May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

109 Chapter 109 : Why do you want to help me

The next day was a very busy day at the royal palace of Ervelon. Maids were moving up and down decorating, cooking, cleaning, serving and doing so many other activities in preparation for prince Gareth’s welcoming ball. Usually such a celebration would take several days to prepare but because the elves had magic, they were able to knock it off in a matter of hours. The way they pranced around making flowers bloom, hanging ribbons and arranging chairs in several parts of the ball room with their magic looked almost like an enchanting dance. The fact that the help of the place were all female made the process look even more enchanting

Prince Gareth was speaking to the hand maiden Ronda giving her some instructions when queen Tauriel called out to him.

“Please make sure you have it ready before the ball..” prince Gareth concluded his instructions before walking towards his mother.

“But your grace..” Ronda crossed her arms over her chest as she watched Gareth bow to the queen and talk to her. Of all the lousy jobs he could ask her to do he wanted her to prepare the ring? Like hell she would do that! This whole proposal was going to go up in flames anyway, why even bother. The elven woman tucked her hand in her pocket and pat the small peice of paper within gently, this little paper was going to ensure that Melissa would never have a chance with the prince, all Ronda needed to do was to slip it under the door of queen Tauriel’s chambers and everything would fall apart.

“Where have you been Gareth the royal tailor has been waiting for you for over an hour now,” the queen chided her son, “this ball has to be perfect, and so do you.”

The woman grabbed Gareth’s hand and dragged him toward the library where Finwe was already dressed in his white and gold outfit.

“Very nice is it not?” Finwe commented while admiring himself in the mirror.

“Of course,” Gareth responded as he circled his brother, “if you’re going for a wedding, then this outfit is absolutely perfect.”

Finwe furrowed his eyebrows and looked back at the mirror, Gareth was right, the outfit was entirely too flashy. He turned to the tailor and spoke, “I don’t like it, could you make something else?”


The tailor, who was an elderly looking elf but still very attractive regardless, walked towards Finwe slowly. He took out one spool of black thread and another a light blue one into the palm of his hand. He chanted a few words, closed the palm of his hand and just like that Finwe’s once gold and white outfit turned into a soft light blue shirt, a black tailed jacked, black pants and leather boots.

“wow..” Gareth spoke in awe of the use of magic he had just witnessed. “How can you do that?” He spoke as he touched Finwe’s jacket.

“I use magic to control the threads your grace,” the tailor responded, “after I get a feel of the fabric I need, I visualize the designs, sizes and colors and make clothing. It’s not that impressive.”

“On the contrary it’s very impressive!” Gareth praised the man, “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

The tailor smiled sheepishly and bowed to Gareth. This was the first time anyone had really appreciated his magic before. With the countless types of powerful magic in Ervelon, his was just a mere trade in comparison. “Thank you prince Gareth.”

“Alright enough with the chitchat we’re running out of time,” the queen spoke, “please get him dressed right away. Make sure to fit in some purple in his clothing.”

“Why purple?” Gareth questioned his mother as the tailor took his measurements.

“Ronda will be wearing purple,” the queen responded without hesitation, “as she is your guest to the ball, you two have to match.”

“My guest? I don’t remember asking Ronda to-”

“I asked her to come,” the queen interjected, “she is a proper lady whom I’ve practically raised, she’ll look good on your arm.”

“But Melissa..”

“Princess Melissa can go with anyone else, whomsoever she pleases” the queen spoke, “besides I’m sure she’ll understand that having her at the high table with the rest of us will surely cause disarray”

The queen turned to leave, “make sure your brother gets done in time Finwe.” She said as she exited the library.

Gareth glared at the doorway angrily, this woman would really stop at nothing to keep Melissa on the sidelines huh? Well today she would learn that Gareth was not one to be forced into a relationship, it didn’t work in Gavaria and it wasn’t going to work here. The dark haired prince awoke from his reverie when a hand touched his shoulder.

“If you’ll allow me, I can ask Melissa to the ball,” Finwe spoke.

“What? Why do you want to do that?! Do you secretly want her for yourself-” josei

“Calm yourself dear brother,” Finwe responded with a chuckle, “in as much as Melissa is a sight to behold, her beautiful blue eyes, her gorgeous hair, her red lips-”


Finwe burst into chuckles and tapped Gareth’s shoulders, “relax brother I’m only toying with you. I want to ask her so that she can be at the high table next to you. I assume you’d be more comfortable with her in your line of sight.”

Gareth eyed Finwe suspiciously before speaking, “why do you want to help me, don’t you hate Melissa as well.”

“Hate?! Heavens no,” the blond elf gasped as he dramatically flattered his hooded violet eyes, “on the contrary I think Melissa is a good girl. The reason I’m helping you is because-”

Finwe swallowed his words, should he reveal the truth to Gareth? Did he already know? And if he didn’t, how would he react if he found out now before an important event that his mother wanted to go off without a hitch? Might as well play it safe and keep it to himself for the meantime, at lease until after the ball.

“I may not show it but I’m a hopeless romantic brother,” Finwe spoke as he took a seat in one of the chairs of the library, “I just love a good romance.”

Gareth knew that Finwe was lying, he had another reason for doing this but couldn’t figure out what. But for now he’d let him help because if he was going to propose to Melissa at the ball, he needed her to be present and as close to him as possible.

“Alright then,” Gareth responded as his clothes melted away in a haze of light and sparkles, “I’ll take you up on that”


In one of the chambers, Melissa as sitting by the window trying to get her head on straight. Vivian and Maria had told her the previous evening that queen Tauriel was actually planning to give her up to Elric like some sort of bargain to prevent the war. Even though the two nosferatu women had omitted the fact that Melissa was legally married to Elric, Melissa knew the woman wanted to throw her at him in hopes that she would stay away from her son. Queen Tauriel was going to make a sacrificial lamb out of Melissa.

To queen Tauriel, Elric was just a tyrant lycan who had gone rogue and was rampaging the continent conquering kingdoms. She had no idea that the reason Elric was heading to Ervelon was to get Melissa, and even so she was still planning to offer her as a peace offering to him in hopes of pacifying his bloodlust. How cruel could a woman be?

Melissa turned around when she heard a soft knock at her door, “it’s open!”

When the door opened, Melissa stood up and looked at the man who had walked through it in shock, “what do you want?” She questioned him.

Finwe inched closer to Melissa and gave her a bow. He then looked up at her beautiful petit face and smiled warmly at her, “will you please accompany me to the ball princess Melissa?”

The blue eyed nosferatu was frozen in place, why in the world was Finwe asking her to the ball, was this some kind of joke?

“Where’s Gareth?”

Finwe stood up straight, “I’m afraid my mother has put my brother in a bit of a tight spot,” he responded as he gestured someone who was outside the door to come in. “But he wants you at the ball regardless, and the only way you can go is if you go with me.”

Melissa looked at the elderly elf who had measuring tape over his shoulder.

“I don’t feel like attending any ball,” she responded politely and returned to her seat.

“Dear sister in law... can I call you sister in law?”

“You may not,” Melissa responded.

“Well my dear sister in law..” Finwe continued as he inched closer to Melissa, completely disregarding her refusal. “You will want to be there for what Gareth is planning to do, I insist that you attend this ball with me.”

Finwe reached out for Melissa’s hand, “come with me and put an end to this century old rivalry.”

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