May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 116

Chapter 116

116 Chapter 116 : Don’t cry you big baby

After their first intimate encounter, Aiden and Estel had made love constantly over the course of the next few weeks. The intimate connection had strengthened their bond even more and elevated both their moods a great deal.

One late afternoon Estel was walking through the halls of the newly built home where she and her family had been living. and was humming happily to herself as she walked. She was in an especially good mood today because Aiden had just finished building their house and had called for her to see where they would be living. As Estel approached the exit, a voice called to her.

“Off to see that boyfriend of yours again?”

The beautiful blonde elf rolled her eyes and turned to look at her mother who was standing with her arms crossed over her chest. “Mother Aiden is going to be my husband in a few days, I thought by now you would have accepted him.”

“Honey there are too many risks with being with that boy...”

Estel turned around and continued walking out the door to the outside, completely ignoring whatever it was her mother had to say. She wasn’t in the mood for this, no one was going to ruin this day for her.

“Estel don’t you dare walk away from me when I speak to you!” Tauriel screamed at her daughter. She followed her closely behind down the newly paved paths until she caught up with her and grabbed her by the wrist.

“Estel just listen to me for one minute!”

“Why should I mother?!” Estel yelled back, “what is it about Aiden that you hate so much?! Why can’t you just be happy for me and put aside your selfishness for one minute!”


Tauriel jerked her head back in surprise, Estel and had become very fourth coming and vocal ever since she got to know that nosferatu prince, it was an amazing trait to have as a princess and possibly future queen. but even so, their relationship was not right and she needed her daughter to see why.

“Darling I know you love this boy and I’m

sure he loves you too, but I don’t want you to get into something you might regret in the

future,” queen Tauriel explained.

“What makes you think I would ever regret marrying Aiden?!” Estel responded coldly, “we are in love and happy together why can’t you understand that?!”

“Honey marriage is much more than just love!” Tauriel took her daughter’s hands and stroked them gently, “what if one day down the line you wish to have children and realize that you can’t because the two of you are so different. I’m only looking out for you darling nothing else.”

Estel looked at her mother’s face, it was surprising but the woman looked genuinely concerned. She did have a point though, the odds of Aiden and her having children were close to nothing but what did she expect her to do? Leave him and marry someone else for the sake of giving the kingdom heirs?

The princess gently pulled her hands away from her mother’s grasp and turned away, “why don’t you let me worry about that.”

“But honey-”

The princess took a few steps forward but suddenly halted and cupped her forehead. She suddenly felt light headed and a little nauseated, what in the world had she had for lunch? Queen Tauriel rushed to her daughter’s side when she saw her losing balance and helped her stand straight.

“Estel what’s the matter?!”

“I don’t feel so well all of a sudden,” the princess spoke weakly.

Suddenly, a flurry of tiny winged creatures came out of nowhere and began circling around Estel and placing tiny flowers in her hair. “Am I hallucinating or do these butterflies have faces?” The princess asked.

Tauriel looked at the tiny creatures in surprise, she had heard of these from old stories and folklore, they were pixies, but why were they putting flowers in Estel’s hair? Was this a bad omen? Was something going to happen to her daughter?

“Lets go back home,” Tauriel spoke to her daughter who looked weak and a little pale, “we need to ger you a doctor.”

“But Aiden..”

“Aiden can wait,” Tauriel spoke as she tried to lead Estel back to the house but the woman stubbornly refused to budge.

“No! Call Aiden now!” Out of nowhere the princess broke down and started crying, “please mother, I need Aiden here with me, call Aiden now mother please.”

“Alright! I will send for him immediately,” Tauriel responded. “Now please let’s get back home.”

As the two walked back to the house, the pixies circled Estel a few more times leaving little flowers in her hair and then disappeared back into the lush grass that lined the path.


Half an hour later Aiden barged through the doors of Estel’s home with a worried look on his face. He had just been told that his fiancé had suddenly fallen ill and had ran all the way to her house.

