventually gain the ability to Summon.”

I'd been grouchy, but his words warmed me. “The first time | was able to compel someone was Orion, and it happened so fast, and | was so upset, | couldn’t be really sure | was even doing it on purpose.”

“Oh, you’d been compelling before that,” he told me.

“Probably since childhood.”

| tried to remember any times when I'd made someone do something | wanted them to do. | frowned “1. thought my hybridness didn’t show up until | was of age My heat

coughed lightly, very aware that not only was this my grandfather, Malachi was also, for all appearances, a white and handsome middle-aged man Not the sort of person I'd normally be talking to about my heat

“Ah, well, here it is What | ought to have been around for your whole life, what your mother should have

been while to do for you and could not

“What's that?” asked outtle alarmed

Matach’s fangs lengthened sightly as he grinned



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