Mated to the Warrior Beast

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: The Human Condition


His mate’s scent had grown harder, sharper the longer they’d stood in the cave. He thought she was upset about the guards and the accusations that she might harm the Anima.

But her breath kept getting more shallow, and her body began to tremble.

“Harth, what-”

Gar’s voice was quiet, but thick with authority. “She’s having a panic attack. Rika was the same when she arrived. Just give her some space.”

“But, Harth, you’re safe. I promise you-” He stepped close to shelter her, to cover her, to offer his protection, but his heart ached when she shrank back, her movements stiff. And then her breath stopped completely.

Alarm screamed in Tarkyn’s head-his mate was in trouble! What was wrong? But before he could pull her into his chest, Rika’s voice sighed through the cave.


“What is it with you guys and the Alpha Male bullshit, honestly.” Rika appeared at Gar’s side, smiling, but concern furrowed her brow as she looked at Harth, who’d stumbled back, eyes wide, still not breathing.

“Harth, please, you have to breathe-”

“Give her space, Tark. She won’t breathe with you hanging over her like that,” Rika said easily, stepping forward to urge Tarkyn away from his mate-he almost snarled at her. But then she turned to Harth, who was still backing away and raised her hands, palms forward.

“It’s okay. I know he’s huge, but he’s secretly a teddy bear. He won’t hurt you, I promise.”

“I’m no bear!” Gar growled, offended.

But Rika ignored him. “No one will touch you or... or anything. Just breathe. Do you want to come outside with me? We can leave the guys here-”

“I’m not going... anywhere with you!” Harth wheezed, one of her hands up to guard against Rika approaching. “I’m not going back!”

“Back... where?” Rika was confused.

Then Takryn clicked and wanted to bite himself for his stupidity.

“H-human! You’re human! I won’t go!” Harth’s voice was high and shrill. She backed into one of the couches, and stumbled.

Instinctively, Tarkyn leaped forward to catch her arm and help her stay upright. But that only startled her more.

“NO!” she growled, then shifted and launched herself at Rika.

Time slowed and Tarkyn’s heart exploded with panic. “No, Harth-she’s not-”

But a thick snarl rose beside him as Gar moved like lightening, catching Harth’s wolf in mid-air and throwing her to the ground with a crash as she landed awkwardly on her side against one of the side tables and the lamp on it crashed to the ground.

Tarkyn didn’t even think-a male attacked his female!

He held back from the shift by a thread, but roared and slid between Gar and Harth, scrambling to her feet behind him as Tarkyn met Gar’s fierce glare with a challenge of his own.

They both went still, teeth bared, and Tarkyn threw a prayer skyward that he could find the strength to put Gar down before the massive male harmed his mate.

But to his surprise, it was Rika that slipped between them, her back to Tarkyn, her eyes locking with Gar and hands on his chest. josei

“I’m fine,” she said softly, sliding one hand up the cord of his neck, to his jaw. “Look at me, Gar, there’s no threat. I’m fine.”

Tarkyn trembled. The urge was there to grab Rika and pull her out of the way so that Tarkyn could face Gar unopposed-he’d touched Tarkyn’s mate! But his hands were back to box Harth’s beast in. Who knew what kind of control these Chimera had when they were in their beasts?

“Gar, she’s afraid and surrounded by warriors. Give her a break,” Rika said softly. Then, while Gar still trembled, the growl still puttering in his throat, she turned, ignoring Tarkyn completely and peered around him to look at Harth. “He’s just being protective. He won’t touch you again if you just... leave me alone. I mean no harm. I’m sorry if I scared you. Please, I promise you’re safe here.”

“I don’t know if she can understand when she’s-” Tarkyn started, but then his head echoed with his mate’s beautiful voice.

‘I understand everything. I just...’

He turned and looked over his shoulder as Harth, shaking and uncertain, returned to her human form and stood there, holding the arm of the couch behind her, her eyes darting back and forth between the three of them.

“Harth-” he breathed, but Rika put a hand on his arm to stop him.

“I understand. I won’t come closer to you,” she said quickly.

When Harth’s eyes dropped to where Rika touched Tarkyn and her face went tight, Rika gave a breathless little laugh and lifted her hands, backing away from Taryn, pushing Gar behind her who moved only reluctantly, and only so his mate wouldn’t fall.

“I’d forgotten what a hair-trigger you’re all on, I’m sorry,” Rika said with a sad smile, but her hands were trembling as she kept them up and in sight. “Just relax... Harth is it? You won’t be hurt. They’re good males.”

Gar made a low, crooning rumble in his chest, his hands closing at Rika’s waist and Tarkyn’s heart pinched when he saw the two of them... be together in such a thoughtless way.

He automatically turned to find Harth with his eyes, yearning to touch her, to comfort her-she smelled terrified. But now that the others mentioned it, he remembered how bad it had been for Rika when she’d arrived and witnessed Gar and Elreth killing traitors. And other conflicts as well. There were still times when Rika would remove herself from a space if males got too aggressive.

The Anima ferocity could be intimidating if Harth wasn’t used to it. Perhaps she hadn’t trained with their warriors? Maybe that’s why she-

Harth wavered on her feet, and every thought flew out of Tarkyn’s head as her eyes rolled back in her head. She wasn’t breathing.

How long had it been since she’d breathed?!

“Harth!” he leaped forward to catch her as her knees began to give, gathering her to his chest, but his own strength was beginning to give, and they tumbled to the couch together, Tarkyn turning his body so she’d land on him instead of his weight crushing her. “Harth! Harth!”

But her eyes were closed, and her face was deathly pale.

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