“Where is she?! Is she okay?!”

Aragon walked to Aiden and placed his hands gently on his shoulders, “it’s alright son the physician is tending to her as we speak.”

“But what happened?!” Aiden was worried sick and felt like he would lose his mind if he didn’t see Estel, “can I see her?!”

“Aiden calm down!” Aragon spoke to the nosferatu prince. He led him to a chair and helped him settle down, “let’s just be patient for now, she’s going to be fine.”

Aiden nodded and sunk into the chair trying his hardest not to run down the hallway and barge into her room. He ran his fingers through his hair and gazed down the hallway in hopes of seeing the physician walk towards them with good news.

It took about another half hour and right before Aiden was about to snap, a door at the far end of the hall creaked open and a tall serious looking elf with slick platinum blonde hair, who Aiden assumed was the physician, walked slowly towards them. The prince jumped to his feet and walked towards the man, he grabbed the physician’s shoulders and looked him dead in the eye.

“How is she, how is my Estel doing tell me right now!” Aiden demanded.

The man gave Aiden a smile and then pat his shoulder gently, “I assume you’re her husband? Prince Aiden is it? She has been asking for you.”

“What was she saying?!” Aiden questioned the man again, the anticipation was killing him. “Did something happen?!”

“Something did happen,” the physician responded, “I’d say it’s nothing short of a miracle really.”

Aiden was one word away from smacking this man right in the face, why couldn’t he just get to the bloody point already.

“Well I should say congratulations are in order,” the physician added on, “your wife, prince Aiden, is with child. 3 weeks in.”

“What?!” Everyone in the room screamed on union.

Queen Tauriel walked towards the physician and clutched her chest tightly, “are... are you sure of this?”

The tall elf nodded, “without a doubt. This world is about to witness something incredibly special, the first elven-nosferatu hybrid child.” The man turned back to Aiden whose face had gone completely white and gave him another pat on his shoulder. “Congratulations again.”

The physician made his way past the shocked occupants of the room and went on his way. Aragon and Tauriel gave each other nervous glanced before both scampering towards Estel’s chambers, leaving Aiden standing in disbelief.

“Estel is pregnant?” The nosferatu prince muttered to himself, “she’s... she’s carrying our child?” Tears rolled down Aiden’s face and he dropped to his knees, sobbing uncontrollably as happiness filled his body and leaked out of his blue eyes. He remained in that position for about ten minutes before wiping his tears and walking slowly towards Estel’s chambers.

When he peeked through her open door he saw her sitting in her bed talking with her parents and looking as beautiful as ever. Aiden walked into the room and made his way to her bedside.

“I’m sorry Addie,” she spoke with a sheepish smile on her gorgeous face, “I wound up getting pregnant before our wedding... whoops”

Aiden crouched down and pulled Estel into a passionate embrace, “Oh kitty...” he sobbed as he stroked her hair lovingly, “you’ve made me the happiest man alive you have no idea.”

Estel’s eyes grew misty as well at Aiden’s reaction, she wrapped her arms around his back and rubbed it gently, “don’t cry you big baby,” she whispered as tears flowed from her eyes, “crying is for our child not you.” josei

Aiden sobbed even more and hugged Estel tighter, he was so choked up on emotion and happiness that he could barely breath. He couldn’t believe that his fiancé was about to give him the greatest gift anyone could ever ask for, a little bundle of joy that would be part her and part him.

He pulled away from her and cupped her petite face in his palms, “I never thought it would be possible for me to love you more than I already do now, but you’ve proved me wrong Estel. I love you so gaddam much!”

“I love you too Aiden,” Estel spoke between sniffles, “more than you will ever know.”

Aiden pulled her in for a kiss and it felt like the most passionate kiss they’d ever shared. Gods he loved this woman so much, and he was going to do everything within his power to give her and his child a comfortable and safe life, he would make sure of it.

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