May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

107 Chapter 107 : I want Melissa to be my wife

A large silver wolf halted at the edge of a rocky bridge and circled the area for a few seconds before stopping to sniff a spot where a familiar strong sent was lingering.

*That’s her... that’s my wife!*

Elric transformed into his human form when his men joined him at the site. One of his generals walked up to him and bowed respectfully, “your majesty-” the man’s eyes went round when he saw the seething anger on king Elric’s face, the dark aura oozing from him was enough to send the general into a coughing fit, what on earth had gotten the king this whirled up?

Totally unaware of the man standing next to him, Elric was falling deeper and deeper into an anger and rage he’d never felt before. There was no mistaking it, his keen Lycan senses were able to pick up smells and scents like it was second nature, especially scents of intimacy. Elric ran his hands through his silver locks and grabbed a handful of his hair, his breathing was strained, his hands were shaking and his pupils had become two vertical lines.

“My wife...” Elric spoke between deranged chuckles, “she....” the silver haired king swallowed his words and chuckled even more.

“Umm your majesty are you ok-”

The general stepped back in fear when king Elric chuckled even more, his dark aura spreading across the terrain like a heavy mist. When the silver haired Laycan threw his head back and laughed hysterically, the lycan general tumbled backwards. And as if things couldn’t get any more nutty, the king suddenly stopped laughing. His menacing grin was replaced by a deep scowl that would make even the devil shudder.

He turned to the general who was trembling on the ground and roughly pulled him up to stand, “how long till we reach Ervelon?”

“It- it should be about a week at our speed your majesty,” the man was practically shaking in his boots, it took a lot for him not to scamper away with his tail tucked between his legs.


“Make it three days..” king Elric spoke, the tone of his voice made it clear that that was more of an order than a friendly suggestion.

“Your majesty if we move at that speed we’d have to cut off our breaks..”

Elric grabbed the man’s shoulder making him Yelp in fear, “fine... make it two.”

The lycan general averted the king’s gaze and nodded, “yes your majesty..”

Elric transformed into his wolf form and dashed on ahead towards the bridge. The general turned to the rest of the soldiers and with every ounce of authority that the king had not scared out of him, ordered them to forge on ahead. No way he was going against a man like Elric, if he died he wanted it to be as painless as possible. And compared to the things he knew king Elric could do to him, he’d rather die with a knife in his back on the battlefield.


Gareth walked to the foyer where he saw his mother standing in front of his men and the two nosferatu women. Maria seemed to be frantically trying to explain something to queen Tauriel but seeing the frustration on her face, it was noticeable that the queen didn’t seem to be abiding.

“You can’t do that!” Maria screamed, “we’ve come all this way you can’t just give-”

When the queen sensed Gareth approaching, she used her magic to draw Maria’s breath from her to shut her up. She then turned to the rest of the group and gave them a warning glare, “you speak nothing of this until the ball passes, if you abide I will consider taking you up on your request,” she spoke in hushed tones, “but if you breathe a word of this to anyone, that will be that last breath you take and I will go ahead with my plan. Understood?”

Vivian gnashed her teeth together as she looked at the queen, how could a woman so enchanting to look at be so cold? “Fine! We have a deal,” Vivian responded having seen that they did not have much of a choice, “now let Maria go.”

The queen relinquished her magic and Maria gasped and coughed, she glared at the elven queen who was placing her index finger on her light pink lips, “not a breath..” she warned before turning to Gareth and giving him a sweet smile.

“Zander.. Maria..” Gareth felt that there was a bit of tension in the room, “what’s going on here?”

“What ever do you mean darling, weren’t you traveling with your friends?” The queen asked.

“Well yes but-

“Actually they’ve arrived at the most perfect time,” Queen Tauriel interrupted Gareth, “your welcoming ball is tomorrow and what better way to celebrate your return than with your friends?”

“Ball?” Gareth really was not in the mood for partying right now, there was a possibility he could lose Melissa and had to find ways to convince her to stay with him. A party wouldn’t-

Gareth suddenly had an idea. The ball! Of course! It was the perfect plan. He was going to use the ball to ensure that everyone accepted Melissa whether they liked it or not.

“Actually,” Gareth spoke, his gloomy demeanor suddenly lightened up a bit, “maybe a ball wouldn’t be such a bad idea.”

“Excellent!” The queen spoke in glee. She turned to Ronda who was giving Gareth a suspicious eye and called her closer, “Ronda show our guests to their chambers and tell every maid to begin preparations for the welcoming ball tomorrow.”

Ronda glanced at the handsome elven prince once more. Hadn’t Melissa practically just cut ties with him? She expected him to down right reject the idea of the ball but he seemed as enthusiastic as ever about it. What was prince Gareth up to?


The elven handmaiden flattered her lashes and curtsied, “of course my queen,” Ronda responded, “I shall ensure that our guests are comfortable.”

As Ronda turned to lead the group away, Gareth grabbed her hand and whispered, “please come see me in my chambers as soon as you are done, it’s extremely important.”

Ronda gulped and slowly nodded. Prince Gareth was definitely up to something, but what?

After the hand maiden had shown the guests to their respective rooms, she walked towards princess Gareth’s chambers with nervous short strides. She could feel it in her bones that he was planning to do something to probably win Melissa back, and whatever it was he was planning to do it at the ball. Gods, why was this man so obsessed with that nosferatu woman?

Ronda stopped at Gareth’s door and knocked gently, and almost immediately the door swung open revealing the handsome prince standing on the inside. “Please do come in,” he spoke.

When the handmaiden walked in, Gareth closed the door and offered Ronda a seat on his sofa. He stood a few feet away from her and paced the room a bit before turning to face her. He had a serious expression on his face that made Ronda a bit nervous.


“Your grace!” The woman squealed

“I can trust you right?” Gareth questioned the woman before him, “I mean you did pledge your loyalty to me.”

“Yes your grace...” Ronda looked up at the man in anticipation, why was he asking her that now? josei

“I know that the queen doesn’t approve of my relationship with Melissa,” Gareth spoke firmly, “and I need you to be honest with me and tell me why? What is it about Melissa that she hates so much?!”

Ronda dropped her eyes back to the floor, she wasn’t expecting this intense line of questioning from him. Was it even in her place to tell the prince? She highly doubted it.

“Ronda..” Gareth inched closer to the hand maiden, “please, you’re the only one I can remotely trust in this place, I need to know the truth.”

“Your grace it’s not in my place to-” the woman gasped when Gareth crouched down in front of her and grabbed her shoulders. She cocked her head up and was instantly mesmerized by the man’s face, gosh those eyes where so deep that she felt like drowning in them.

“Please Ronda.. I need to know.”

The woman gulped and attempted to resist but before she knew it, she found herself singing like a canary about the incident that happened between the nosferatu and the elves about a century ago. Gareth listened to the details of the explanation wide eyed until Ronda concluded her explanation.

Gareth was utterly shocked at what the woman had just told him, now everything made so much sense. He still didn’t like how the queen treated Melissa, but he understood her concern to some extent. The prince released Ronda from his grasp and walked to sit on his bed. With his chin leaning into his clasped hands he chuckled, “well there’s no point turning back now..” he spoke softly, “I love Melissa and there’s nothing in this world that can change that.”

He looked at the woman sitting across from him as a faint smile painted his face, “I want to marry her,” he spoke, “I don’t care if history repeats itself I want Melissa to be my wife.”

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