May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

114 Chapter 114 : Start calling me your husband.

The leaders of the four tribes were sitting around a fire one evening to discuss their rebuilding strategies. It was almost a month since they had been driven out of the central continent by the humans, and felt they were safe from them for the time being.

Around the fire was Kaiser Stefan of the nosferatu, king Aragon of the elves, Alpha Edron of the lycans and king Dvalin of the dwarves.

“We cannot be nomads forever,” Stefan spoke, “we move with women and children who cannot cope with such a lifestyle. Hence my proposal to rebuild, we are a month away from the humans, we will be safe here.”

“Stefan is right,” Edron added on, “If we wish to replenish our strengths then we need to settle in one place. The land here is fertile and conducive, we can farm and there are enough wild animals for all to feed on.”

“Well it seems we are all in agreement then,” Aragon spoke, “we settle here and claim this land as our own while we strategize on how to rescue our people who were captured.”

The occupants all nodded in agreement, all except Dvalin. “If I may,” Dvalin spoke calmly. He was a short man with a think rough beard and long hair. His arms covered in tattoos and a scar crossing his right green eye. “My people are not familiar with living in forests filled with daisies and galloping reindeer. That’s more of Aragon’s department.”

There were chuckles among the men while Aragon scowled at Dvalin.

“My people are miners and forgers who relish living beneath the earth where we can work best,” Dvalin pointed out.

“So are you saying you wish not to settle here with the rest of us Dvalin?” Aragon questioned the dwarve king.


“There is a gorge not too far from here where we can rebuild our own kind of settlement,” the dwarve king explained, “the earth there is rich in minerals, an ideal place for us dwarves to do what dwarves do best. I am not separating myself from you my brothers I can assure that, my loyalty, the loyalty of my people still belongs to each and everyone of you. It’s the living arrangements here that I am not so comfortable with.”

“Very well Dvalin,” Edron spoke with a grin, “you dwarves go ahead and play around in the dirt as much as you want-”

Edron quickly moved his head to the side just in time to dodge the knife that Dvalin had launched at him. The alpha looked at the wall behind him where the knife had lodged itself and turned back to glare at the dwarve. “You maniac, are you trying to take my fucking head off?!”

“Edron if I wanted to cut off your head I would have cut off your head,” Dvalin responded with a grin.

Edron got to his feet and thrust out his claws, “you want to pick a fight with me runt?!”

“Bring it on dog!”

“Enough already, both of you!” Stefan silenced the two men.

“He called me a dog!” Edron complained while pointing a claw at the dwarve.

“Come on we’re all allies here,” Aragon spoke, “we have one common enemy, the humans. We can’t afford to fight amongst ourselves.”

Edron sat back down and pouted. He then turned to Stefan, the sly grin on his face back in full force. “So Kaiser Stefan, I hear we’re expecting quite the unlikely marriage in the camp soon. Our perfect little prince Aiden couldn’t find a woman of his own kind?”

“Edron it’s a little disturbing to know that you’re so interested in my son’s love life,” Stefan responded with a smirk, “you should have children of your own and maybe you’ll have something else to focus on.”

“Oh get off your high horse Stefan this has nothing to do with my potency!” Edron bellowed, “but it does have something to do with your son’s. Do you really think a nosferatu will be able to pump a baby into an elf.”

“Watch your mouth Edron that is my daughter you’re talking about,” Aragon warned the silver haired alpha.

“Oh come on you two everyone is thinking it.”

“I believe nature has a way of making things works as they should,” Aragon responded. “We’ll just have to sit back and watch.” The elven king than turned to Stefan and gave him a smile, “I’m told your boy plans of asking her today?”

“Ah yes, we should know of her answer before the sun sets,” Stefan responded.


Aiden paced the ground nervously as he awaited Estel to join him. His mother and other women had helped him arrange a beautiful floral pedestal by a nearby waterfall where he was planning to propose to Estel. Even though her mother was still not for the idea and wanted nothing to do with the union, Estel and Aiden’s relationship had gotten Aragon’s blessing and that was enough to get almost everyone on board.

