Mated to the Warrior Beast

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

76 Warrior to Warrior – Part ~ TARKYN ~

Tarkyn took a deep breath and locked eyes with Zev.

The wolf was strong, but young. A leader, but one most likely still working through his self-doubts. He’d been pressed to his limits physically and emotionally, and now he yearned for rest, but the animal within him wouldn’t allow it out of protection for himself and his family. josei

He functioned in a dominance hierarchy, just as the Anima did.

He needed to know that to rest was not to be left undefended. That alliance didn’t mean needing to watch his back, but to be watched over.

And so, Tarkyn let himself feel the mantle of his Alpha authority and his decades of work and training. He let himself step forward with the weight of his years of experience and strength.

And he reminded himself that no matter how strong this male was, he was not Tarkyn’s better.

Zev’s eyes returned to him when he took the step forward, coming within reach of the bars because he didn’t fear this man. He stood easily, arms folded and shoulders back. A male of strength in a time of rest. And when he spoke, he spoke as to a soldier-respected, admired, but lower in the hierarchy, even if only just.

“My name is Tarkyn,” he said quietly, firmly. “I’m the Captain of the Queen’s Guard and the Defender of the Anima. It is my job to measure threats and protect against them. I see you, Zev of the Chimera. I see your strength, and I do not deny it. I see your skill, and I do not underestimate it. I honor you as a Warrior, but I do not fear you.


“I am blessed to have found my mate from among your people. Harth of the Wolf Tribe is the other half of my heart. I’ve waited a very long time to find her-almost lost my life in the pursuit of her. She is... precious. And, I believe, our bond is a provision of the Creator that I understand you know and follow also.

“I have heard some of your story from my mate-her story, and the pains that were caused to her and to you and your people by the humans. We know their ruthlessness and cruelty. We know their strength because we defeated them. But not without huge cost to our people. Cost that, I know, you have also paid... and even more.”

Elreth looked at him sharply, but he didn’t look away from the wolf who was clearly listening, though his expression gave away nothing about how he felt about it.

“I have listened to your story, Zev of the Chimera. I have watched your mate show her strength and her wisdom. And I see and hear the cries of your child. I honor you as a Warrior... and I grieve the pain you’ve experienced. I pray the day will come that we can walk as brothers and allies, not as enemies. But you must understand... We believed our world was completely closed off. Inaccessible from the human world-from which you and your people have arrived.

“We believed no humans could ever enter Anima again, and yet here is your mate, and who knows how many others with you?

“We believed we were in control of our lands and strong to defend them, and then you arrived and almost killed our royals and their soldiers.”

Tarkyn took a breath and let that sink in, knowing it was a risk. But if he’d been in the male’s shoes, he would hear that. Understand it. Be reminded of how he might have reacted in the same circumstances.

Zev’s jaw twitched, but his expression didn’t change. Tarkyn nodded and continued.

“Your appearance here wasn’t just unexpected, it has torn away our sense of safety in our isolation. We know enough of the humans and their world to truly fear any chance that they might return here. Your arrival in this world is a known threat to my Queen and her people-and has revealed that there was an unknown threat here for months before we became aware of you. But we come today to listen and consider. We come to try and bridge that gap-to reach across and offer the opportunity for peace. To... understand each other. I give you my word, as an Alpha, as a Mate, and as the Captain of the Guard and the Defender of the People, that I will measure your words honestly and openly. I will question my concerns, and admit any wrongs. But I will not waver in this until we can be certain our people are not in danger from you and yours.”

Sasha’s head snapped back to look at her mate, her brows pinched. The baby wailed again and she rocked him absentmindedly. But she didn’t speak-except, probably, in the mind of her mate.

Zev’s chin dropped slightly lower-but not in submission. He wasn’t happy to have heard Tarkyn say he wouldn’t waver.

There was a long silence then, and Tarkyn felt the tension rising in the room. Elreth had never been good at hiding her fight. She wasn’t happy that the wolf wasn’t talking, and everyone could feel it.

Tarkyn wanted to hiss at her to relax, to give the male time, but he knew it would only undermine her in the Chimeran’s eyes. So he kept his mouth firmly shut, determined to wait this male out.

He was impressed when Zev didn’t cave to the tension either, just held his eyes and waited.

Tarkyn knew given enough time and space, they could find respect for each other. But his fear was that Elreth-never a true warrior, though she was a fierce fighter and faster than many of his male soldiers-would crack in impatience.

His Queen had a good heart, but her youth showed at times in her impatience. And his fear was that on the back of seeing no response from this male, she’d trip into the ruthlessness he knew simmered within her.

Elreth had been changed by the war. In many ways for the better-she’d grown. Matured. She’d given up much of her childish insecurities and expressed herself, especially her love, more openly. She was no longer threatened by the strength of the males around her, though Tarkyn still knew which buttons could still push her into irritation because Gar never quite let her forget them.

But the loss of those she loved in the war-the losses she suffered, and those she’d thought she suffered before Aaryn returned-had refined the steel of her spine.

Where Elreth loved, she was no longer willing to wait. If she felt her precious ones were under threat, she would do anything in her power to protect them.

And when that new resolve was combined with her naturally stubborn streak, Elreth was capable of drawing a line in the sand that she would not back away from.

If Elreth perceived that the people she loved were under serious threat, she would not waver from whatever it might take to remove that threat.

And unlike her father who had always trusted his own ability to physically remove an enemy whenever it might be necessary, and not before, Elreth had had to rely on the greater strength of her military might, and the males around her to protect both her, and her people.

She would not allow danger to come within a hair’s breadth. She would remove it while it still remained at arms-length.

Tarkyn knew they couldn’t afford for her to reach that point with these people-not if they ever wanted peace.

And so, as Elreth gave a small, but sharp intake of breath and swayed forward as if to confront him, Tarkyn caught her arm.


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