He had sent for Estel a few minutes back and had been practicing the best way to propose ever since.

“Estel I love you, will you be my wife?... No no too straightforward and plain.”

“Estel you are the blood within my veins and... gods no that’s so creepy!”

Aiden drew in a breath for the hundredth time, “Estel...”

“Yes Addie..”

The man turned around abruptly and saw Estel standing a few inches away from him. “Estel! You’re here!” He blurted out.

The beautiful elf chuckled and nodded, “I’m here, it would have been rude if I didn’t show up considering you’re the one who called for me.”

“Oh yeah I did didn’t I?” Aiden chuckled nervously.

The woman looked around the little floral pedestal they were standing on in awe, “this looks really beautiful Addie, did you do this?”

“Well umm I had a little help but yes.” Aiden cleared his throat and wiped his sweaty forehead. Gods why was he so nervous, I mean it’s not like she was going to say no. Wait! What if she did say no, then what?!

The man almost jumped when a soft hand took his, “Addie are you alright?” She questioned the man who was sweating profusely, “you seem nervous.”

Aiden looked at Estel and steeled his heart. He needed to get himself together, this was an important milestone in their relationship and he couldn’t afford to mess it up. He took a deep breath and held both her hand in his.

“Estel there comes a time in man’s life when he cannot live on his own..”

Estel giggled at how jittery Aiden’s voice was. “Addie what in the world are you trying to say?”

“Well I, umm.. you see marriage is a recognized union of people as life partners. This union not only brings two people together but two families, two ideologies, two cultures and two communities together. This union-”

“Aiden! Aiden.. calm down,” Estel spoke sweetly at the shaking man. She tiptoed and gave him a quick kiss before smiling at him. The same smile that Aiden had fallen for the first time they met.

Aiden cupped Estel’s cheeks in both his hands gently and looked into her beautiful brownish- purplish eyes. “Estel, I don’t want to spend another day not calling you my wife,” he spoke in a whisper, “would you please make me the happiest man alive and start calling me your husband from today henceforth?”

Estel blushed intensely as she gazed into Aiden’s sapphire blue eyes, “Addie...” she chocked on her words when realization hit her. Aiden was asking to marry her. Tears filled her eyes and ran down her plump rosy cheeks, wetting Aiden’s palms in the process, was this really happening? It felt like a dream.

Estal sniffled and nodded her head, “yes...”

“Yes?” josei

“Yes Aiden I will be your wife!” Estel exclaimed as more tears ran down her cheeks.

Aiden breathed a sigh of relief and pulled Estel in for a kiss. Estel placed her hands on his chest, gripped his shirt and kissed him back with an equal amount of intensity.

When they broke their kiss, flower petals began falling around them and people appeared out of nowhere in applause for the new couple.

“Psst... psssssst!”

Aiden looked to Vivian who was mouthing, “give her the betrothal bracelet you idiot.”

“Oh!” Aiden dug into the pocket of his pants and took out a beautiful gold bracelet. He looked at Estel and took her hand, “may I?”

When Estel nodded, Aiden placed the bracelet on her wrist and it adjusted to fit her hand perfectly before glowing.

“Wow..” Estel admired the bracelet as it dimmed down its glow, “it’s beautiful.”

“My father gave it to my mother when they got engaged,” Aiden explained, “it’s a special betrothal bracelet Estel, with it I can find you anywhere in the world, and only you and I can take it off your wrist.”

Estel hugged the hand with the bracelet to her chest as more tears flowed down her beautiful face. “I love it Aiden, I’m never taking it off.”


Back at the camp, a young man walked towards the kings and bowed respectfully at them. “Your majesties, she said yes.”

“Brilliant!” Aragon exclaimed happily. He put a hand over Stefan’s shoulder and raised his hand in the air. “Gentlemen, tonight we feast!”

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